Girls - Would you date a fat guy who improving himself?

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2012
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Here's a quick question for the women out there...

Would you date a fat guy who was improving himself? Eating better, walking every day, going to a personal trainer, and losing weight?
To me, a person isn't defined by their weight. A person isn't defined by anything except what is on the inside. So weight wouldn't be a big factor in my consideration to date someone. However, we all have our limits of what we do and do not find attractive.
So I'd say, provided that I could find myself interested in who the the guy is on the inside, weight wouldn't necessarily make me say no to him.
Callie said:
To me, a person isn't defined by their weight. A person isn't defined by anything except what is on the inside.

I've heard this before too many times to count.


If an overweight guy approaches a woman at a singles event or something similar....would most women talk to the guy or instantly blow him off based in the initial physical impression? Due to today's standards an overweight person is generally considered to give a negative impression because peoplt think they have no self control, are slothful, have bad hygiene, live an unhealthy lifestyle, etc.
Yes!? Weight isn't necessarily a deal breaker. I think most women would talk to you first.
I have found lots of guys attractive that normally I wouldn't, after I've gotten to know them. And I've been repulsed by just as many that I was at first attracted to, after I found out what they were really like. It's like grocery shopping, pretty packaging is nice . . but if the contents are rotten I'm putting it back.
Yes, I would have.

I wouldn't have dismissed the advances of a larger man had one approached me just because of his weight either. Besides, being proactive about changing your life is an attractive quality for anyone to have.
LonelyInAtl said:
Callie said:
To me, a person isn't defined by their weight. A person isn't defined by anything except what is on the inside.

I've heard this before too many times to count.


If an overweight guy approaches a woman at a singles event or something similar....would most women talk to the guy or instantly blow him off based in the initial physical impression? Due to today's standards an overweight person is generally considered to give a negative impression because peoplt think they have no self control, are slothful, have bad hygiene, live an unhealthy lifestyle, etc.

I can't speak for most women, I can only speak for myself. I would talk to him. We all have issues, some can be seen, some cannot. They don't define who you are...I know not a lot of people have the same thoughts on this as I do. I don't judge something as simple as a book by it's cover, so why would I judge a person by their cover...
I'd probably feel more comfortable dating any out of shape man trying to improve himself, fat or skinny. I'd feel much better knowing I have a partner who's working towards healthy goals along with me. I'm a couch potato and love junk food and spending the day doing computer-related things. I love to go on long walks through the city, just not by myself. A man who'll accompany me on a walk and put up with me stopping every 5 minutes to take photos (lol) is a man worth my time.

Of course, I have a very STRICT policy that the guy's personality has to fit, compliment, and/or enrich my own. We don't have to be the same, but I need to get something out of my partner, some kind of personal enrichment. Of course, I need to be able to do the same for him.

I seriously don't think a person's health situation is a make-or-break deal in relationships for me, if he's actively determined to make a change for the better (i.e. I wouldn't date a pig who has no intention of being anything other than a pig). Even so, I do not hold myself to ever date a guy who doesn't satisfy me on an emotional and intellectual level. That's where the dealbraker is for me.

To make a long story short - yes, I would.
Doubt The Rabbit said:
Even so, I do not hold myself to ever date a guy who doesn't satisfy me on an emotional and intellectual level. That's where the dealbreaker is for me.

I totally agree. I have a Masters Degree, numerous IT certifications, and enjoy quantum physics. While she doesn't have to be a Stephen Hawking, I'd love to find someone who can "stimulate my mind as well as my loins" as Eddie Murphy said in "Coming To America". :)

The only other two automatic deal breakers for me is smoking and drugs.

Maybe I'll have better luck when I get down nearer to my ideal weight. It would be nice to have someone to share the journey with, though. Working out and walking/hiking alone just isn't as fun. My boss actually bought me a SPOT personal locator to take with me hiking. You have to wonder if he's concerned about ME or the effect on the company if something happened to me. LOL

LonelyInAtl said:
Doubt The Rabbit said:
Even so, I do not hold myself to ever date a guy who doesn't satisfy me on an emotional and intellectual level. That's where the dealbreaker is for me.

I totally agree. I have a Masters Degree, numerous IT certifications, and enjoy quantum physics. While she doesn't have to be a Stephen Hawking, I'd love to find someone who can "stimulate my mind as well as my loins" as Eddie Murphy said in "Coming To America". :)

I give you Harvard physicist/professor Lisa Randall:


LonelyInAtl said:
The only other two automatic deal breakers for me is smoking and drugs.
Drugs would be an absolute deal breaker for me as well, though I may consider a man who's quitting pot. Even then, though - it takes a certain kind of emotional stability to deal with someone who's quitting a drug. That's emotional stability I don't have. I would still consider him, though.

LonelyInAtl said:
Maybe I'll have better luck when I get down nearer to my ideal weight. It would be nice to have someone to share the journey with, though. Working out and walking/hiking alone just isn't as fun. My boss actually bought me a SPOT personal locator to take with me hiking. You have to wonder if he's concerned about ME or the effect on the company if something happened to me. LOL

Hahah, that's sweet of him? I think.
Unfortunately, there are people who can't get over physical appearance and you will find better luck when you get to your ideal weight. I don't hold it against them - everyone is allowed a physical preference.
There are perfectly lovely people who wouldn't date a fat person or a sickly person just because it doesn't fit their preference. All you can do is try to change or move on to the next girl.

But hey, a man with a degree and a career? Girls can't resist that! :)
Lol, nah, ATL's a long ways away from Philly :p Besides I got my hands tied with Craig and you know it!
Doubt The Rabbit said:
Lol, nah, ATL's a long ways away from Philly :p Besides I got my hands tied with Craig and you know it!

He's just a flight away. ;)
Barbaloot said:
Doubt The Rabbit said:
Lol, nah, ATL's a long ways away from Philly :p Besides I got my hands tied with Craig and you know it!

He's just a flight away. ;)

You couldn't get me to step on an airplane even if you said it was loaded with hot chicks and free cash and kittens! x_x Scary!
I actually am chubby. Not really obese; at 5'11", and 211 pounds, I am just slightly overweight. Most of it is in my belly and face.

That being stated, I wouldn't be offended if a girl/woman rejected me, based upon my size. Same as I wouldn't be offended if she rejected me because I wore glasses/didn't have many muscles/was a musician/had long hair/other aspects of traits of my looks and personality.

I have seen firsthand how getting REALLY SKINNY has helped improve my physical appeal. And, honeysuckle, I felt better, too! You should lose weight, not just to get the girl, but to get feeling better, too!
LonelyInAtl said:
Here's a quick question for the women out there...

Would you date a fat guy who was improving himself? Eating better, walking every day, going to a personal trainer, and losing weight?

I'd date a fat guy who wasn't trying not to be fat. Sorry, I loves me some fat guy. Nom nom nom.
flaneur said:
I give you Harvard physicist/professor Lisa Randall:


Wow, she looks pretty kissable. I'd Charm her quarks anyday! Though she'd probably think I was Strange.

Okay, I'll stop now :D
VanillaCreme said:
LonelyInAtl said:
Here's a quick question for the women out there...

Would you date a fat guy who was improving himself? Eating better, walking every day, going to a personal trainer, and losing weight?

I'd date a fat guy who wasn't trying not to be fat. Sorry, I loves me some fat guy. Nom nom nom.

Rofl! Cushion for the pushin'. :cool:

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