Lets see the Faces!!!

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Everyone that has posted a pic here looks so young and beautiful. Shogun looks like he could be a model. Would have never though if I saw any one the street that these people were lonely. I can’t help but wonder why?  I always thought the beautiful people got friends and lovers without any help at all.

I haven’t had my picture taken in over 10 years. Except for my Drivers license picture, which I look like an axe murder. I would never scare anyone with a pic of me. It is just best for the general public. LOL
You're very flattering John, but greatly mistaken, as many are, that if you're "good-looking" you're not lonely. I went the circuit in college, was a cheerleader, attended the parties, dated all the "right" guys, but it was so fake. I felt so detached from the crowd even while standing in the middle of them. I played the part, but couldn't connect with them. I didn't feel I was better than, just knew I wasn't like them. (Maybe others felt the same as I did and we were all fake, who knows.) I found more and more that gave me reason to pull away, I didn't drink (can you imagine what the frat parties were like when I always jumped to be the DD so it wasn't so obvious that I didn't drink), didn't sleep around (became considered a real prude by some), etc. I never really found a real way to socialize, but I never really felt I wanted to honestly be in their company to start with. Wow, I've rambled. Sorry!
i havent been here for almost 3 months. i just quit my job and started the trip.very interesting travelling experiences. u r always on the road,those different hostels,people,it made me feel im fresh. sometimes i was lost,sometimes i felt the same loneliness in different cities.i dont know.
there r so many new faces here. just say hi to everyone.and,attached my face

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Teach - I like what you have to say. School/College (or life in general) can be really hard for lots of people & it's easy to forget that the people who seem to 'have it all' are often just as miserable as the rest of us. In fact, it's probably harder keeping up with the 'in crowd' than not actually being part of it in the first place. The grass is always greener, no matter who we are. Good on you for not getting off-your-head-drunk & for not sleeping around when you were younger - I bet lots of people look back & wish they had had your standards & strength at the time. If you didn't really want to be in their company anyway then you certainly did yourself a favour :)
Hi Scorpio.

You're right, the grass is always greener. Thanks for the compliments and welcome to the forum!!!
Actually, I must add (if I can say so for a minute), that you guys chatting on this site are seriously hot! Yowie! lol It's great to see all the pics. Keep 'em coming xxx
Lol, get all the way through to the end and end up forgetting the comments to the names... oh yeah...
Gibo I thought your first pic was off a Ricky Martin album or something, honest. Just the black and white and the angle... good photo skillz. (no I'm not gay I just appreciate good photography).

Kazman... You're stoked man! Huge! You got discipline, no doubt about it.

Shinojuly... is it dawn or dusk? I like the picture... looks peaceful. I love being out on the water.

Dea... you are drop dead gorgeous!

Sorry anybody I missed, I had a comment when I looked at your pics but it took awhile to get through them all and I didn't think to write down the names to the comments... i think I got a pic to post somewhere so you can know who I am...

here it is... ...... how annoying is that... stupid yahoo.geocities getting all messed up on me... (ten minutes later) ok... finally, I almost gave up. Thought yahoo ate my pictures... here it is...
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WOWZA! Lost in the oil fields, why are you looking like a male model? I agree, Scorpio, we have so many GORGEOUS men and pretty ladies here!

Hee hee we should start a lonely hearts dating service!
Funny! lol :) Hmmm....I'm sure we all know by now that looks don't mean everything, but I'm so sure that none of any of you who have posted your pics so far have anything to worry about in that department lol Oh, what? Did that last sentence just make sense? lol I'm blinded by the beauty. It great to meet ya'll & see your pics, & have a chat. And it's interesting to see what kinds of photos that people post of themselves as well (I agree about that one on the water, it looks so peaceful!). Nice work everyone!
Scorpio, remember that TRUE beauty comes from within.

A beautiful face can conceal an ugly, rotten heart.

And an 'ugly' or plain face can conceal a beautiful, GORGEOUS heart!

These bodies are just temporary, but the soul is eternal.
Yes, lonelygirl. I completely agree :)

And I find it interesting that the usual human perception that 'beautiful people' don't get lonely is a complete farce (sometimes we get preoccupied & freaked out, & need reminding). And as you said, there are many deifnitions of beauty. Because even though the people's looks in this thread might not be my style (looking) or me being their style, it's about what's on the inside more than anything. But even good looking people can be insecure. I guess at the end of the day we are all kind of in the same boat with the same kind of feelings no matter who we are.

Keep up the pic posting everyone. It's fantastic to be able to put some faces with the names too!
And I must add, that at the end of the day looks don't have anything to do with who supports you or is a true friend to you. That certainly comes from within. And depending on who we are & what we need in general, we might find that person who can help us in the most unexpected of places.

I was only meaning to boost people's feelings ;) It's nice to get compliments on your looks at any time, but I do understand that personality counts for far more.
hehe...you guys are all so cute
lonelygirl is right..the girls in your towns must be blind

well..here's me


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