I love it . . .

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I love it when I try to skateboard home with my groceries, when the plastic bag gets caught under the wheels making me pitch forward and smash my box of cookies :( Oh yeah it was in front of people too.
RyanEhf said:
I love it when I try to skateboard home with my groceries, when the plastic bag gets caught under the wheels making me pitch forward and smash my box of cookies :( Oh yeah it was in front of people too.

Jilted John said:
I love when people take my suggestion of bringing home the groceries on a skateboard seriously!

LMAO! that's ok, I love it when I walk face first into a flag pole. Also in front of people.
I love it when I'm looking in a shop window,lean forward to get a better look,and discover that the glass is 6" nearer than I thought it was...BANG!

freedom said:
i love it when people are driving REALLY SLOW down the highway, and then speed up when you try and pass them.

I know just how you feel :D

RyanEhf said:
I love it when . . . I'm driving, going 60 in a 50 zone, and another driver feels the necessity to ride my behind like I was crapping 100 dollar bills, but THEN, when I get out onto the highway, where faster driving is actually permissible, this person feels that driving 10 clicks under the limit is the way to go.

Good job, person that inappropriately gauges the speed they should be driving at, good job.

I love it when I accidentally cut my leg shaving and then forget and put lotion on, and then it continues to bleed for 30 mins.
I love it when i accidentally cut my penis off shaving and then forget and put lotion on, and then it continues to bleed for 30 mins.
PieBeNice said:
I love it when i accidentally cut my penis off shaving and then forget and put lotion on, and then it continues to bleed for 30 mins.

Wow, I guess I won't complain! :club:
i love it when i tell the cashiers at wal-mart to run my card as "credit" so that i can gain more points, and then they run it as "debit", and i have to type in my pin in front of the person behind me who has no concern for my privacy or personal space.

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