I love women and I want one

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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I love curvy women, thin ones, ones with dark hair, ones with fair hair, ones with ginger hair.

It's not fair that I'm nearly 23 and never had a woman. Not even held hands with one.

I want a woman. That's my problem.
I don't think the issue is that you want a woman, rather I think the issue is that you want to feel like you are loved and belong.

Friends. You can have them and they can be friends with as many people as they want to be friends with, but you can only have one love. So maybe it's this special bond that you want.


I reccomend you focus on making friends with people first as a stepping stone before you launch yourself into the hairy thicket of romance. Because, believe me, it's hairy. Sometimes when you dig down deep into people, you can see things that their friends cant...and if what is deep inside of you is dysfunctional, it can screw up the balance of the relationship or vice versa.
Women cant solve fulfillment problems, even though sometimes we think we can, or try to :)
CAS said:
It's not fair that I'm nearly 23 and never had a woman. Not even held hands with one.

Life's not fair. Welcome to the Earth.

CAS said:
I want a woman. That's my problem.

If you want one, go get one. There are thousands upon thousands of women who want a guy, but they're too shy to be aggressive in seeking out a man. Be nice to women you meet, ask for numbers, ask for lunch dates, etc etc etc.

Get out there and WORK for it. Things like relationships don't just magically happen.

They take effort and a lot of hard work just to GET STARTED, not to mention KEEP THEM GOING.
I want one too. Hugging on some warm tatas is the best thing in the morning.
You know that I feel for you on this, but I do agree with BJD on this one, CAS.
Having had plenty of experience in this arena, I can tell you, you need to take action to have anyone come about. Most importantly, you will not fix your personal problems with having a woman. It is easy to fall in love with someone and be on top of the world with the bond you share and the warm, safe, content feelings that comes with, but you cannot let it be your everything. I am certain of this more than anything in life. Why? Because if it ends then you will be MUCH worse off than you are now. Please, please trust me on this one. I have been there.
I would like a Chocolate bar.... but I have to go out to find one. The one I am looking for might not be at the first store I go to, so, if I really want it... I will have to check many stores until I find what it is I have been looking for......
CAS said he disliked women because he felt hurt over their rejection...

Just thought i'd clarify.
Badjedidude said:
Life's not fair. ...

How do i know? My perspective is so wrapped up in my surrounds and the areas of the world that i experience and interact with or that i have some degree of information about. While i can have desires frustrated and see or experience things that aren't right, how do i determine that in the grand scheme of things that it isn't fair?

It tends to make me feel like i am six again and arguing with my parents that it isn't fair that i have to go to bed. There is still sunlight so it isn't fair. As far as i know it just might not have been. If i can get solid proof then i will run their nose in it.
Minus said:
It tends to make me feel like i am six again and arguing with my parents that it isn't fair that i have to go to bed. There is still sunlight so it isn't fair. As far as i know it just might not have been. If i can get solid proof then i will run their nose in it.

I dunno... it's just that the very idea of life being fair implies that we somehow deserve a measure of a good life or something... and to be honest, I don't think we do. I think life is what we make of it; no more, no less. No one has equal measures of good or bad coming to them, and no matter WHAT life gives to any of us, we can CHOOSE to make it good or bad.


So for me, the idea of fairness doesn't even fit in when talking about the grand scheme of life.
^^^MAKE ONE!!! :D

In the thread about liking guys, I will comment on my awesomeness, while in the thread about not liking guys, I will tirelessly and illogically refute whatever insane arguments the women put forth! :D

A relationship can be hard but a relationship can also help to bring out the best in some people. If someone is lonely and a bit depressed because of it or perhaps never had any kind of affection then it can be helpful.
Badjedidude said:
... it's just that the very idea of life being fair implies that we somehow deserve a measure of a good life or something...

While a person would have to be beyond blind to not at least see a measure of it, it still doesn't imply that to me. That would seem to be more of a desire than an issue of fairness. I don't equate giving me what i want with fairness. I seem to be missing seeing something with this fairness idea..

discolemonade said:
I like how there isn't any thread for liking or disliking guys. Hmm..

These is now. :)
Minus said:
While a person would have to be beyond blind to not at least see a measure of it, it still doesn't imply that to me. That would seem to be more of a desire than an issue of fairness. I don't equate giving me what i want with fairness. I seem to be missing seeing something with this fairness idea..

I dunno.. I just don't think fairness accounts for people who are really good, caring people, but get the shittiest situations in life, and those who are bad, yet have all the luck. Is that fair? Nope. I don't think fairness has anything to do with it. It's just random coincidence.

"Fair" as an idea is a human attempt to explain coincidence.

*shrug* That's how I see it, anyway.

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