Do You Have Sympathy For Obese People?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
I'm not what you would call thin. I'm 5 foot 7 and weigh around 200lbs. Some however are much heavier, 300 to 400 lbs. I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for those poor souls. I couldn't begin to imagine the magnitude of physical and mental pain those who weigh so much are in.

I've heard it time and time again from some people who say: Put down the fork! Get your lazy ass of the couch and do some exercise! I just don't see
any therapeutic value in harsh statements like that.

I'm not that heavy, but is it not easier for those who aren't struggling with their weight to say without being in the same boat? Just curious to hear your thoughts.

Being fat was what resulted in me having no self-esteem/confidence, no friends for years and being suicidal. So since I was fat, I do feel sympathy.

LoneKiller said:
I've heard it time and time again from some people who say: Put down the fork! Get your lazy ass of the couch and do some exercise! I just don't see any therapeutic value in harsh statements like that.

These are the same types of people who would tell depressed people to just "snap out of it".

Yes, I do.

I'm one of those people who jokes around a lot, but there's some subjects I rarely joke about. Obesity belongs to that group of topics, because I've seen how hard it is for people to lose weight and how this issue demolishes their self image.

What frustrates me is when people make fun of fat people.

I have seen how this affects their self esteem. Including me. And for those that eat out of depression, bullying them for it doesn't help. There needs to be a better solution than that.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
What frustrates me is when people make fun of fat people.

I don't like seeing anyone upset for being made fun of. It's one thing to joke about things, but it's another to be cruel to someone about it. Personally, it doesn't bother me if someone wants to call me names or anything, simply because I just don't pay people mind. But I know it upsets a lot of people, and that's wrong.

Do I have sympathy? Depends. I don't think fatness should define anyone.
DesertWolf said:

LoneKiller said:
I've heard it time and time again from some people who say: Put down the fork! Get your lazy ass of the couch and do some exercise! I just don't see any therapeutic value in harsh statements like that.

These are the same types of people who would tell depressed people to just "snap out of it".
Yeah, I know right?

VanillaCreme said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
What frustrates me is when people make fun of fat people.

I don't like seeing anyone upset for being made fun of. It's one thing to joke about things, but it's another to be cruel to someone about it. Personally, it doesn't bother me if someone wants to call me names or anything, simply because I just don't pay people mind. But I know it upsets a lot of people, and that's wrong.

Do I have sympathy? Depends. I don't think fatness should define anyone.

I guess you have a thicker skin than I do. I have been told by many of my friends that I need to get a thicker skin - hell, even on this forum, I was told by Pezza that I was too sensitive! I know this about myself.

I don't like people being bullied, because I have been bullied several times in my life, and it wasn't always in high school. The last was at Krogers, believe it or not, while I was working as a deli clerk. The biggest bully was a 60 year old, gray haired, woman, who seemed to take my passivity as an excuse to walk all over me, and make me the butt of everyone's jokes.

I can't really say that I am surprised when people tease me, because I am used to it. I was bullied for being different, and the only thing different about me was that I was small and wore glasses and was non athletic and bookish...people liked me fine, I had friends, but I was still teased for being "different." And I suppose that's why I dislike people that make fun of fat people. Even if I was thin again, I would hate it...because I've been there. I've felt the sting of being bullied and tormented, and I know how lonely it is at the bottom...which is why I would never want to put anybody else down there.
I'd beat the honeysuckle out of anyone if they made fun of a fat person. Or anyone for that matter.
Ak5 said:
I'd beat the honeysuckle out of anyone if they made fun of a fat person. Or anyone for that matter.

Bullies come in all shapes and sizes, and some of them are in their old age. Some never snap out of it.
The funny thing is, I used to be made fun of by a bully in high school.

Then one day, I took a swing at him, and gave him a black eye.

He never picked on me again. ;)
Pezza said:
Ak5 said:
I'd beat the honeysuckle out of anyone if they made fun of a fat person. Or anyone for that matter.

That's what I used to do :D

And that's how I ended up in France...

Hell! I'd like to end up in France. :p

LoneKiller said:
When I was in grade 6 I was bullied all the time by a girl.:p

You know what Frank Zappa said about France, right?

"There is no hell. There is only France." - Frank Zappa

Real quote
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
The funny thing is, I used to be made fun of by a bully in high school.

Then one day, I took a swing at him, and gave him a black eye.

He never picked on me again. ;)

Good for you. :D

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
You know what Frank Zappa said about France, right?

"There is no hell. There is only France." - Frank Zappa

Real quote

I did not know that.
Zappa was a funny guy.

Funny AND talented. He could write complex music and play it all like it was nothing.
LoneKiller said:
When I was in grade 6 I was bullied all the time by a girl.:p

Ah the female bully, no guy ever knows how to handle them because physically hurting a girl is immoral. Of course me being the little honeysuckle that I was I would find ways to punish them. Most of the time I'd cover them in Coke or Ribena, it stains their clothes and makes them look a mess, then they'd get all sticky and the wasps would follow them around for the rest of the day :p

"There is no hell. There is only France." - Frank Zappa

^^^^ This is going in my signature :p
i am 103 kilos and got made fun of yesterday by an uncle who was visiting. pissed me off! he wouldnt lay off me. he was speaking nonsense like "hey you have out on weight since the last time i saw you". "did you put it on in bombay or since youc ame back?". "what are you doing about it?".

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