do you feel your age?

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I'm 32 but feel 17. I get along better with most teenager than ppl my age. I still act like one in a way too even if I have 3 kids and I'm married. I don't want my body getting older cause I'm still to young.
I feel like a mature adult most of the time but then the wrong event comes along and I wrap my arms around my knees, rock back and forth sobbing, I feel like a scared 7 year old. In more hopeless moments I can easily wish I were 80 and about ready to die. When a good snow comes along and I'm ready to hop on a snowboard and then jam to metal music.. It's all in the mind... Hang onto youth and fun as long as you can and in as many ways as you can. It's priceless.... :)
Im 21 going on 12 LOL. I still feel around 15 or 16 years old most of the time, this is partly to do with my current lifestyle and situation - basically if I was more independant and not still living with my mother, worked and had more life experience and stuff like that I might not feel like I'm still 15/16 years old so often, I might feel more my age or perhaps a little older, I don't know.
cieljoli88 said:
hey guys...noob here lol.

lmao that made me giggol :p

Well I don't feel my age.
Am 36 and look much younger. I feel younger compared to most guys I know my age with there beer belly and boldness and that where I still got a nice thin belly and a good head of hair XD

But I have always felt older in my head.
Not in a am going to act serious way just always felt wiser even though I probably don't act it.

based on my knowledge of the world and accomplishments? I feel like a child.

based on weariness (not nearly as much physical as mental)? ewwww... decades older when imagining those of that age who feel weary, I suppose.

based on looks? I feel my age (29) but wish I were back at 22 or 23. It's crazy how some of the subtle things that make one look older start to really show around this time.


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