Pet Peeves

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Boreal said:
People complaining about their life, but doing everything in their power to find new things to be angry about and new ways to find wrong.

While other people work their entire lives to climb up out of darkness.

Well said.
Boreal said:
I've always been curious why people not only descend staircases side-by-side (which is understandable when they're talking), but don't make room for people waiting at the bottom to ascend when they can clearly see them there.

Is not pausing a conversation for 15 seconds worth everyone else awkwardly mulling about down there while they take their sweet time?

I get you, I'd totally give way. But some people don't have the.... courteousy to do the same.
When people put a million exclamation points at the end of a text. Seriously, are you excited, yelling at me or just trying to see how annoying you can be?
This has been really annoying me of late, chatting to a couple of people via Instant Messengers, I don't expect anyone to sit there all day chatting with me but if they are going to leave the screen for a prolonged period of time, tell me!!! Just tell me you will be signing off or whatever, it's all good, don't leave me hanging not knowing what the hell is going on.

Maybe it is a generational thing, maybe that level of common courtesy doesn't exist anymore, but given I can't see you, just frigging tell me you have gotten busy! It will take all but 5 seconds to type that!

While I am on the subject, people who don't respond to IM's even if they are offline messages, what am I supposed to take away from that? If you don't respond to my message I will think that you do not want to talk to me, people will come back saying stuff like "Hey, long time no see" yeah well when you don't respond it happens, doesn't it.

Like I said maybe it's a generational thing and I am taking this too seriously or whatever but if a social incompetent like me understand basic manners than I am sure it is not too advanced.

Ok rant over.
Delta said:
This has been really annoying me of late, chatting to a couple of people via Instant Messengers, I don't expect anyone to sit there all day chatting with me but if they are going to leave the screen for a prolonged period of time, tell me!!! Just tell me you will be signing off or whatever, it's all good, don't leave me hanging not knowing what the hell is going on.

Maybe it is a generational thing, maybe that level of common courtesy doesn't exist anymore, but given I can't see you, just frigging tell me you have gotten busy! It will take all but 5 seconds to type that!

While I am on the subject, people who don't respond to IM's even if they are offline messages, what am I supposed to take away from that? If you don't respond to my message I will think that you do not want to talk to me, people will come back saying stuff like "Hey, long time no see" yeah well when you don't respond it happens, doesn't it.

Like I said maybe it's a generational thing and I am taking this too seriously or whatever but if a social incompetent like me understand basic manners than I am sure it is not too advanced.

Ok rant over.

No way, I totally get you on this. I think it's just basic courtesy to let the person you're chatting with know if you're going to be away for some time or for a long time.
Oh, my pet really frustrates me how hard attraction is. It frustrates me how women see kindness and niceness as weakness, and if you are "too nice", it can ONLY mean you are an effeminate pansy, not a REAL MAN! (smokes a cigarette, pounds a shot of whiskey, rips my shirt for no reason! yeah!) Heaven forbid I ask her how her day was, because I am actually interested in the answer! Someone can tell you you are good-looking, want to talk to you all the time to the point that you almost think it is they who are being clingy if you didn't like them as much as you do, really laugh at your jokes, want to cheer you up when you're blue, always wanting to share things they find interesting with you, always be telling you how "awesome" they think you are and how they wish you were around more, say they really care about your goals and dreams and that you matter and that they care about YOU, and you start to think "At last, I finally have enough that I'm really clicking with someone!"........................................................... ........................................................................................................ahahahahaha NOPE! No siree, no way, Jose!

It frustrates me further how hard it is to change how someone sees you, how once someone sees you as "just a friend", it's a real uphill climb. As if you to meant to come across as a weak, ineffectual loser, and how you can NEVER EVER change into a better, more attractive person. It's such crap, how this game works. But I guess that's the way it is, people need to play their games! Can't have it be too easy, that just wouldn't be any "fun". I wasn't one of the "cool kids" growing up, I thought they were cliquey and morally bad people. And I wasn't one of the "rebels" either because I thought they were just dumb. But I guess that means all the women I find interesting just think I'm a bore. Ugh.

I really shouldn't complain about this stuff anymore, I mean, I don't want to spend more time complaining than I already have and it's not like I'm talking about world hunger or anything. It's just frustrating. It's my pet peeve.
The 'Does Anyone Here Feel Like a Loser" thread- how does that help anyone's self esteem?
WildernessWildChild said:
The 'Does Anyone Here Feel Like a Loser" thread- how does that help anyone's self esteem?

I agree. I mean, a little whining/venting can be good, but I don't understand why anyone has to say they feel like a loser. Instead of that thread, we should all use the "What do you like about yourself" thread or another of the positive threads.

At some point you have to stop whining/venting about the same things over and over again and just get on with life. It won't get better if you don't let it.
^ While i understand the idea you're getting across, i respectfully disagree. It's just one thread. I personally feel it can be beneficial in the long run for people to vent about what they really feel, much like you already pointed out. It would be a different story if the entire forum would be like that, but fortunately, it isn't. It's good that there are threads like the one you mentioned, to balance things out.

Of course i am aware that there are alot more threads that invoke a negative feeling in a person. I believe that, as long as there is balance, it is okay. However, the sweet spot of what is the right balance will differ from person to person.
Rosebolt said:
^ While i understand the idea you're getting across, i respectfully disagree. It's just one thread. I personally feel it can be beneficial in the long run for people to vent about what they really feel, much like you already pointed out. It would be a different story if the entire forum would be like that, but fortunately, it isn't. It's good that there are threads like the one you mentioned, to balance things out.

Of course i am aware that there are alot more threads that invoke a negative feeling in a person. I believe that, as long as there is balance, it is okay. However, the sweet spot of what is the right balance will differ from person to person.

What was I thinking, you're so right, I should be encouraging people to to put themselves down and feel like honeysuckle about themselves- I've seen the light now:rolleyes:
^ You are clearly missing my point. I have never said that one should be encouraging others to feel down. All i said was that sharing sorrow can have a positive effect, as long as it's in moderation.
Rosebolt said:
^ You are clearly missing my point. I have never said that one should be encouraging others to feel down. All i said was that sharing sorrow can have a positive effect, as long as it's in moderation.

There's a major difference between sorrow and self defeat.
I hate to get in the middle, and it probably doesn't matter what I think, but... When someone says "I'm a loser" once or twice, I take it to mean that they need support and maybe advice from the community. When they say it over and over again for months, I take it to mean that they refuse to do anything about how they feel, or they're really really stuck and there's not much anyone can do to help.

Most people only post in that thread once or twice.

I'm not trying to argue or be dismissive of others opinions, it's just how I feel about the thread.
There's already enough honeysuckle in the world to drag people down, why come here and seek more? Why voluntarily put yourself out there as less? Why, if they "....need support and maybe advice from the community...." would anyone seek that with a proclamation that declares they're unworthy? I don't believe in a hug and a pat on the back as a cure for all that ails but to bring more loss of self-worth on oneself makes zero sense- it absolutely floors me how people will gravitate and immerse themselves in negativity when there's better choices to choose from. It's simple- if you feed negativity it's gonna rule the day.
Walmart shoppers, oh heck all shopping in general that's right this gal hates shopping..

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