relationships are

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Frito Bandito said:
Callie said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I'd just like for them to exist for me, for once.

I am sorry if that sounds like me whining. But I'd take a bad relationship, over having had no relationship ever, at all.

Careful what you wish for. Bad relationships aren't all that fun...


Double agreed.
Frito Bandito said:
overrated and a general pain-in-the-ass, basically humans are animals (and most are neurotic) who are incredibly flawed and highly annoying to others, that is why they are such work and never pan out in the end. Most try to fool themselves that they could ever be enough for another person or that person could be enough for them. People change, and when they do they move on. The typical honeymoon phase for a relationship is about two years they say. Real progress is realizing that you don't need to own another person to be happy. Own = hold the exclusive rights to their body, mind, and soul... it only leads to resentment.

It's better to just be selfish. Trust me.


At this point, right this very second, I agree with every word you just wrote there.

We are all doomed.

I'm trying to not be in a relationship at the moment. I have this natural urge to go out and find one but I realise I've always felt the need to be in one and I'm lost when I'm not. Since I was 18 I have been in several long term relationships and spent less than 2 years in total actually single.

I think until I can be happy on my own I'll never make one stick, they are too fragile to base ALL my hopes and dreams on.

Its just me and my 2 boys and to hell with anyone else for a while :)

(Wish I could mean that all the time)
The Good Citizen said:
(Wish I could mean that all the time)

Same here.

My resolve is quite high at the moment because I am just coming off a crazy emotional roller-coaster ride that lasted 2 years, so my slogan right now is NEVER AGAIN *shakes fist* but at some point the crushing loneliness takes over and I am yet again vulnerable to the next person who shows an interest in me.


tangerinedream said:
The Good Citizen said:
(Wish I could mean that all the time)

Same here.

My resolve is quite high at the moment because I am just coming off a crazy emotional roller-coaster ride that lasted 2 years, so my slogan right now is NEVER AGAIN *shakes fist* but at some point the crushing loneliness takes over and I am yet again vulnerable to the next person who shows an interest in me.


I promise to never break your heart, I'll never leave your side, I'll stay loyal and faithful... if you'll cook for me forever.
VanillaCreme said:
tangerinedream said:
Same here.

My resolve is quite high at the moment because I am just coming off a crazy emotional roller-coaster ride that lasted 2 years, so my slogan right now is NEVER AGAIN *shakes fist* but at some point the crushing loneliness takes over and I am yet again vulnerable to the next person who shows an interest in me.


I promise to never break your heart, I'll never leave your side, I'll stay loyal and faithful... if you'll cook for me forever.

lol Sure, you say that now... ;-)
Fragile....Handle with Care.

My heart and love is worth more than a million bucks or a $1000 bill.
You can crumble it up. Stump on it. Spit on it. Rip it apart or even throw it away.
I'm still worth more than a million bucks through it all.
I'll love you in health. In sickness.
Through the rain, through the fire.
Through the good times. Through the bad times.
Through hatred. Through forgiveness.
Im weak. Im stronge. As you are.
Our love is music. You are the music in my heart.
The high notes. The low notes. The fast notes. The slow notes.
The scrary notes. The happy notes. The silent notes.
I'm forever grateful you have chosen to share your love and life with me.
Whatever experinces.Whatever lessons or no lessons.
Your beautiful to me. You're always going to be beautiful to me.

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