Augh Stress!

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2009
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In a dark pit somewhere...
Wow, life is stressful! I know most of you are like, well, duh, but I was sitting in bed thinking about everyhing going on, and it's rough! It's almost impossible for a teen to get a job these days. And what about college? How am I gonna pay for that? And a Car! OMG SO MANY THINGS I'mma lose me mind. I don't wanna seeme like I'm unloading on you guys, but anyone got any advice?
Baby steps are the key. Take things one at a time. Make a list of all the things that are stressing you out in decsending order according to priority. When this is done, get some index cards and copy your list to them, one list item to a card, then get rid of the original list. Stick these cards in the back of a drawer or something, leaving out only the first one. Forget about the rest of them. That first card is all you have to deal with. Once that card has been dealt with, dig into your drawer and pull out the next one, and so on. This might help rationalize things and allow you to keep your stress level down.

Good luck!
Take a deep breath...

Don't beat up on yourself.
Write it it dosn't go spinning round and round in your head.

Make a plan or set goals....
Easy and simple goals that you can achive but not too easy, but not way..way hard..for short term goals.
Yeap...making a list or keeping things on cards as Spare suggested is very helpful.

By learning how to achive or accomplish task and experincing'll know what it feels like to achive and accomplish.
This will also help strenghten your self-esteem, and self dicipline.

Achive one goal at a time..before you start multitasking..
In other words...master or become effcient at one of your simple goals..
Such as excercizing...
example...set a goal to be able to run 5 miles in a month...(this will give you a general dead line or something to shot for)
But you might not be able to so that at your short term goal is to just make it out the park for the week.
Once you can make it to the park consitently..then build on that.
Make another short term goal of being able to walk a on that. Then next week jog a mile..
Then next week jog 2 miles...and so on an so forth...
Priase yourself everytime you accomplish your not wait for anyone to so that...praising for you.
Tell yourself good job...(self motivations)..

Bascailly apply the same principle to your other dreams and goals..

That's what I had to do when I first work at a power plant..I had to learn everything about
that was a 10 story plant with all kinds of equipment and system.
It looked very ,very over whelming.
I simply just broke it down into system, Plus my supervisor was coaching me and helping me.
Encouraging me...not putting me down. I made plenty of mistakes and asked a lot of questions
that I didn't understand...It took me over a year.
After that I was able to tell people from the top of my head...what tools or material needed if
a piece of equipment needed to worked on....I knew every nuts and bolts to that plant like the
back of my hand..

It's bascailly the samething went I manage an electronic project.
I know every component to an assembly like the back of my hand.
I can tell you what each components are , what it dose, where it came from, whom manufacrtured it.

I bascailly did the samething in the past with phone number...before the cell phone days..
I was a walking and talking roller dex..I knew all the phone number to our customers or suppliers.
My boss use to come into my office all the time asking for numbers..lmao
It was a goal I consiously set out to do...though.

Belive in yourself. Love yourself..Ignore those that are negative. Get rid of your negative thoughts.
Have dreams...allow yourself to have big...big..big dreams. Write anything and everything I wish i want
out of your live...water your dream...such as taking care of a plant.
lol my biggest dream was to play live with Avenged Sevenfold one day. That would bo sooo friggin' tight. As far as watering that, I play guitar everyday :p

I'm just so worried that everything's gonna go wrong. I see the homeless people and I think to myself, I don't wanna be like that. I want to be able to provide for my wife once I get married, and I want her to have the best, so that means making a career. I'm 17 and I don't even know what to do! I'm seriously thinking of just joining the marines.
Naval_Fluff said:
lol my biggest dream was to play live with Avenged Sevenfold one day. That would bo sooo friggin' tight. As far as watering that, I play guitar everyday :p

I'm just so worried that everything's gonna go wrong. I see the homeless people and I think to myself, I don't wanna be like that. I want to be able to provide for my wife once I get married, and I want her to have the best, so that means making a career. I'm 17 and I don't even know what to do! I'm seriously thinking of just joining the marines. never know..allow yourself to follow your dreams..
Cool...playing the guitar will help you a lot..with descipline.

Music is so, so can never know it all and there's always something new to learn and
try to master.

Can you play the 5 patterns of the pentatonic scale on your
guitar yet ?

Master the guitar and you'll have 20 wives..lmao :p

My HS friend plays with FearFactory..

One of these days..I'm ripping it too...:)
Don't be like me and wait for it to happen or get all excited and want it all at once then when you cant.. give up :(
Like Lonesome Crow and Spare said baby steps. Writing what you want down in a list really helps! The most important at the top of the list. Cross it out when you get it done so you can see what you've accomplished. Carry the list in your wallet/bag/etc so you can see it everyday.
I better start doing that too! I've got tons to do and if I cant get it done the first time I'd usually give up on it all unless theres someone there reminding me of what I got to do when I forget/give up. :(
Naval_Fluff said:
Nah, I can't even play one pentatonic scale. All I do is find tabs on the internet and play them...mostly Metallica.

Well...make that your goal for the summer.

penta = 5= 5 notes :p

C major scale (reference piont)= all the white keys on a key board..(no sharp or flat)
Drop the B note and the F note..or the 4th note and the 7th note.

C, D,E,G, A = C maj pentatonic
A,C,D, E ,G = A min pentatonic (relative minor of C maj)lol (bascailly the same notes..lmao)

You can down load tabs that'll show you the 5 patterns that fits like a jig saw puzzle...

Once you memorize those five patterns...then you simply slide it up or down the neck like a slide ruler
to change you do when you play a power chord to get a differnt pitch.
In other any key :p

When you want to play a full diatonic scale or major scale...just add the 2 notes (simple)

Chords are easy....It's just every other note..lmao the key of C maj

C,E,G is the first chord (maj)
D,F,A is the second chord (min)
E,G,B is the third chord..(min)

It's alright...I still remember mettalica songs from when I was in HS...we didn't have tabs back when though..:p
It was crazy trying to figure out eruption by ears...lmao
But I bascailly just broke it down into sections...
This is all such good advice! Everything's a lot harder than I thought it would be though. I mean, my parents are kicking me out at 18. Don't get wrong, I'm not whining, but If I don't get a job, I'm screwed for life. That means I only got about 360 days to get a job :eek:
Naval_Fluff said:
This is all such good advice! Everything's a lot harder than I thought it would be though. I mean, my parents are kicking me out at 18. Don't get wrong, I'm not whining, but If I don't get a job, I'm screwed for life. That means I only got about 360 days to get a job :eek:

LOL...don't think like that.
You're not screwed for life.

that's way...way into the future.
That's how all the fear gets generate...becuase we simply
don't know what's going to happen...

Try to focus on what you can today.

There's a saying...
one foot in tomorrow and the other foot in yesterday and you're
pissing all over today...

All we have is now...right here..right now.
When you get to's going to be in the NOW...
We need to bring our minds back to the presence..
We can only act in the presence.

You'll be able to cross that bridge when you get there..
Cross the bride that you are at now. Put your best effort in today..

make a plan..set goals..follow your dreams..and don't settle for less.

Beliving in're able to handle whatever comes..

Those dudes from seven unfolded had to face the samething that you're going though...
I used to get stressed. I used to have really bad anxiety, but cured myself.

Try breathing exercises. Take slow deep breaths.
Naval_Fluff said:
Kinda like there is no time except the present?


our stress and anxieties are from fears or projection of the future..
But our minds cannot resolve the future..becuase the future never
gets here...this is how worries, obsession sets in.

At most anyone of us can do is make a calulated risk or guess
of what's going to happen tommorow.

Then we get so overwhlem but the emotions generated from
the projection of the future (illusions).we sometime end up doing nothing..

Bacailly worrying takes more energy than doing.
Or worring robe us of our energy to do what we need to do
or live in today.

Keeping a positive attitude or have faith is the samething.
You don't have to be religious to have faith..
Beliving in yourself is the samething as having's actaully
is faith at the core..

The more we stay in today and act and do the best we can in today
the more self esteem we will gain. We experince to have faith
in ourselves more and more each day in the now.

Do not over look any minor task that you accomplish today..
Always love yourself...learn from you mistakes (do not beat up on yourself).
Any little task such as making your bed, keeping you room clean, or playing you guitar.
Or even the task of sitting down and writing out you goals, hopes and dreams.

Priase not wait for your parents, friends or anyone else to do it...

It's been said that 95% people that write out thier hopes and dreams have thier
dreams come true...if you manage to write your hopes and dreams'll be
in the top 5 % of the people...:p
mmm...becuase the pen wieghs a ton...lmao
lol It's always cool until you stop after playing an itty bitty intro and people are like...where's the rest? right now I'm practicing singing while I play..I always mess up my playing when I sing with it :(
Naval_Fluff said:
lol It's always cool until you stop after playing an itty bitty intro and people are like...where's the rest? right now I'm practicing singing while I play..I always mess up my playing when I sing with it :(

Just do a litle bit of reseach on music theory.
There's all kinds of informations avaliable on the net today.

It's even made more simple to comprehend than when I was a kid.
It's not that hard or compicated...don't let it stop from lernding it.
You'll be a better musician over all.

Tab are cool to have sometimes, if you understand music theory
you'll be able to read the tabs or figure songs faster...

Or alter the song's pitch (keys) to better match your vocal range.

Most of my student that I've taught only spend around a month
with me and they advance very fast.
I keep it simple for them. I also break it down to where they
can comprehend it without racking thier brains.
Bascailly goal settings or baby steps...they know they can
play complicated scales (achivements) if yes follow simple
I've spent many years studying it and found what's
more simple to go about learning to play the guitar through
trials and errors...

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