Once image of person is ruined, its always ruined

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Feb 9, 2013
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Image of a person is important, its always remembered by the brain. Once its ruined, its always ruined. People will face you according to yourself image.

I'm 16 years old.At age of 13 I make new friend with stupid attitude,my attitude that time was like a kid,stupid,idiot and not serious. image of me is ruined.Maybe because I mature slow. I look like an idiot now, everytime they saw me, they ignore me cause I'm always look like an idiot to them.

Until now, I didn't talked to them for 2 years, we still same class. Now I get more mature, I knew what I do is wrong, these 2 years I just spend my life with my bestfriend, I dont even did stupid things.

Today, I was playing facebook, my friend (Not my best friend, these friends was those who I didn't having conversation to them for 2 years) post some photo to facebook, then I asked a question, but they ignore me...

I was so regret the begining I did!!! NOW WHAT CAN I DO TO CHANGE THIS??

Look, I never chat with them 2 years, and I didn't do stupid things anymore, but why they didn't notice??? Should I go build friendship with them??? What should I do to change this... my life is suck!! Everytime I wanted to build friendship with them, its hard for me because they always look at me like an idiot. I have no more power to change it!!!!

I always jealous my friend, they just post little thing on facebook get more comment, more likes. But me, never get comment and likes. Same as in school, what they do they always get support in whole class, but me, no support for whole class but just few students.

My question-
-Its because my image is ruined, how to repair it... :"(
-I just wanna build new friendship with them, but what's the 1st step.
-Its time for me to be serious, but how to be serious?.. Dont be a kid anymore.[/size]
One way to do it is don't try to communicate by not giving room for embarrassment. Don't ask questions that they HAVE TO respond to or you'll be embarassed, give opinions.
I'm the type of person that less opinions appear in my mind... I've tried hard to think further but opinions just wont come to my mind..
At age of 13 I make new friend with stupid attitude,my attitude that time was like a kid,stupid,idiot and not serious. image of me is ruined.

That's because you are a kid at this age, you're only 16 now. I think you may be thinking too much about it, it doesn't sound as bad as you're making out (unless I missed something), you've got plenty of time, you're still only young.

I think society is trying to mature and grow too fast, I've thought this for a while and this is something that makes me believe it more, you should just act the age you are and not worry about image :)
9006 said:
At age of 13 I make new friend with stupid attitude,my attitude that time was like a kid,stupid,idiot and not serious. image of me is ruined.

That's because you are a kid at this age, you're only 16 now. I think you may be thinking too much about it, it doesn't sound as bad as you're making out (unless I missed something), you've got plenty of time, you're still only young.

I think society is trying to mature and grow too fast, I've thought this for a while and this is something that makes me believe it more, you should just act the age you are and not worry about image :)

I really cant stand of it, its always make me down. If you're in a life that always hate by everybody, you're not gona just left this flow aren't you? Same goes here. Hope you understand. :)
Well, I guess there is still the possibility of a direct confrontation. You could ask them why they insist on their opinion of you. Could you not? Very calmly and kind of adult- like.
quintus said:
Well, I guess there is still the possibility of a direct confrontation. You could ask them why they insist on their opinion of you. Could you not? Very calmly and kind of adult- like.

No, you cant do that. Think of your "image" as "trust". If someone did something to lose your trust in them, what can they do to get your trust back? And you cant really get trust back, you have to have to earn it. All you can do is say youre sorry and keep doing the right things.

In your case, you cant 'fix' your image. You just have to 'change' and hope for the best. How? just be honest with yourself. dont act, dont pretend, dont do things you dont want to do. dont give in to pressure. but at the same time, dont be a snob. dont look down at others. and things will work out on its own. If not, then they aren't worth it.
You have to remember that you are young and that you have many more stages of your life to go through. What seems like forever now will be a distant memory once you graduate high school. You are also young, which means you are still trying to figure out who you are.

Please don't be so hard on yourself.

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