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Well-known member
May 31, 2009
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Do you find it harder to make friends with your peers? I find that in the eyes of little kids and older adults I don't always come off as a social retard. Interacting with these people can sometimes gives me a boost in self-esteem, though once I'm among my peers I once again realize I have no social skills whatsoever. On my worse days, it even makes me feel like a loser.

What exactly is the trick to fit into a circle of young adults? I admit I bear the look of a classic nerd - the glasses! the hair! oh my! - and this may hinder certain people from approaching me, but I thought this wasn't supposed to matter to college kids and the rest of the universe!
I laugh at this only because I understand the feeling all too well.

Accordingly, I am unable to directly advise you on how to succesfuly intigrate with members of your own age group.

What I can tell you with some degree of confidence is to try and be patient. If you are shy or introverted it can sometimes take others a bit longer than normal to figure you out.
There's still a little bit of peer pressure.

Alot of it has to do with myself esteem.

When I was a teenager I fit in for the wrong reasons.
it gave me a sense of belonging for a little while but the end result wasn't so good.
I say... 8 times out of ten..I got used by my peers.

As an adult I still have to work on it.
I have better self esteem today.
I can simply walk away from a group of people easier or don't have to agree with everyone.

I still have a lot to work on as far as one on one pressure (relationships).
I came a long ways though.

The trick is to have good self confidence and a healthy boundary.
Learn how to say.."NO" if you deem something is unhealthy.
Saying "NO" will also build your confident.
Also allow yourself to be open to healthy people to inter your life.
You don't have to be liked by everyone or you should have to like everyone.

mmm...I'm a sort of nerd in my own won't worry about it too much.
In other words...everyone is a geek or have thier little quirks.
Know this...and you won't worry so much.

Lmao...actaully i don't hang around too many poeple that's in my age range.
I think they're too uptight, have thier head up their asses and looking for a heart attack..:p
They take themsleves too **** serious all the time and are always stress out.
Then they're going to tell me I'm immature...lmao
I act young or not serious most of the time becuase I am's actaully done by chioce.
I thought i was going to have a heart attack oneday when I was in my office being a serious
My boss that i used to work for has an irregular heart beat...
What dose that tell me ? He can drop dead at anytime. What good would it do him to be seriously rich and dead ?
Mostly people i know are 10 years younger than me.

My sponsor is 20 years older than me..He's sort of a geek underneath his uniform. He's a MD.
He has the nerdy laugh...lmao.
yeap..the glasses.
He always tells me jokes though...(to make me luagh)
I know he's rich and has a hawt GF...:p
I used to get along with people 2x my age way more smoothly than I did with people my age.
Now, a couple of years later, I can't carry a functional conversation with anyone.
Something changed over that period of time, making it impossible for me to sound like a sane person.

Peers suck.
No, people suck. =]

But there are alot of people who don't care about the way you look.
I spend my days trying to look like a hobo and people still talk to me. =P
So don't let that discourage you.