Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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I love iconic imagery, and Kurt Cobain, Keith Moon & Liam Gallagher nail it (or nailed in the case of the former 2) every time.
Unfortunately, its pretty obvious that his son was asking for it. Sneaking around 1 am wearing a ski mask is no way to make friends.
Should weapons not be allowed? Without the gun, the son may still be alive.
I feel so bad for the dad...how horrible and traumatic...

But wtf stupid son...why the fresia is he not in bed? Dressed in all black with a ski mask and shiny object in hand...sounds like he was planning to rob his aunt...obviously was up to no good...
Veilside05 said:
Should weapons not be allowed? Without the gun, the son may still be alive.

That is the problem with guns, honeysuckle like this can happen. I want to think I'm gonna be smart and well ajusted enough not to have an accident with the thing but the fact is that this kind of incidents just happen sometimes.
Should we ban cars because people text and drive? Drive drunk? Don't signal properly? Don't pay attention to the road? Fall asleep at the wheel. honeysuckle happens folks. Deal with it.
TropicalStarfish said:
Should we ban cars because people text and drive? Drive drunk? Don't signal properly? Don't pay attention to the road? Fall asleep at the wheel. honeysuckle happens folks. Deal with it.

We need cars to get around! what do we need guns for? Kids are getting killed WTF is it going to take to make you people realise guns are a bad thing!
We need to ban cars, they kill more people than guns. I mean in total and complete honesty - we seriously don't need this many cars; a large and well designed public transit system would save many lives, and cars would only be needed by individuals in rural areas. The exact same argument can be made for guns.

What purpose do guns serve? The same as any other tool. They protect.

I've seen enough evil in this world to most assured say that evil doesn't come from inanimate objects, but people. If anything, guns have served as an equalizing force in this world.
TropicalStarfish said:
Should we ban cars because people text and drive? Drive drunk? Don't signal properly? Don't pay attention to the road? Fall asleep at the wheel. honeysuckle happens folks. Deal with it.
I'm inclined to agree with TropicalStarfish on this one. A gun by itself isn't a threat. It's the person who uses it to kill someone for whatever reason is the problem. It's like the Internet. It's not bad itself. It's the person at the keyboard that decides to use it for crime or good.

In all fairness though, guns are made for one reason. To do harm. However, we can't blame things like guns, computers, or bombs that we design and choose to use however we see fit and try to place the blame on them.

It's human influence that decides whether or not an object is dangerous or not. It's an odd comparison, but take marijuana for example. It's not a drug until you light fire to it or ingest it.

We know and understand the potential for things to be dangerous.
We have a choice. If we pick up a gun, load it, then kill someone with it, we can't blame the gun. We make choices in life, and we must take responsibility for our choices.
That's a lose-lose situation. The poor son is dead and the poor dad has to live with what he did.
the kid isn't dead because guns exist

the kid is dead because he was approaching people masked in all black brandishing a shiny object in a private driveway in the middle of the night

Unlike cars, knives, bottles and any other things that can be use for killing, gun is made entirely for one thing... that is to kill... humans, animals, etc. I agree that it's up to the people how they use these things, either good or bad, but certain objects need to be given only to those who need it and who is responsible enough, emotionally mature enough to handle something especially if it can kill a person in a second. Like driving, giving someone license to carry a gun SHOULD really be carefully assessed. Yes, it's in the person to determine how he choose to use something, either for good or bad, but when you are in situation where you are blinded by temporary anger, spontaneous rage, with a weapon so easy to use as to pull a trigger, it becomes really easy to kill someone... even if you'll regret it after, what's done can't be undone.
floffyschneeman said:
Like driving, giving someone license to carry a gun SHOULD really be carefully assessed.

I like how criminals carefully assess their licenses before obtaining a gun.
floffyschneeman said:
Unlike cars, knives, bottles and any other things that can be use for killing, gun is made entirely for one thing... that is to kill... humans, animals, etc. I agree that it's up to the people how they use these things, either good or bad, but certain objects need to be given only to those who need it and who is responsible enough, emotionally mature enough to handle something especially if it can kill a person in a second. Like driving, giving someone license to carry a gun SHOULD really be carefully assessed. Yes, it's in the person to determine how he choose to use something, either for good or bad, but when you are in situation where you are blinded by temporary anger, spontaneous rage, with a weapon so easy to use as to pull a trigger, it becomes really easy to kill someone... even if you'll regret it after, what's done can't be undone.

guns are not only for killing

they are also used to STOP killing and to PREVENT situations that lead to killing

i can't count the times i've been tempted to kill someone with my bare hands, maybe i shouldn't be allowed to possess them because they can kill...

if someone had run up behind "batman boy" in the theater and blasted a 38 into his spine, that would have SAVED LIVES

but instead, everyone cowered in fear (weaponless fear) and got picked off one by one

IgnoredOne said:
floffyschneeman said:
Like driving, giving someone license to carry a gun SHOULD really be carefully assessed.

I like how criminals carefully assess their licenses before obtaining a gun.

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