saying no to society

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Fulgrim said:
I find it quite sad that I am 16 years old yet know of so many classic thundercats


or the A-team


dear raptor jesus...I'm steering my own thread off the road.....what have I become?!?!?!?!?

{lol, 90% of my posts are soaked in sarcasm if you didnt catch that}

Hmmm classic to you, but they were new when I was your age.

Eep, I feel old.
well I Try going up to a bunch of kids who have never heard of the Wondertwins and saying 'wondertwins power activate! form of....bucket of water!' and watch as the blank look on their face turns to confusion then despair until they rip the hair out of their head and run around screaming as if they were on fire.....oh the horror :(
I don't watch cartoons much as they are just uh. Yawn. I swear half the cartoons these days are just odd. It's strange when one day you look at shows you used to watch and realize they are just plumb crazy and couldn't stand to watch them if you tried. If I could go back in time one thing I would do is convince myself not to read a ton of useless fantasy novels and instead read non-fiction.
bleh, I choose the shows of my childhood to the mindless crap they have now, at least my shows made sense....spongebob squarepants? my gym partner is a monkey?!? Chowder?!?! NOO!!!!!!
Ya, but one day even those shows probably won't make sense to you anymore. Honestly, I was watching alot of those shows you call classics when I was like 10. I don't even remember anymore what was on before then. Maybe I just didn't watch TV much.
still, the classics will always be classics with me, I just hope that someone sees this thread and disregards this complete derailing of what its supposed to be about and writes something anyway....but its 12;30 where Im at and I have school in teh ^^
Each generation has its classics....but I just beleive those were the best. Plus looney toons & Tom and Jerry....even though those have been around for ages, and bugs bunny too...but I digress

ok, yeah. one piece is on crack. It makes no sense now, I'm sure that when I'm older I'll be like, wtf I wasted 175 hours of my life on that?!?

I used to love Gummy Bears, hecliff(sp), I think I watched alot of mickey mouse and like goofy, donald duck, sea hawks, transformers, bugs bunny, snorks, smurfs, tom and jerry, TMNT, hee-man, thundercats, gijoe(sp), x-men, bulwinkle, yogi bear.
Ok, so we've got Skorian and I apparently missunderstanding the point of this thread and Fulgrim having a cow over it...
I guess then I'll try to sort out what we're supposed to do...

I hate minorities that automatically assume you're being racist if you don't fall over backwards for them and kiss their feet. I hate discrimination. I hate war. I hate sexism. I hate women jokes. I hate racist jokes. I hate dumb blonde jokes. I hate blind ignorance. I hate politics. I hate people that don't accept the obvious. I hate people that don't believe in science. I hate people that are intolerant of other religeons or beliefs. I hate "pushers" that try and jam their religeon or ideals down your throat. I hate statewide educational standards. I hate people that want to be stupid. I hate people that think they're more important or inteligent than everyone else. I hate it when people piss me off and then think I'm joking when I get mad.

That's my beef with society for today.
One of your complaints brings up a big one of mine. Ok, I don't hate most people, but it really bugs me when people can't distinguish between what is science and what isn't. A whole slew of so-called science is nothing other then corporate brainwashing. Boatloads of information created solely to deliver a product into peoples lives. Often slight spin-offs of the truth, but with a bunch of half-truths dumped right into the mix so that people fail to see that they are being deceived. I see it all the time. All you have to do is sit down and watch commercials on TV a few minutes and there it is piped right into everyone’s brains. Sit down and research a ton of things that are advertised on TV and you will find so many outright lies that are sold as truth on TV that it isn't even funny. I believe it was Stalin who said something to the effect that if you tell something to anyone enough times people will eventually believe it. The problem is this; the vast majority of research is done at the corporate level. It isn't free research looking for "the truth of reality" it's research that is to benefit that company no matter what the cost to society. Now I really don't care about junk that doesn't really impact peoples lives, but one branch of businesses that really chokes my goat is the pharmaceutical industry. As much as 70% of their drugs are total BS. If one-day patent laws went off the books suddenly they would totally go out of business. Not because their drugs would become cheaper, but because suddenly there would be no incentive to produce lies that only treated symptoms and never actually treated the causes of things. See the problem is that the human body contains most all the chemicals needed to treat it for almost anything. Making these substances pretty unpatentable. Which means most of the time businesses have no interest in actually using what will work because they will make less money. They are also potentially out of a repeat customer because people will actually get remarkable results compared to the crappy results that come from many pharmaceutical drugs. Science is science because it's looking for the truth to benefit every member of society. Not because it's convenient for people to believe something because then some stupid loud and obnoxious company can sell people garbage they don't need that destroys peoples lives. I don't understand why people even go to doctors half the time. They can't even do anything unless it's like gym warts or a broken bone or something very often simple to fix. Most things if you wait till you get it then it's already to late.

Another branch that gets me worked up is the whole genetically modifying food. Which according to commercials works, but if you actually research what the common farmer thinks doesn't. Farmers try some of these new modern marvels and have all sorts of hellish nightmares that happen to them. What science would promote the use of crops that reduces crop species down to very small numbers? Resulting in total devastation of crops when something attacks them. Because there is very poor genetic diversity. I mean doh. How hard is it to listen to farmers who go "hey fools". You’re new drought resistant crops you sold us are "less" drought resistant then our old plants. This doesn't even get into the fact that these foods make a small number of people extremely sick.

Now in Hawaii they have test plots of GMO's that have had common pharmaceutical drugs implanted into common crops. The idea is making these drugs easier to mass-produce. But really. This is like fitting mice with a gene that randomly explodes like dynamite from time to time. No one would have anywhere to live. There is absolutely no way to control what will happen. Reminds me of the movie "Jurassic Park". These are supposed to be some of the brightest people and yet they would effectively just nuke the whole planet? I mean how stupid are they? Putting potent chemicals into plants is a terrible idea. It's a small wonder that bee's might go extinct in the next few years considering how dumb some people are. Sorry, I refuse to help hand pollinate a third of our total food supply. Monsanto is so greedy and stupid it really isn't even funny. I swear in the next few decades we are all going to suddenly just starve. Practices that have worked 1000's of years we suddenly decided to irrevocably tamper with. Seems like a bad plan to me, if it isn’t broken don't fix it. We are likely to go from not being able to produce enough food to not even having crops. It will be like whoops, "Did we do that?". Ya, you did.

Small wonder why Americans have like the shortest lifespan of any advanced country. We go insane faster. We have crap for public healthcare. Have worse crime. Half is overweight. People are dumber. We fight in wars that make 0 sense. When stuff goes wrong we lay around instead of really fixing things. We are allowing corporations to ruin our country for their benefit at the expense of most of the population. We elect idiots. We are allowing our democracy to be dismantled. We are letting our economy all but collapse, so almost any day our money may become worthless. Many people actually believe that globalization is a good idea and doesn't just rape all of mankind so a few uber rich can have even more power. We are behind on basically everything, but our military. Of course the statistics that prove it must lie.

Fulgrim. The problem isn't even society.

It is corporate greed, greed, ignorance. Really the problem is the ruling elite and the fact that people let them get by with playing games with the rest of societies lives. Because many of them all they care about is how to make more money regardless of how many they hurt in the process. It is reading pharmaceutical literature instead of talking to past patients, reading Monsanto literature instead of asking farmers, listening to daily news instead of interviews with real Iraqis. It's faults in the ideals of capitalism. Letting labor unions become a thing of the past and not working together to overcome elitist pigs. It's listening to the elite instead of using your own head and listening to other people around us. Regular people should dictate culture, not some stupid commercial on TV.
Skorian said:
Another branch that gets me worked up is the whole genetically modifiying food. Which according to commercials works, but if you actually research what the common farmer thinks doesn't. Farmers try some of these new modern marvels and have all sorts of hellish nightmares that happen to them. What science would promote the use of crops that reduces crop species down to very small numbers? Resulting in total devistation of crops when something attacks them. Because there is very poor genetic diversity. I mean doh. How hard is it to listen to farmers who go "hey fools". Your new drought resistent crops you sold us are "less" drought resistent then our old plants. This doesn't even get into the fact that these foods make a small number of people exteamly sick.

Now in Hawii they have test plots of GMO's that have had common pharmacutical drugs implanted into common crops. The idea is making these drugs easier to mass produce. But really. This is like fitting mice with a gene that randomly explodes like dynamit from time to time. No one would have anywhere to live. There is absolutly no way to control what will happen. Reminds me of the movie "Jarasic Park". These are supposed to be some of the brightest people and yet they would effectively just nuke the whole planet? I mean how stupid are they? Putting potent chemicals into plants is a terrible idea. It's a small wonder that bee's might go extinct in the next few years considering how dumb some people are. Sorry, I refuse to help hand pollinate a third of our total food supply. Monstanto is so greedy and stupid it really isn't even funny. I swear in the next few decades we are all gonna suddenly just starve.

Ok... *deep breath*
I believe in genetic modification. I believe in that future.
I want to make it happen, to do that myself.
So... when I'm working on human cloning to cure genetic diseases and to provide perfectly matched transplants, go ahead and protest, go ahead and blow up cars (not mine please), go ahead and riot in the street, but stay out of my reserved "Dr. Qui" parking spot. And leave my patients alone.
*braces self for anti-human cloning rant*
Qui said:
Skorian said:
Another branch that gets me worked up is the whole genetically modifiying food. Which according to commercials works, but if you actually research what the common farmer thinks doesn't. Farmers try some of these new modern marvels and have all sorts of hellish nightmares that happen to them. What science would promote the use of crops that reduces crop species down to very small numbers? Resulting in total devistation of crops when something attacks them. Because there is very poor genetic diversity. I mean doh. How hard is it to listen to farmers who go "hey fools". Your new drought resistent crops you sold us are "less" drought resistent then our old plants. This doesn't even get into the fact that these foods make a small number of people exteamly sick.

Now in Hawii they have test plots of GMO's that have had common pharmacutical drugs implanted into common crops. The idea is making these drugs easier to mass produce. But really. This is like fitting mice with a gene that randomly explodes like dynamit from time to time. No one would have anywhere to live. There is absolutly no way to control what will happen. Reminds me of the movie "Jarasic Park". These are supposed to be some of the brightest people and yet they would effectively just nuke the whole planet? I mean how stupid are they? Putting potent chemicals into plants is a terrible idea. It's a small wonder that bee's might go extinct in the next few years considering how dumb some people are. Sorry, I refuse to help hand pollinate a third of our total food supply. Monstanto is so greedy and stupid it really isn't even funny. I swear in the next few decades we are all gonna suddenly just starve.

Ok... *deep breath*
I believe in genetic modification. I believe in that future.
I want to make it happen, to do that myself.
So... when I'm working on human cloning to cure genetic diseases and to provide perfectly matched transplants, go ahead and protest, go ahead and blow up cars (not mine please), go ahead and riot in the street, but stay out of my reserved "Dr. Qui" parking spot. And leave my patients alone.
*braces self for anti-human cloning rant*

The problem is that nature has already done a better job of things then we ever will. No one will ever be smart enough to understand all the reasons for things that have taken 1000's of years of evolution. The problem is that cloning won't accomplish even a tiny fraction of what people believe it will. People will get into cloning and realize it doesn't do half what people wanted to believe it would. Then it will just be time to chase after the newest, latest, and supposedly greatest fad. Just like if you look into most of these genetically modified crops you will find it's amounted to one disaster after another. Most problems can already be solved. The problem isn't finding new answers. It's miss use of the information we already have and poor implementation. Many of the problems that we have here in the US are rarer in other countries. Here tons of people are fat, have poor eyesight, and have all sorts of health problems. In other parts of the world much of this is much less common. Half the problems we have we cause in the first place. The root of alot of things is just toxins, pollution, poor diets, and lifestyles. Many illnesses are massively on the rise because of how our whole society works. We focus on treating (not even curing) things after the fact, rather then preventing things in the first place. A large part of this is because business wise it's easier to do this in capitalism. Tons of causes of cancer are well know, but we do nothing about it. Because those businesses that are responsible redirect people into other things. To protect themselves of course, who can blame them. But why do we allow ourselves to so easily be suckered into falling for these deceptions?

Not even to mention the fact that in the process of playing with things we hardly really understand with our half-ape brains. We are more likely to make ourselves go extinct in the process, then actually solve any real problems. Alot of this stuff is a crazy pipe dream that we won't be able to control and will result in abominations no one even wants to imagine. Some of the things I have read that are written by modern scientists are just scary. Stuff that doesn't get much attention by the general public, because quite honestly it's not pushed because if people knew they would panic and panic isn't good for anyone.

If you want to learn some sick stuff do some in depth research into how meat is being mass-produced these days. Many of these animals we consume are just outright diseased and many parts of the world won't touch our meat. Our exports are outright banned in many parts of the world. Technology is too easy to abuse and it's just too easy to stand by and allow abominations. I swear it's a small wonder worse things aren't happening then already are. And yes, I believe we have mad cow disease here in the US. This is what happens when you feed livestock to livestock. Herbivores were not meant to eat meat.

Does anyone know anything about these underground cities I have heard a few people I have talked to in the past talk about? Supposedly one of several is in Colorado. I guess the rich will be able to buy their way in is how the story goes. Like I guess people are really starting to prepare for mass extinction and like an unlivable surface. I guess it's some sort of military project that most people know nothing about, but I have been told by a few exmilitary that it's going on right now. People are preparing for basically the death of the surface or whatever you call it. I haven't even had good luck finding anything about it on the web, but I have heard about it from many different people over the last few years.

Qui, violence rarely accomplishes anything. It kind of defeats the whole point.
Qui said:
Ok... *deep breath*
I believe in genetic modification. I believe in that future.
I want to make it happen, to do that myself.
So... when I'm working on human cloning to cure genetic diseases and to provide perfectly matched transplants, go ahead and protest, go ahead and blow up cars (not mine please), go ahead and riot in the street, but stay out of my reserved "Dr. Qui" parking spot. And leave my patients alone.
*braces self for anti-human cloning rant*

Just for the record I think you'll be a wonderful doctor qui:D

I'd get an opinion on everything everyones talking about here and argue but I'm all argued out at the moment, if you see a random reply in a couple weeks it's probably me
Skorian said:
Fulgrim. The problem isn't even society.

It is corporate greed, greed, ignorance. Really the problem is the ruling elite and the fact that people let them get by with playing games with the rest of societies lives.

I didnt say society was the cause for all those problems, the corporations have subversed themselves into society so well that when we watch the news and hear their 'experts' explain stuff it is all lies and we beleive it like its the truth, 99% of the 'experts' who were reporting during the WTC incident (prelude to war in Iraq) were approved by the pentagon and given information cut and pasted directly from the pentagon, so that when we see the news talking about something we think its their hard work and first hand information that we are seeing when in reality our government is like a well run reality show. I wont go into that just yet, but I was saying what do you dislike or hate about society, a general question to be expanded upon as things deepen, like they are continue on ppl

-p.s. I think its hilarious that all these car manufacturers are creating new models to run on cleaner fuels like corn grown ethanol. That stuff is only 8-11% more effective but will take miles upon miles of precious farmland and in a world with famine and a country in the middle of a recession I hardly beleive that that is a safer alternative. I give them kudo's for trying....but the original fking inventor of the deisel engine created it TO run on corn oil....but crude oil was in abundance and easier to produce so its purpose was lost. I hate hearing people talk about how they plan on getting a new ethanol powered car once it comes out since it saves the killing staving people around the world who could've used that corn? by being a few percent more effective as a fuel?

I guess what Im saing is I hate when people claim to know things when the opposite could'nt be more clear.
Fulgrim said:
Well in our conversation I was the accountant since thats the only class I'm doing well in, or renevate the place into a club and become a bouncer or something (though liquor licenses in cali go for around $100,000 and the waiting list is over a year But ya, a nice tat parlor with an accountant from hell....what more could you ask for? *sarcasm/rhetorical*

Go for the writing career. You'll do well. You have a great critical stance.
Qui: Clone away! Damned if I want another me floating around, but it'd be good to know there's another liver out there once I finally kill this one off! It's a noble cause, for sure!
i would be a bum if i knew i would still have friends that would let me use their showers and would hang out with me hehe

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