Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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on a side note

giving someone a license to carry a gun IS carefully assessed

i am the holder of a Concealed Pistol License

and i own, personally, two firearms

they did a Homeland Security background check one me, had to give access to medical history for psychiatric situations, had to do training and go to the courthouse, have all of my finger prints thoroughly documented, verify the serial numbers (physically) of my firearms, and had to go through a wait period of a week while they made sure i was who i say i am, and had a battery of pictures of me and my close-up face taken.

i am expected to immediately disclose that i am a CPL holder and am carrying a firearm the instant i come in contact with law enforcement and have training, essentially, on the proper ways to "stand down" and effectively be disarmed by law enforcement if they need to deal with me.

it's not something that i take lightly. but i thank God that my 2nd Amendment Rights exist. and i'm happy to say that if some sick son of a ***** starts putting rounds off at a crowd and i'm in it, i may just shoot back.
Trent said:
the kid isn't dead because guns exist

the kid is dead because he was approaching people masked in all black brandishing a shiny object in a private driveway in the middle of the night



Trent said:
they did a Homeland Security background check one me, had to give access to medical history for psychiatric situations, had to do training and go to the courthouse, have all of my finger prints thoroughly documented, verify the serial numbers (physically) of my firearms, and had to go through a wait period of a week while they made sure i was who i say i am, and had a battery of pictures of me and my close-up face taken.

i am expected to immediately disclose that i am a CPL holder and am carrying a firearm the instant i come in contact with law enforcement and have training, essentially, on the proper ways to "stand down" and effectively be disarmed by law enforcement if they need to deal with me.

it's not something that i take lightly. but i thank God that my 2nd Amendment Rights exist. and i'm happy to say that if some sick son of a ***** starts putting rounds off at a crowd and i'm in it, i may just shoot back.

That is ridiculously too many checks.
It angers me that no one cared until h shot himself. People had to know he was upset orthat something was up.
whether people knew or not doesn't mean anyone else had the power to stop him..
mental conditions are hard to overcome solely based of "outsiders" knowledge of it. sure, maybe all it might take is just one person to say or do the right things and it could have changed something, but knowing what things to do or say can be next to impossible.
I have personally had 2 friends commit suicide in the past. in both cases, it was easy to see it comming in retrospect, but at the time and right up to the moment.. noboby really had a clue.
these issues take a long time to fester inside someone, but can all come rushing out in a very short time. sometimes suicidal thoughts can come apon someone as fast as it takes alcahol to absorb into the body.
everytime someone commits suicide, we all step back and say.. we could have done something. someone should have seen it and done something. it's not something that makes proper sense and it's not something that rational thinking or "doing the right thing" by outsiders can necessarily prevent. it's like trying to talk someone out of a depression episode.
if it were that easy.. i would bet that suicide would be ancient history by now.
Wow...that's just...so sad. If I understand correctly the boy is still alive, maybe they will find out why he did it.
I'm not sure if i hope he lives. You have to think about his quality of life as well. Would he be able to function? See? eat? etc.
People need a better understanding of what some people go through, what brings them to the point of doing something like the Dakota boy and this BC girl. Her story is sad, and an urgent warning to parents about monitoring what their teens are doing on the internet, and what extremes some go to just to have someone pay attention to them.

The world has improved since the era of witch hunts and the plague.
I once heard that squirrels and rats in certain areas around the world have a little bit of the plague still in them. I don't know how true it is though.
I read that he was still coherent when they took him to the hospital. Still alive.

I can't imagine the mental torment that prompted him to shoot himself. But to commit a suicide attempt like that and still be coherent and alive? I also read that the blow was to the head (but some news media fail to mention it at all).

SophiaGrace said:
I'm not sure if i hope he lives. You have to think about his quality of life as well. Would he be able to function? See? eat? etc.


i'd rather be dead.
LoneKiller said:
I once heard that squirrels and rats in certain areas around the world have a little bit of the plague still in them. I don't know how true it is though.

As far as I am aware, the plague still exists. It's just nothing like it used to be.

Get well soon kid.
A politician a LONG time ago shot himself in the head in front of the press and on television for the whole **** world to see. Sadly, he succeeded in his mission.
Good thing he didn't shoot other peoples. I'm sick of hearing about mass shootings. I think more than three happened this year alone. I hope that kid gets help.
Sounds kinda late for him to get help if he's shot himself in the head. :l
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