Do you enjoy going out by yourself?

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Rosebolt said:
I tend to bring a friend along when i go do stuff like buying clothes or something, but i prefer going alone. Tomorrow i plan on going to have lunch at a restorant on my own, for the first time. Looking forward to it.

I can't say for sure if I enjoy it more than being with other people, but I'm definitely more at ease when I'm by myself. Hmmm.
I've had to learn to go out alone over the past few years or become a hermit.

When I go to a restaurant to eat, I normally site at the bar. To me, a guy by himself sitting at the bar eating seems a bit less pathetic than a guy sitting at a table for 4 alone. :p

I usually don't go to concerts alone, but if it's someone I really want to see I'll suck it up and go.
If I go out with MYSELF, at least I know there would be intelligent conversation. :cool:

Disclaimer: No, I dont talk to myself in public - that's generally reserved for work-related rants. :D
After reading a few of these post's & a fair bit of thort ive realised I actualy prefer doing quite a few things alone, I like going to the gym alone its easier to get a good rythum going, love going to the movies alone its got a solem but exciting feeling cos ur not actualy alone, and the benifit of not having someone constantly asking what just happend i missed that? Haha
People dont date much where Im from so seeing ppl eating at resturants alone is quite common, tho ive never done it, going to bars alone is common here i often do it myself, because smoking in bars is banned now its not smokey so Ill go there just to listen to certain rockbands from time to time, I often get hit on probably cos its easier to approach a guy when he's not in a group, so there's an up side to going out alone guys!
[ I often get hit on probably cos its easier to approach a guy when he's not in a group, so there's an up side to going out alone guys! ]

Heh. Maybe I should go out more often then. LOL. It seems to me though that if women are going to approach you it's when you are with people because they see you being social. I seem to have more success when I'm in a group or out with someone(not with a woman though because they'll assume she's my girlfriend). But anyway, maybe if I keep going out by myself a woman will approach me. I don't expect that to happen but it would be cool.
I suppose it depends on what the girls intentions are & what type of persons she is aswell oh and how many drinks shes had lol sum girls drink for courage too haha
And after a few will approach a guy in a group cos all inhibitions are lost, but as we know all women are differnt in a sense and cant be put into one box , we will never fully understand them, that same girl might find it intimidating to approach a guy at the bar on his own but may find it easier to approach a group of guys flirt till one has the courage to take her home, ive seen sum funnythings over the years
I remember once in college some cute girl at a bar put her hand on my back then her hand just went south and started to squeeze my behind. I started to do the same to her but before I could get too far her friend grabbed her hand and pulled her out. LOL. She was quite obviously pretty drunk needless to say. Lol.

I guess I don't go out enough to experience women approaching me and trying to pick me up etc. All the times I have gone out it's rarely happened though.
There are certain places it's best to avoid - restaurants (real ones) or up market cafes, movie theatres at night, bars also; you're the only person alone in there while everyone else is rambling on to their friends. It can look odd being on your own. Hanging about areas where people normally socialize can feel awkward.
I dont pretend to know alot about picking up chicks, but recently I started going out alot it was a lengthy process to get to that stage tho I wanted to break my behaviour as I used to be quite antisocial,but for 7 consecutive weekends I had differnt woman try to take me home from bar's, last year my gf ended our relationship & I was ready to settle down so none of these woman appealed to me & I turned down every single one becos It goes against my beliefs & I still very much loved her, but now that Im happy and ready to look for love again Im not feeling the need to go out like I was so Im hardly meeting anyone new & Im quite happy with that

rdor said:
There are certain places it's best to avoid - restaurants (real ones) or up market cafes, movie theatres at night, bars also; you're the only person alone in there while everyone else is rambling on to their friends. It can look odd being on your own. Hanging about areas where people normally socialize can feel awkward.

I agree to some degree & yeah it can be very akward specialy if ur there intending on finding someone to hook up with, I found tho that cos I never went there for that perpose I always felt comfortable cos I was there purely for the bands maybe thats why I got hit on alot

Girls love attention so sometimes when ur not giving any, all the attention is on you kinda thing... If that makes sense, im a person who dont make eye contact either unless I know you its a respect thing tho some people find it rude
I dislike going out, but I like to be alone. So going out alone is kind of funny, no idea how to express it. Its like doing something I like and I do not like at the same time.

Well anyway, going out alone is still alone. What I meant here is going out alone is really being alone, not going alone to a pub and have a group of nice people to chat with, that is more unlikely going out alone.

I do not know why some enjoy it when they go out by themselves. Like, watching a movie alone? Go into the fast food restaurant while every tables hold a family and you are eating alone? It is not being alone that is hard to deal with. It is the surrounding that makes you feel uncomfortable, like you are different than other people. Instead you are planning to enjoy it, it ends up giving you tension and a lot of stalkers' eyes lol.

I don't know, unless I really need to go out to do something alone, like jogging is fine with me, a lot of persons jog alone. I will pick the environment that makes me feel nature and comfortable. Other places, well, I would rather cook and eat myself at home.
I do everything I can to not go out because it's alway so depressing. I even try to find ways of not going to my parent's house because the 90 mile drive is torture.
I always go to concerts alone. It's more fun than going with someone who will talk through the entire concert.

Same with movies.

I can't go out to eat by myself, though, unless I bring a book or my laptop. Coffeeshops are fun, fancy places are not. I get really sad if I eat alone at someplace where I would be expected to not be by myself.
I think it depends on the activity or the destination. I enjoy going out walking or shopping by myself, but things like going to the pub, going for a meal, going to a movie etc. I just find more fun when I'm part of a couple/group.

I don't really do much of anything at the moment, so it isn't really an issue. Once my divorce is final and I get my life in order, maybe then I'll be able to start 'doing things' again.
To answer the question asked in the title of the thread.

No, not really.

I don't mind when it comes to things like shopping or work related tasks but on a social level I just find that it really reminds me that I am alone.

At the end of last year I had every intention of making an effort in going out more often socially and started 2013 by doing that, but unfortunately I have gone back into my shell.

A lack of friends is a major reason for this.

el Jay said:
I don't really go out much by myself, but I don't really have friends to go out with, so I simply don't go out much in general.

Sounds exactly like me.
It's been good times for me for a while now. I've become pretty close to a group of people. In total, there are 7 of us. More often then not, at least 2 people are willing to come out if I want to. But I don't mind doing some things alone. Having people around can worsen an experience.
I would love to go out by myself, but so shy and so small city, always seeing the same faces. .__.
nope, never. i always drag my sister with me everywhere, if only it was possible to drag her to work and entertain me while i'm working haha :\
Mike413 said:
If I go out and do stuff it's going to be myself since I live alone. Sometimes I have to force myself to go out especially on the weekends.

I have no problems with going to fast food or places like that to eat(although I'm trying to lose weight so I'm trying to stop going to most of them)but will not go to a restaurant by myself and rarely go to the movies by myself(although I used to quite a bit). After having some negative experiences at concerts I don't go to many anymore but sometimes will still go by myself if I really want to go.

So what do you guys think? Movies, coffee shops, restaurants, plays, museums, concerts? The library and shopping and laundry are easy to go to and the last two are very important. But what about social stuff? DO you force yourself to go out? I'm going out in a little bit but not sure how that will turn out. LOL.

To answer my own question I usually don't enjoy it much but I do it anyway since it's better than sitting at home by myself all the time.

Yeah, for me this is one of the biggest drawbacks of being alone. In the past I always enjoyed spending time on my own, as long as it was at a quiet venue, e.g. a half empty or better movie theater, golf course, or gym etc. If there were too many groups of people then I would get self-conscious about being alone and end up not enjoying it. Out of sight, out of mind, you know?

I used to play a lot of golf on my own when I was still at school, but I still played with my friends as well. Needless to say, I've gone backwards a lot and I don't do any of the things that I love doing anymore. I think that's the secret...moderation. Having privacy and doing your own thing is only great when it's a rare commodity. Otherwise, every time you do something that you love doing, you will only be reminded of the fact that you are doing it alone, AGAIN! That's the way it is for me anyway. Right now, I would LOVE to go to a driving range or go jogging, but I know after 2 or 3 weeks I would just get bored doing it alone and then stop altogether. I hate admitting that I need a friend or two, but I guess I do.

OnlyMe said:
To answer the question asked in the title of the thread.

No, not really.

I don't mind when it comes to things like shopping or work related tasks but on a social level I just find that it really reminds me that I am alone.

At the end of last year I had every intention of making an effort in going out more often socially and started 2013 by doing that, but unfortunately I have gone back into my shell.

A lack of friends is a major reason for this.

el Jay said:
I don't really go out much by myself, but I don't really have friends to go out with, so I simply don't go out much in general.

Sounds exactly like me.

I completely agree! Back when I still had friends, I enjoyed do stuff with them and they would often convince me to go out and join them. I guess it's partially my fault for pushing them away and not changing my attitude.

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