dont u just hate...

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Aug 3, 2008
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lots of people congregating. people with lots of friends. fake smiles. false sympathy. delusive concerns. pretentious people. clubs. parties. mr. know-it-all. you get my drift.
silverblackvoid_ll said:
lots of people congregating. people with lots of friends. fake smiles. false sympathy. delusive concerns. pretentious people. clubs. parties. mr. know-it-all. you get my drift.

I am on a Carl Jung kick You take what you can and learn from people. I believe that most people are good inside, they just lose thier way or maybe never find it. I like to have some faith in them. Have we not all done something you listed above at one time or another? If someone willfully harms another then is when I have a real problem with the situation.

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.
Carl Jung

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Carl Jung
silverblackvoid_ll said:
lots of people congregating. people with lots of friends. fake smiles. false sympathy. delusive concerns. pretentious people. clubs. parties. mr. know-it-all. you get my drift.
Sounds like church. . . .
lots of people congregating. people with lots of friends. fake smiles. false sympathy. delusive concerns. pretentious people. clubs. parties. mr. know-it-all. you get my drift.

Yea, I've thought about this too. I do not mind or hate people with many friends, or parties,clubs, etc. What I do mind is when a person, who I've been trying to befriend with, gets sucked into those groups and choose them instead of me. I'm not saying they are bad people, it's just that I live in a different world, I can never join them. So, I'd just let them be and find people that are like myself to hang out with.

I'm always trying to make friends, and I do get alot of fake concerns, especially from girls. I can tell when someone doesn't care about me when I talk with him/her but when that happens, it just motivates me to care about that person more. I'll show the total opposite of what he/she has shown me. I'd text a person who doesn't even bother to keep my number, etc. They don't usually realize this immediately, but eventually they will when they are having a hard time, when I'm the only one who would still talk to him/her. I always get reactions like "You're worried about me?".
Also, I believe in Karma. When you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you care about people, people will care about you,.....someday...and of course, if you hate them....they will hate you. So do not Hate.
blue, if u belive in Karma, then you should study the Bhagawad Gita. there you will find lot of answers and also know about the ultimate question: why we are here
silverblackvoid_ll said:
lots of people congregating. people with lots of friends. fake smiles. false sympathy. delusive concerns. pretentious people. clubs. parties. mr. know-it-all. you get my drift.

I hear ya , its all bs and I HATE IT!!! FAKE STUFF MAKES ME WANNA PUKE!!
why does alot of people think everyone is fake? I mean everyone so some degree leave who they really are at home, if you told everyone exactly what you thought, you wouldnt have many friends.

"do i look fat it this", you say "no, its fine" when your really thinking "you look fat in everything" catch my drift?

You cannot hate people for having friends, by doing so your choosing to never have friends. Instead of standing on the outside, get in there, become apart of the group.

Why do you hate partys? clubs? thats where you meet people and make friends sometimes i feel some of you want to be lonely.

I think you may expect to much from people.
Porman said:
Why do you hate partys? clubs? thats where you meet people and make friends sometimes i feel some of you want to be lonely.

I think you may expect to much from people.

This is true in my case, Porman. ANd I also expect too much from myself.
I think, calling a fat person fat is being honest - that is telling the truth about everything.
But maybe that's not the kind of "true" or honesty silverblackvoid is trying to say.
It's more like....being true in friendship, being truly caring, true in their actions.

You can lie to a friend about something but still being his true friend.

Oh, I just thought of a quote from my teacher,
"Finding friends that would laugh with us is easy, but finding a friend who would cry with us is not."
That, is what being "true" is all about.

As for the parties and clubs, heh I don't like them too, but that doesn't mean I don't like making friends. Some people are just afraid of being with too many people, worrying that they would hate him. That's how I feel. But I agree that we cannot hate people for having friends, it's not fair.
Naleena said:
I believe that most people are good inside, they just lose thier way or maybe never find it.

It seems to me that most people are good only when they are too weak to do anything bad.
What an interesting thread this turned out to be.

Naleena said:
I believe that most people are good inside, they just lose thier way or maybe never find it.

How true, I even think ppl that have done terrible things like rape and murder have good in them. I mean what has that person gone fro in there life's in order to have been able to have done those thing? Are we really in a persuasion to judge in tell we have lived there life? Of course if there a danger to society then they should be locked up still in tell there not.

bluehawk said:
silverblackvoid_ll said:
lots of people congregating. people with lots of friends. fake smiles. false sympathy. delusive concerns. pretentious people. clubs. parties. mr. know-it-all. you get my drift.
Sounds like church. . . .


Blue said:
Also, I believe in Karma. When you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you care about people, people will care about you,.....someday...and of course, if you hate them....they will hate you. So do not Hate.

I so do agree with you here. To not hate and to forgave the wrong doings that ppl have done to us is not easy. But for ourselves I think we must try to do this. The hardest thing of course is to forgive ourselves sometimes. But again its just as important to for give other ppl as well as our self in order to move on.

Also I think to be happy around other ppl well make them happy and well wont to make them spend time with you. Happy ppl make other ppl happy :) Karma,

Porman said:
"do i look fat it this", you say "no, its fine" when your really thinking "you look fat in everything" catch my drift?

I think its OK to be honest with a friend if you think they look fat and they ask you then say so. But there is a right and wrong way to do that.

Also a true friend would be there to motivate a friend to loss weight.

I think you should nearly always be honest with a friend.

Porman said:
I think you may expect to much from people.

I think I now expect less from ppl. Not in a bad way. just I think sometimes that ppl can expect a miracle from there friends and loved ones. I think we should all realize that they are only ppl with there own wants and needs and they well not have such a perfect life ether. I don't know anyone who dose have a perfect life.

Your teacher is a wise man or woman :)

Blue said:
Oh, I just thought of a quote from my teacher,
"Finding friends that would laugh with us is easy, but finding a friend who would cry with us is not."
That, is what being "true" is all about.
generally i hate most of the people that i know. going to clubs and parties will only intensify the problems.
dont you hate when your eating pork chops and your like "ewww why do i smell mustard, is there mustard in your apricot sauce" and then moms like "mmmmm what?" and doesnt give you a straight answer. come to find out after diner there WAS dejon mustar in that ish! i hate mustard but that was some gooooood porkchops. she tricked me!
loketron said:
dont you hate when your eating pork chops and your like "ewww why do i smell mustard, is there mustard in your apricot sauce" and then moms like "mmmmm what?" and doesnt give you a straight answer. come to find out after diner there WAS dejon mustar in that ish! i hate mustard but that was some gooooood porkchops. she tricked me!

..or, you could just learn to cook for yourself.
silverblackvoid_ll said:
lots of people congregating. people with lots of friends. fake smiles. false sympathy. delusive concerns. pretentious people. clubs. parties. mr. know-it-all. you get my drift.

I think you've just described the majority of the human race.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that the word "hate" is overused and in most cases wrongly used? (no offence silverblackvoid :p)
First off I'll say that I certainly don't like anything that truly is fake. When it comes to people with lots of friends I could never say that I hate them, I mean why should I? They haven't done anything wrong to me or anyone else. Do I get jealous of them? Yes it happens, and I think this is what many people feel too? I would love to have lots of friends, genuine honest friends who will be there for me just like I'll be there for them.
Hate is a pretty strong word and an even stronger feeling. Genuinely hating someone or something takes up A LOT of energy, and for what? What good does it do anyone to spend so much time and energy on hate? Doesn't it just make you even more sad, angry, depressed and bitter? If you want happiness in your life you certainly won't get it by hating anyone or anything.
I used to say that I hated my grandma. To this day I still think she's a bad person for all the honeysuckle she's thrown at everyone in my family through the years. But I don't hate her. I don't like hating cos it doesn't make me a better person. And I'm not going to allow a person I dislike to make me have such negative feelings as hate.
And that's another thing. I think quite often people will use the word "hate" when their true feeling is something else such as jealousy or that they have different opinions and beliefs from other people.
For me it would take something incredibly serious (if anything) for me to genuinely hate someone/something, because it's such a waste of time that could be spent on happier things.
As for people I dislike for the bad things they've done I choose to be around them as little as possible and think about them as little as possible. By being around them I would just be throwing gasoline on the fire for the both of us, if you know what I mean...

Hating makes you miserable. Loving makes you happy.

Does this make sense to anyone?

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