Fat girls can't be princesses.

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Jul 10, 2011
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New Orleans, La
I live in the beautiful city of New Orleans. There, some of the most beautiful homes can found. Sometimes, I'll drive through the Marigny and the French Quarter, and I always see this one house that leaves me in awe. It looks like a sparkly blue and white castle with lavender shutters and a glowing garden. My reality is my imagination and vice-versa; I fuse the two together. I want to feel like a princess.

I celebrated my 18th birthday two days ago. My best friend, knowing me very well, gave me a fairy princess wand as a "gag gift." For a while, it made me feel special and important. But after a while, I started having doubts. I realized I didn't deserve it. Only pretty girls are allowed to be princesses, and the fact that I was deluding myself would only cause myself greater strife in the future.

I'm not sure what it is about me, but I can't take a compliment. I have lots of friends, and I'd say I'm pretty smart, but personality, wit, generosity and intelligence only gets one so far.

Is it so much to hope for that big girls are allowed to feel pretty? Even only for a day? Because despite my large outward appearance, I have very petite and girly habits and quirks and over-sensitivity. I want to feel like a girl.

I tend to ramble and jump from one thing to another; I apologize. My mind is a vortex.
Weight is one of the bodily issues we have control over. If you feel the way you look is negatively affecting the way you feel then work to change it. It will be something that takes months, and set realistic goals.
LostInside said:
Weight is one of the bodily issues we have control over. If you feel the way you look is negatively affecting the way you feel then work to change it. It will be something that takes months, and set realistic goals.

all truth. never set unrealistic goals for yourself. if you do decide to lose weight, go in understanding that you'll lose it quick at first and then your body catches up and it slows down (but never stops completely). never let that deter you...it's a lot harder to lose weight than to put it on. don't starve yourself, because you just lose muscle instead of fat which is even more unhealthy.

if you're serious though, you can be that princess you want to be. it just requires effort, like everything worth having in life.
you're pretty if you feel pretty when you look in the mirror.

everybody else will see it.
There's a game on PSN called fat princess. You have to stuff her face with sweets to make her as fat as possible so the enemy has a hard time capturing her, since they do so by literally picking her up and carrying her back.
adventure time? lumpy space princess!

Your low self-esteem is the problem, not your weight; It's rarely as simple as that. Plenty of people feel their weight is causing them to feel negatively about themselves, only to then lose the weight and feel no different. Perhaps allowing themselves to become fat was a symptom rather than a cause?

Being pretty and "girly" is not about matching some socially acceptable idea of what is attractive.
What Dave said. It's not really your weight. There are plenty of people - guys - who don't care, or who like big girls. As one myself, I tend to think that too sometimes, but it's not. When you feel comfortable with yourself, because I'm sure you're beautiful, other people will be okay with it.
Who the fresia wants to be a princess anyway? Whining and high-maintenance and ego problems... I know I wouldn't want some ***** princess.

I'd rather have a peasant girl who's real to herself.
I think losing your weight can do loads for you.

I was 300+ lbs, now I'm at about 200 lbs (I'm 6'4). At first I didn't think losing the weight helped at all, but my life is easier in so many ways now. When it comes to the opposite sex, doing stuff, my self esteem. Losing weight (THE RIGHT WAY) can only be good for you, do it. The longer you wait the harder it will be, there is no reason to post pone it. Just being healthy and active does wonders for your mental state. Really. One can have low self esteem for a lot of reasons, but that shouldn't be an argument against losing the weight.

It helped me so much in so many aspects of life, please do the same. I am always saddened when I see overweight people who just don't bother to change anything because they think it isn't going to help, or because they don't think they can go through with it.
Aww, Tentacles... you should want me despite my princessy ways. Not all princesses are whiny or have ego issues.
nerdygirl said:
Aww, Tentacles... you should want me despite my princessy ways. Not all princesses are whiny or have ego issues.

True, but the general rule still holds.


...I make exception for you anyday. ;) lol
Never the Princess, fresia people. fresia the people who tell you you should lose weight, fresia anyone who tells you you can't be a princess, and fresia any man who doesn't treat you like one.

If someone thinks differently, fresia 'em. You and them are incompatible. Move on.

As for big girls being beautiful? Hell yeah!
CrazieCute said:
Never the Princess, fresia people. fresia the people who tell you you should lose weight, fresia anyone who tells you you can't be a princess, and fresia any man who doesn't treat you like one.

If someone thinks differently, fresia 'em. You and them are incompatible. Move on.

As for big girls being beautiful? Hell yeah!

or... Don't fresia anyone who tells you you can't be a princess.
nerdygirl said:
or... Don't fresia anyone who tells you you can't be a princess.

verb (used with object)
1. to have sexual intercourse with.
2. Slang . to treat unfairly or harshly.

5. Slang . (used to express anger, disgust, peremptory rejection, etc., often followed by a pronoun, as you or it. )

lol say, "fresia!" not, "fresia?"
Losing weight is a favorable thing, generally healthy and definitely empowering. I would wholly recommend it if it is possible.
When someone calls you a "Princess" it's usually a bad thing unless it's your father. But I pretty much agree with everyone else here, it's how you feel about yourself, not what others say.
Funny. I agree with the others: Self-esteem is the main reason. Even though I'm only 15 I have tons of anecdotes, so here is one!

I knew this girl in middle school, during 7th grade she was in great shape (I'm male so of course I looked at her!) and well I never really had the courage to talk to her because I myself was overweight. Anyway, she was really outgoing and everyone liked her. Next year: First day of school.....WHAT THE F***, her face was all plumpy and round, Love handles magically appeared too. And you could see her face, sad, hopeless, very un-confident. So yes, weight inflicts a lot on your self-esteem.
In my head, you can allow yourself to feel lots of things. Just not pretty.
I can't allow myself to feel burly either, I'm a slim guy.

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