Improving Your Fashion To Attract the Women You Want

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2022
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New York
I think one of the most overlooked areas when it comes to improving your mate value is fashion. The first thing most men will work on is probably exercise and getting muscle. However, when you ask many women what is the first thing they will notice about a guy, they will say it's his shoes.

Style and fashion matter. It’s important to many areas of life: dating, sales, business, presentation, grooming, etiquette, and so on. Yes, you have a few tech billionaires who wear what they want, but most of the population care about looking presentable (and sexy).

If you believe me, you’re way ahead of my young self. For decades, I disregarded fashion because I thought it was what was on the inside that counted and getting good grades was all that mattered. Obviously, that backfired for years in my dating and professional life.

The truth is that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If your room, hair and outfit is a mess, your mental health and effectiveness as a human being are likely a mess too. There are exceptions, but studies have proven that women are quite effective at judging us in this way.

Here is a video I made a while back with some fashion tips. Hopefully this will help some of you on your journey to improving your dating lives:

I had good fashion sense as a young man and it made no difference. Just be clean. Don’t smell like crap. Don’t look like you live in the gutter. Depending on who you’re trying to attract, you may have to dress a little higher in standard because of where you might be at the time location-wise, but otherwise it doesn’t matter that much what you wear. Most guys I know don’t want those picky stuck up b****es anyway. Btw, I believe there’s already a thread discussing this topic.
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I had good fashion sense as a young man and it made no difference. Just be clean. Don’t smell like crap. Don’t look like you live in the gutter. Depending on who you’re trying to attract, you may have to dress a little higher in standard because of where you might be at the time location-wise, but otherwise it doesn’t matter that much what you wear. Most guys I know don’t want those picky stuck up b****es anyway. Btw, I believe there’s already a thread discussing this topic.

Well, I guess I'm one of those guys who wants the "picky stuck up b***es" lol. I don't consider them that though. For a time I thought it was shallow that women would care about shoes and all of this. But as guys, we want a woman who looks like a 10 (or as close to that as we can get), has nice fashion, grooming, etc. too. It would be hypocritical of me to call them stuck up and shallow when I and most guys are into women who are bombshells. We are all superficial on some level for our own good.

I have improved my fashion quite a bit, but it hasn't solved all my problems with women. This doesn't mean it's not important though. Fashion does make a big difference, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. If you were still having issues attracting the women you wanted, then it could have been a myriad of other issues. Either that, or your fashion might not have been as good as you thought. Not saying this was you, but I used to think my fashion was pretty decent as well. But it was really immature. I would wear these bright graphic T's that didn't even fit me that well, and I thought it looked cool. But it didn't. Most people have horrible fashion sense. Another example was this podcast I was listening to where they were giving an average guy named Joe a makeover. He wore awful clothing and it was revealing when he started reasoning out why he thought it looked cool. He chose colors and t-shirts because they were his favorite color or design. But he ended up looking like a strange greenish banana. He didn’t see anything wrong with his fashion even though it was clear to others how horrible it was. This is the danger of bad fashion sense. Again, not saying this was you, but many people overestimate their fashion sense. There were so many things about fashion that I didn't know about until I started researching it and taking advice from experts in the field. They don't teach this stuff in school. And that's why many guys fall behind in these areas.
I know plenty of women who look good that aren’t full of all the negative aspects. Maybe it’s where you live.

If a guy wears the same thing as other guys who attract women, but doesn’t attract them himself, it’s not his fashion sense that’s letting him down.
I know plenty of women who look good that aren’t full of all the negative aspects. Maybe it’s where you live.

If a guy wears the same thing as other guys who attract women, but doesn’t attract them himself, it’s not his fashion sense that’s letting him down.

Why is it a negative aspect for a woman to like a guy who dresses nicely? Many women who are in a relationship with a guy will help him with his wardrobe and pick out stuff for him to wear. Because they want to be out with a guy who looks good. I see nothing wrong with this.
You misunderstood. The negative aspects I was referring to are; being stuck up, phoney, narcissistic, pretentious, judgmental, etc
Ah okay. But it seemed like in your original post you were equating the two. That fashion would only matter to women who were stuck up. And that most guys you knew wouldn't want a woman like that anyways. If I misunderstood that, then my fault.
Well, that’s sort of what I meant though. I guess a woman can help her partner dress smarter for an occasion but if she’s obsessed with your fashion sense because it’s important to her, she can take a hike.
Well, that’s sort of what I meant though. I guess a woman can help her partner dress smarter for an occasion but if she’s obsessed with your fashion sense because it’s important to her, she can take a hike.

I think there are women out there who are willing to work with you. Meaning if you don't have the best fashion sense, but you aren't a terrible, sloppy mess and you have other great qualities that attract that woman, then she will give you a chance and then mold you into what she wants fashion wise. There are plenty of women who change up their partner's wardrobe once they get into a relationship with them. I'd be more worried if a woman didn't do that. Doing that shows that she cares about you and how you look with her.

However, if your mate value isn't that high to begin with (like me), then I think you have to try harder in the fashion area in order to improve your chances. You can't wait for the woman to help you with your wardrobe, because you might not even be given a chance.
Why are you wanting to pander to their fashion sense? Find a woman who appreciates you for who you are. Just don’t be a smelly dirty rat.
Because women are generally more knowledgeable about fashion than men are. I don't have great fashion sense. That's why I had to learn about it. Sure, I could have continued to dress how I wanted, but it wouldn't look good. And I want to look good to attract the kind of women I want.
You do realise that the most successful fashion designers are men right? Women just know what they like, it doesn’t mean they know what’s best for you, just what’s best on you for them. I wish you luck and hope your resultant attraction of the woman you want doesn’t come with all or any of those negative aspects I mentioned earlier.
Your YouTube channel is pretty impressive, as well as your ability to perform/present yourself on it. Though I can't stand that millenial trend of, 'the look of surprise on every thumbnail.' 😲

As for fashion... Most of my life, I've been a, 'trend setter,' rather than a, 'follower.' Fashion isn't something I've ever gotten into; though with the right attitude, confidence, and such; you can walk into a Goodwill store, and walk out with some good lookin' threads. :) In my opinion, anyway.

I've created some unique tie-dye shirts all on my own as well (tye-dying some white woven long-sleeved button downs)

But, I haven't a clue about fashion. I see no problem with Men being interested in it though; why should only women get to enjoy and be knowledgeable about fashion? I wouldn't mind knowing more about it, to a certain degree, for certain functions that require a certain standard of dress; though, I've never had to dress up like that to attend anything so fancy.

The one take-away I'll agree with though, is, some men, and women, could really see some wonders done for them, by getting a make-over in their style/appeal/presentation. Though, I think it helps immensely, in this process, if the person walking you through and to your, 'new style and new look,' is someone you trust, and 'inspires confidence,' in you; or you otherwise arrive at the destination yourself, through trial and error and your own motivation/determination. Otherwise you just have some person you don't trust, putting you through the motions of presenting yourself in a style you aren't comfortable with for one, and second, don't feel inspired into confidence by. Sort of like when your barber or hair-dresser pressures you into a new do that you aren't crazy about, and just end up feeling crappy about later, as you wear it around.

Gotta look AND feel good. Being well groomed is highly important though, I think, in attraction though. Confidence IS presentation. Put some one with low self-esteem in an Armani suit, and pit them against a dude that oozes confidence and is dressed in a Goodwill McDonalds T-shirt and ripped jeans; and the guy with confidence will in.

Confidence is something you largely either have or don't, I think. I'm pretty confident in that conclusion.
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Your YouTube channel is pretty impressive, as well as your ability to perform/present yourself on it. Though I can't stand that millenial trend of, 'the look of surprise on every thumbnail.' 😲

Thanks :). My early YouTube videos did not have that. They were definitely more guerrilla style with less editing and production in the video and thumbnails. I more recently went with the trend to see if I could increase my audience. Been doing this for quite a while, and still only 30k subs :(. Also, my presentation I feel has improved a lot. A lot of my early videos were very cringe worthy. But my personal development has definitely helped with my presentation skills.
Cuban heels, tight ripped jeans, a whitesnake tee, vintage 50's motorcycle jacket and a Nikki Sixx haircut. You know the kind of woman I'm trying to attract. I married a stripper. 😇
I get it. Jeans, black t-shirt, black boots, black heart, leather jacket lol. Rock on 🤘
Oh man, talking about my earlier videos made me look up some of them. And yeah, very cringe worthy like I said:

I even mentioned stuck up girls in the video :ROFLMAO:. It's amazing how much personal development can change your whole outlook in life. Instead of blaming women, I've worked on myself. But yeah, my presentation, fashion, speech, are all improved. Anything is possible if you put in the time and effort.
Thanks :). My early YouTube videos did not have that. They were definitely more guerrilla style with less editing and production in the video and thumbnails. I more recently went with the trend to see if I could increase my audience. Been doing this for quite a while, and still only 30k subs :(. Also, my presentation I feel has improved a lot. A lot of my early videos were very cringe worthy. But my personal development has definitely helped with my presentation skills.
lol, you've inspired me a bit to write some recommendations for you/suggestions. I was outside, thinking how clever your name was, 'Will Power,' lol.

I was just thinking, for your, 'persona,' the name or legal name, "Will Powers," would be fuckin' boss, lol (maybe.. might be taken already..). Everyone would have to adress you as "Mr. Powers." And your name would be, "Will Powers." lol Of course you'd want to pseudonym your way through parts like these, if you were famous, probably; unless you were more the genuine type; but, genuine or not, fame only allows so much time to devote to just, 'being you,' in public.. I digress.

-There is a book called, "Confidence," by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
--Even if you don't consider yourself to be of low self-esteem, the book draws on a lot of research and has a more scientific and curious approach to explaining and attempting to understand what, 'confidence,' actually is, under-the-hood so to speak. My take-away and surprise was that, 'confidence,' isn't all that it's cracked up to be OR what it appears to be, in reality...

-If you find Buddhism or eastern thought, interesting, there is the book called, "The Wisdom of Insecurity," by Alan Watts.
--I haven't read it myself, but, I've read several of his works, listened to him speak in recorded lectures, etc..

-It also came to my mind to recommend that you watch (I thought they did a documentary on him, but maybe not?) Mathew Lesko. He's a really interesting and actually very cool dude; and his fashion sense is purely home-grown, eccentric, and he makes it work, which is not only amazing, but pretty cool and neat.

I wouldn't know how to help you improve a YouTube channel, I don't think, because I tend to disagree with popular trends and the types of attitude one must adopt to gain success in those ventures; but for 1: seems like with some proper pruning and adjustment and the right future formula, you've laid the ground work for hitting it big, at least... (having a lot of content, been doing it for a while, etc.. etc..) and... 2: thought I had more than a 1, but, maybe not.. heh. I could be wrong; but, it seems like with YouTube success, one of the things you have to have is A LOT of backlog of content, consistently new content, good audio/video and camera work (not always necessary though, especially if you're just amazing at presenting yourself), good oration/presentation/performance, a field of interest that can withstand the test of time, and lastly, seems everyone needs that ONE video that just gets millions of hits, and is enough to light up the rest of the channel and get the subscribers, etc.. But, as I said, I don't know crap about any of all that; but, I was impressed by your channel. I think with the proper pruning and fine tuning, it simply becomes a matter of whether you strike it lucky or not.

Maybe you could set a new trend to get rid of the awful previous decade's, 'surprised millennial thumbnails,' lol.

Anywho, those were some of my thoughts, after reading your post, checking out your youtube channel for a bit, and responding..
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However, when you ask many women what is the first thing they will notice about a guy, they will say it's his shoes.
Yeah, well, then I am glad I can afford young upscale escorts.

Because there is NO WAY I am going to spend $800 on a pair of Vince Ferragamo shoes.
Uncomfortable, impractical, and not something I would ever buy -- no matter if I can afford it.
Same goes for Maseratis/Ferarris/Porsches, Armani suits, and fancy houses/condos.

Buy the fancy stuff for what, at my age?
To impress sagging middle aged bags with wrinkles and cellulite?

I'll stick with Haggar slacks, Van Heusen shirts, Camrys and studio apartments, thank you very much...

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