I'm bored.

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Hell yeah, it's my thread, no jokes barred ;-)

Well, maybe dead baby jokes and stuff like that, but besides that, anything goes. I'm just bad at remembering jokes, but they're fun to hear lol.
TheRealCallie said:
Depending on how dirty, the mods might have issues with it. lol

You wanna hear a dirty joke?

A boy in a white shirt fell in the mud.

You wanna hear a dirtier joke?

He got back up and fell back down.

You wanna hear a clean joke?

He took a bath with Bubbles.

You wanna hear the dirtest joke so far?

Bubbles is the girl next door.
I once went into a dirty book store.

Hadn't been cleaned for weeks.

This holds the record for the most people having sex in one photo....

Been re-watching the original series of Star Trek. Some with my daughters, some by myself. I'd forgotten how good it was, how in advance of it's time it was. Oh sure, by today's standards, acting could have been better, the special effects are pretty low budget and there's some continuity and broadcast errors, but...the story were so good. So original. So morally relevant, so poignant, so...important. So about us. So much of those stories have nothing to do with aliens, with gadget, with telepathy or technological beings or superpowers. It has to do about humanity. Love, conflict, right and wrong, racism, sexism, war, death, life, hope and dreams...that's what the series really was about. A casual observer wouldn't necessarily see, would think it's just another old sci-fi show. I had a conversation with a work collegue of mine who said just that, for example, "Oh, women have always had a major place in science-fiction, we had a bunch of characters who were commanders", while we were talking about "Number One" portrayed by Majel Barette in the Cage, or Uhura, Nichelle Nichols, in the series. And she's right, they do.

But what she doesn't know, is that Star Trek was among the first, if not THE first, where women were given important positions. And even Gene got flak for that. EVEN the fans at the time complained about Number One, enough that he had to recast the character. In his own words, in an interview, he said he'd get angry fan mail from women who were saying "Who does she think she is?"...quite a contrast with today's world. And with Uhura, defending the choice of the actress and the role he played, he said to the studio "If she goes...I go". This is nothing for today's world but what a shock it was at the time... Funny how people forget that. Especially our younger.

Funny how we human beings forget. Funny how we sometimes cause harm for no reason, sometimes without even realising it. A moderator reminded me of this twice today in other threads, where my playfull sense of fun was actually insulting to someone, or just misplaced. That wasn't the intention, of course, but seeing them again, thinking about it...he's quite right. Yet I forgot that. I didn't put myself from another perspective and it was pointed it out to me, and it was absolutely correct. Small concrete example of such. It would be easy to brush it off as something else, or be angry at being corrected...but it's much harder to admit to oneself when one is wrong, isn't it? Yet it's essential. I forgot the past for a second and it influenced my behavior in a bad way. Intolerable.

It's something we have to look out for. It's not necessarily easy to look into a mirror and admit it when we're wrong, especially if we have some measure of pride. But that's the lessons we can get from the past. That's the kind of lessons I get from watching a cheesy sci-fi television show more than 50 years old. Talk about impact, no?

I guess it's something we have to remind our kids of. A great man once said "Those who fail to learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them". I can't help but think it's something that's too often neglected in this day and age, even with myself. We often get the message that we should ignore the past, forget the past, live in the NOW, the future. Another big series of movies I loved had that very same message not too long ago...but I can't get to agree with it. I simply can't agree with it, because we've seen what ignoring our past causes us to become. What action without thinking can do to a person, a group, a race...a people. That's not something we can just afford to do, not something we should do. We should always remember the past, it made us who we are, it's full of wisdom, of lessons, both of things to do and things not to do.
Anyway, that was a bit of self-reflection on a tuesday morning :D
*looking at who's Online, listing Richard_39 as looking at who's online*

.....I'm looking at you looking at me, looking at you.


Y'all are boring today. Entertain me PEONS!

King Richard XXXIX commands it!


Girls are now Grils....I stand in shock and flabbergastedness.

I was considering buying a gril, does that mean I'm subconsciously engaging in human slave trafficking?

Note to self; have Shroums right before the moment of death. From what I hear it'll make that whole uncomfortable moment go a lot smoother. Or at least I hope.

Although...might be my only chance to ever get loaded on morphine without permanent consequences. Hopefully I won't be too senile by then to make the choice and enjoy it for a few hours.
Richard_39 said:
Note to self; have Shroums right before the moment of death. From what I hear it'll make that whole uncomfortable moment go a lot smoother. Or at least I hope.

Although...might be my only chance to ever get loaded on morphine without permanent consequences. Hopefully I won't be too senile by then to make the choice and enjoy it for a few hours.

Note to Richard;have Mexicana cheese right before the moment of death.From what Joturbo sais it'll give me the most amazing vivid dream/breakdown depending on mood I'll ever have...add a dash of Real Callie just in case you need someone to sit with you on your final trip:club:

Although not Good idea to involve Loaded he's got to keep his thread count down ;)
Joturbo said:
Richard_39 said:
Note to self; have Shroums right before the moment of death. From what I hear it'll make that whole uncomfortable moment go a lot smoother. Or at least I hope.

Although...might be my only chance to ever get loaded on morphine without permanent consequences. Hopefully I won't be too senile by then to make the choice and enjoy it for a few hours.

Note to Richard;have Mexicana cheese right before the moment of death.From what Joturbo sais it'll give me the most amazing vivid dream/breakdown depending on mood I'll ever have...add a dash of Real Callie in undergarments just in case you need someone to sit with you on your final journey :club:

Although not Good idea to involve Loaded he's got to keep his thread count down ;)

Note added to the Insanity Chronicles ;-)
Well, that could have gone better than I had hoped for. It wasn't bad, but I'm not convinced they're convinced. Hell, neither am I.
God, is it so hard to find a job in a freaking factory where they pay you 20 bucks a pop? 15 years ago they were literally raining, the '*uck happened?
Additional note to self; assure myself that, if a situation ever present itself where I am in a position or faced with the imminent possibility of marriage, that the joint party understand and lives by the same definition of faithfulness and trust I aspire to. It's recently come to my attention that this isn't always the case and that such opinions are apparently very variable.
I would be unfit for that type of relationship considering my core morals and values, based on honesty, trust and a desire to iron out and talk problems instead of ignoring them or committing peripheral actions that may otherwise be harmful to said relationship.
Make sure spousal candidate is on the same wavelength or the enterprise is doomed to failiure.
Additional addendum: A Shipper and Receiver is now known as a "Freight and Deliveries Transport Specialist".

....someone please shoot me. Shoot me now.

Before I hear working at McDonalds means you're now a "Food and Client Service Operation Integration Specialist"
I also want Tina Turner to sing "We don't need another hero" while the oceans are boiling. It's a personal thing.
Richard_39 said:
Additional addendum: A Shipper and Receiver is now known as a "Freight and Deliveries Transport Specialist".

....someone please shoot me. Shoot me now.

Before I hear working at McDonalds means you're now a "Food and Client Service Operation Integration Specialist"

Forkboys  ;)
kamya said:
Richard_39 said:
Additional addendum: A Shipper and Receiver is now known as a "Freight and Deliveries Transport Specialist".

....someone please shoot me. Shoot me now.

Before I hear working at McDonalds means you're now a "Food and Client Service Operation Integration Specialist"

Forkboys  ;)

LOL That the street-slang term?

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