The Elder Scrolls

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Abandon your fear. Look forward.
Aug 3, 2022
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My Inner World

This is a call to all you gamers and fans of the franchise of (The Elder Scrolls) in this thread we will Look at some of the history and timelines from inside this vast mmorpg spanning from its conception to the modern-day periods of the games this thread will take me some time to fully map out and piece together so it's a side project and is a work in progress if you wish to share anything about the game feel free to comment. This is thread will inform you on the history of the game and all the history, races, gods, culture (but this is not a game guide it is rather a lore guide) this process will (as you can imagine take me some time) and not all the content will have all the lore books entries (that would take more time..) but I shall do my best to stay true to the lore of the world and give you (as best I can information on the history and the timelines. Now without further ado I will get into (The Elder Scrolls) starting with the Dawn Era the beginning of time.
The Dawn Era (the creation)

In the beginning there existed only chaotic nothingness, from the nothingness arose two beings Anu, (also known as Anu the everything,) who personifies order, stasis, and light, and Padomay, (also known as PSJJJJ) which is purposefully unpronounceable, who personifies chaos and change. The two exist as counterparts, equal and opposite, being opposites, they fought each other and being equals neither side would win. After this clash Anu decided to creative itself a soul, in order to reflect and better understand itself. Padomay fallowed in the same manner, The soul of Anu became known as Anui-El, the representation of everlasting light and soul of all things. The soul of Padomay would be known as Sithis, representation of nothingness and the void. just like Anu and Padomay, the souls Anui-El and Sithis are equal and opposite forces of each other. None of these four existed the same way as the as the gods that come to follow. They are shapeless and formless, which is why some cultures (in Nirn) don't consider them to be gods at all for this fact, only cosmic forces of nature. And even though Sithis is often shown as a skeletal being and is sometimes called (The Dread Father,) these formless primordial beings lack gender and tangible form whatsoever. Just Like Anu and Padomay, Anui-El and Sithis could not agree unlike Anu and Padomay however instead of clashing, they layed out a set of conditions, which would result in the creation (The Arbus) which was the universe afterwards, Anui-El created itself a soul, just like Anu did in order to reflect.

Anui-El soul was known as Auri-El later known as Akatosh, who would become chief god of the divines. Before Auri-El's creation, the Arubis was turbulent and unstable. Auri-El stabilized it creating the concept of time. With the Aurbis stabilized, other lesser gods were free to come into existence. These new gods include the beings who would become the (Aedra and Daedra,) and are collectively called the (et'Ada,) meaning the Original Spirits. Along with these new gods, new planes of existance came into being in order for these to inhabit, known as (Atherius, and Oblivion.) Sithis like Padomay before took after this and made a soul as well called Lorkhan. It is believed by some that Sithis created Lorkhan with the intention of undoing the work of Auri-El, and returning the universe to a state of chaosthus began Lorkhan's plan. For not all the gods were happy with the planes of existance they had chosen from as their eternal home. Lorkhan approached them with the idea of creating a new plane for themselves. he proposed creating the mortal plane (Mundus) and populating it with beings of their own creation. Many of the original spirits, including Auri-El were convinced that this was a great idea. However, although Anu and Padamay were infinite and could create without consequence, Auri-El and the rest of the et'Ada were not.

In order to forge their creations, the gods gave up a piece of themselves, in turn making them less powerful. Lorkhan knew of this, many of the gods realized this and opted to leave Mundus before it was complete while they still retained their power. Chief among this was Magnus (the architect of Mundus,) whose departure tore a hole to Aetherius, creating the sun and allowing magika to flow into Mundus from Atherius. The rest of the gods who departed fallowed leaveing smaller holes, resulting in stars. The last of the remain gods were upset that they had lost much of their divine power. Auri-El created (The Adamantine Tower on Nirn, which would remain standing the Isle of Balfiera in Illiac bay for all of history thus far. The remaining gods gathered there to decide Lorkan's punishment in the monumental event (The Convention.) It was decided that Lorkhan's heart would be removed and destroyed. Upon removing it however it was discovered that Lorkhan's heart could not be destroyed. For reasons vague the theroy was that Lorkhan's heart could not be destroyed because Lorkhan's body was the planet Nirn and Lorkhan's heart was its core, so then to destroy the heart would mean to destroy Nirn. Instead of destroying the heart Auri-El fired the heart from his bow into the sea the heart was so powerful that Red Mountain formed around it whose lava flows created the Island of Vvardenfell.

Soon after (The Convention) was concluded some of the gods were able to leave Nirn and maintain some of their power but not enough to return to Aetherius, and so were permanently confined to Mundus. This group of gods would eventually be known as (The Eight Divines,) Auri-El (Akatosh,) Arkay, Dibella, Julianos, Kynareth, Mara, Stendarr, and Zenithar. The eight created their own realms within Mundus, which can be seen from Nirn as Planets. One final group of gods were either unable to leave Nirn, or decided to stay and continue their work, even after learning the consequences. They were left with none of their divine power, and became the Ehlnofey, who, in order to continue their existence, resorted to procreation, men and mer (elf) on Nirn.


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Another interpretation

The Mysterium of Xerxes: Page 1 (Anu and Padomay)
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Another interpretation

The Mysterium Xarxes, Page 3: Lorkhan & the Creation of Mundus


The People of Tamriel

The first inhabitants of Tamriel were its natives commonly referred to as (Beastfolk,) most noteable of Tamriel's natives are the Argonians, native to Black Marsh and the Kajiit native to Elsweyr. But also included are the Goblins, the Rieklings found on the island of Solsthiem, the Giants of Skyrim and High Rock, the Hist, sentient trees of Black Marsh, the Nymphs, the Imga or (Great Apes) of Valenwood, the aquatic Dreugh, and the Lilmothiit. A foxlike race native to Black Marsh, thought to be extinct there are many other Beastfolk on Nirn like the Sload and the Tsaesci these are just the main native ones (since I can't cover them all.)


the first non-native species to arrive on Tamriel were the Aldmer, direct decedents of the Ehlnofey, who emigrated in masses from the continent of Aldmeris, which disappeared forever into the sea, likely located to the south of Tamriel. The Aldmer landed on the Summerset Isles and established a thriving kingdom. Most of the Aldmer would stay on Summerset and become Known as the Altmer, also known as (High Elves,) but not all of them. Some left to explore Tamriel, one such group traveled to Valenwood, and evolved into the Bosmer, or known as (Wood Elves.) Another group traveled to Niben River, settling on the islands of Lake Rumare, building the White-Gold Tower, and becoming the Ayleids. Another group went as far from Summerset as possible, sailing around to Morrowind, then settling there and becoming the Chimer. According to the Chimer the Dwemer, also called (Deep Elves) or dwarves, were already settled in Morrowind when they arrived, making the origins of the Dwemer a source of speculation.

The origins of the Falmer, otherwise known as the (Snow Elves,) who settled in Skyrim, is also lack historical context in Aldmer history. The Aldemer that left Summerset for Valenwood and those that went to Niben did so as an extension of the Aldermeri Empire, thereby expanding their territory. The Aldmer that set sail for Morrowind however, did so under the leadership of the prophet Veloth, and sought independence. Some of the Aldmer did not apricate this and didn't let them go without resistance. The group of Aldmer who set out to stop them was led by Trinimac, a lesser Aldmeri god, whose most notable role was as the champion of Auri-El and was the one who actually removed Lorkhan's heart. Trinimac and his fallowers attempted to stop Veloth and his flock from leaving but were unsuccessful when Trinimac confronted and subsequently eaten by Boethia, the Daedric Prince of deceit, corruption, and treachery. Trinimac's body and soul were irreparably corrupted. Upon being expunged, he emerged as Malacath, the Daedric Prince of curses and the betrayed. The curruption extended to his fallowers, who were transformed into the Orsimer, also known as the Orcs.


the early Orsimer lived independently, forming small, tight-knit villages and strongholds throughout Tamriel, mainly located within High Rock and Skyrim. Later on the city of Orsinium would be founded in the Wrothgarian Mountains of High Rock. As word spread across Tamriel about the new rising civilization of Orcs, many other Orcs throughout the continent would relocate to Orsinium, eventually developing into a powerful city state.This will be covered later on in the lore.


The first humans to arrive on Tamriel were the Nedes, who were not one unified race. They were multiple preliterate tribes who came independently in small groups from Atmora, to the north of Tamriel, settling throughout High Rock, Hammerfell, Cyrodiil, Skyrim and Morrowind. For the most part, initial relations between Nedes and Mer were peaceful. The first organized human settlement of Tamriel came much later and was a group of Atmorans who were fleeing a civil war. They settled in Skyrim, befriended the local Snow elves, and built the city of Saarthal. Feeling between the two races were good for a while, until the Snow Elves were intimidated by how quickly the Atmorans were reproducing. Seeing a future competition for the land of Skyrim and fearing that their culture would be overtaken, the Snow Elves struck first sacking Saarthal and slaughtering inhabitants, in an event later on known as (The Night of Tears.) all the Atmorans were killed except for one man, Ysgramor, and his two sons. The three of them returned to Atmora and found that the civil war there had ended. They told the story how the Elves ruthlessly betrayed them and mercilessly. In no time Ysgramor had an army, later referred to in legend as the 500 companions. Ysgramor reclaimed Sarrathal and made the snow elves scatter.

The disjointed Snow Elves were eventually enslaved by the Dwemer and forced to go underground, in time becoming the degenerate modern day Falmer. At this point the Snow Elves were all but Extinct. Fallowing their campaign, Ysgramor and the remains of his army ventured out and spread across the continent. Those who stayed in Skyrim interbred with the local Nedes and became the Ancestors of the Nords. Those who found thier way to High Rock also interbred with the nedes there, who in turn were assimilated into the Direnni Clan, the dominate Aldmeri culture in the area. this intermingling gave birth to the Brentons. The Atmorans who made their way south were captured and enslaved by the Aylieds, and interbred with the also enslaved Medes. Under the leadership of a slave queen Alessia, they would later overthrow the Aylieds and begin the line of ancestry of the modern-day Imperials.

The Nords quickly formed an empire in Skyrim and expanded into Morrowind, forcing the Chimer and Dwemer under their rule. The Chimer and Dwemer never seen eye to eye with each other and never friends with each other mainly due to their religious differences. However, the Nords were a common enemy, so while Skyrim was in the middle of an internal War of succession, a tenuous alliance between the Chimer and the Dwemer was formed. They struck hard and fast at the (Battle of Red Mountain,) and were victorious, forcing the Nords out of Morrowind. Fast Forwarding 300 years and the Dwemer while mining under Red Mountain discovered the (Heart of Lorkhan,) and plan to use it to build a new god. Seeing this as a mockery to the gods and an affront to their beliefs the Chimer go to war, despite the attempts of diplomacy by their king, Indoril Nerevar. The War of the First Council culminated at the second Battle of Red Mountain.


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The Dwemer were drawn out and defeated. Kagrenac, the Chief Tonal Architect of the Dwemer, turned his tools on the Heart of Lorkhan, and the entire Dwemer race spontaneously disappeared. Nerevar (king of the Chimer,) then made his generals swear an oath to Azura (there god,) the Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn, to never use the Heart of Lorkhan. Later on, in history however Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil broke their oaths and used Kagrenac's tools with the Heart of Lorkhan to turn themselves into living gods. Azura wasn't pleased and cursed the Chimer, turning them into Dunmer, or (Dark Elves,) that are known and familiar with today.


To the west of Tamriel, there lies another continent: Yokuda. About 100 years after the second Battle of Red Mountain, Much of Yokuda was lost when it sank into the ocean. The survivors sailed east and settled on Herne, an uninhabited island off the coast of Hammerfell, where most of them stayed. A group of Yokudan warriors, called the Ra Gada continued on to the mainland and claimed all they could, killing and enslaving the local beastfolk along the way. Ra Gada is the origin of (Redguard,) which would become the common name of Yokudans on Tamriel. After the Ra Gada drove off the local Orcs, the Yokudan royalty left Herne and made their home in Hammerfell. At first, the Redguards did not attempt to integrate themselves into Tamrielic culture, maintaining their own language and refusing to trade with neighboring societies. Eventually however, the Redguards and the Brentons found a common enemy in Orsimer, and after a joint siege on the city of Orsinium, Hammerfell and High Rock began to openly trade with one another, which compelled the Redguards to adopt the common language and brought them into the fold of Tamrielic culture.


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this looks like a massive undertaking, must have taken you a lot of time to compile this. I don't have much to add except there is a sculptor that does really amazing sculpts of the elder scrolls pantheon. Just thought this may be an interest to you. Can check out their work here,
thank you very much for your post it takes quite a long time to compile and more time to condense at the moment its mainly me just summarizing the baseline of events later on I will also cover every races history, the lore books and the godly encounters, battles and the main over all characters of the franchise. this will take a while but its a labor of love and also a side project as I know it will be very time consuming and long but I will do my best to get as much history here as possible.

As for the link I thank you greatly for it anything helps and is greatly appreciated thank you Orangecat for your consideration and your post have a wonderful day :)
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I am sharing this for the viewers watching the videos, I am sorry but later I will cover these in written format. But for now I am not because we have an entire history to cover and will take away from the timeline I am trying to cover sorry if this may confuse the readers thank you for your time. :)

Akavir- The Side Tale of The Tsaesci

Lying to the east of Tamriel, across the Padomaic Ocean lies Akavir, host to a number of races.

Tang Mo

the Tang Mo reside in a region called The Tousand Monkey Isles, described as being monkey-like and very diverse in appearance. They are said to be kind, brave and simple beings, also known for their intelligence and being well organized. Known to have repelled numerous invasions attempts by their neighbors the Tsaesci and the Snow Demons.

Snow Demons

Residing in the region of Kamal, the Snow Demons are said to hibernate in the winter incased in ice. Then thawing in the summer, they wreak havoc, mainly on the Tang Mo. Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal, (king of the Snow Demons,) once attempted to invade Morrowind, but was beaten back by the Tribunal and the Underking.

The name Akavir translates to Dragon Land, for at one time there were dragon inhabiting the lands. There were two dragon races, red and black. The red dragons were enslaved by the Tsaesci. The black dragons however, fled to the land of Po'Tun, home to a race of tiger like cat people. A great war was waged between the Tsaesci and Po'Tun, in the end both nations severely weakened and killing all the dragons. After the war, Tosh Raka (the benevolent ruler of Po'Tun,) resolved to turn himself into a dragon and succeeded. Those who claim the change was indeed physical describe Tosh Raka as the biggest dragon to have ever existed with the coloring of a tiger. The nation entered a new era with the rise of Tosh Raka, as it became known as Ka'Po'Tun from then on. Tosh Raka vowed to kill all the Tsaeesci, and to fallow up with a invasion of Tamriel but that shall be another story for another time perhaps.

The Tsaesci

A tall, Golden-scaled, immortal snake men, whom are also vampiric. At a time when the Cyrodiilic Empire was in its infancy, the Tsaesci invaded Tamriel. A small invasion force, over a short period of time made up of human foot soldiers (slave humans) and Tsaesci officers, fought their way through northern Tamriel into the Jerall Mountains between Skyrim and Cyrodiil. The impending invaders gave Remen Cyrodiil (leader of the Imperials,) the leverage he needed to merge the Colovian Estate (neighboring country) with his own kingdom, forming a new empire. Remen's forces halted the invaders at Pale pass and cut off their supply line defeating the Akavari invaders. with the newly combined forces of two kingdoms now under his control, Remen Cyrodiil set his sights on the rest of Tamriel. Remen pardoned all of the remaining Tsaeci on Tamriel and appointed many of them to high-ranking advisory positions in the government and the military. The Tsaesci then proclaimed that Remen Cryrodiil was Dragonborn, and officially supported his claim as Emperor of Cyrodiil. In less than 200 years with no small amount of assistance from the Tsaesci, all of Tamriel was incorporated into the Cyrodiilic Empire, with the exception of Morrowind. Overall, the pardoning of the Tsaesci seemed to pay off rather well for the Cyrodiilic empire. In the year 2920, in a complicated series of events, Emperor Remen Cyrodiil 111 and and all of hie all of hie heirs were killed. His Tsaesci advisor Versidue Shaie took power, becoming the Imperial Potentate and declaring the beginning of the second era. Under Versidue Shaie's leadership, the second era was one of utter turmoil.

There was many who resisted the Potantate's rule, in the course of crushing the rebellions, the treasury was left nearly empty, the imperial legion decimated, and many parts of the continent destroyed. Later on a Tsaesci named Dinieras Ves suggested to Versidue Shaie the idea of establishing an order of warriors for hire, who could be employed by nobility in lieu of a standing army. They would be hired under temporary contracts, and a portion of their fee would go to the Potentate's government. The group would also be composed of those native to Akavir. Versidue Shaie promptly approved the idea, and the Syffim was established. It became apparent however, that detailed knowledge of the area was a necessity and the Tsaesci lacked that knowledge as well, there simply was not enough Akaviri on Tamriel to get the job done, so the Syffim started admitting local warriors as well.


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Continued Story

The Syffim did good work, and were a huge success, becoming known colloquially and later and officially later as (The Fighter's Guild.) with the success of The Fighter's Guild, the Potentate saw a massive opportunity to bring in more funds. He approved the Guilds Act, and officially sanctioned (The Guild of Mages,) Cobblers, Brewers, Furriers, Astrologers, and Rat Catchers among many others.All guilds that would come to fallow would be promoted and protected by the empire, at a cost. Three years later Versidue Shaie was killed by The Morag Tong, a legally sanctioned guild of assassins. Versidue Shaie's son Savirien Chorak took his place and was quick to outlaw the Morag Tong. Some of the Tong's former members would split off and found a new organization of assassins, one that would operate illegally in the shadows. A little over a century later, Saverien Chorak was assassinated by the recently formed (Dark Brotherhood.)

Several hundred years later, well into the third era, after a long period of widespread open revolt, Emperor Uriel Septim V united the Empire across all of Tamriel once again. He then wanted to place the focus of the empire on an outside enemy and set his sites on Akavir. The invasion was extensively planned, the small island kingdom of Estoniet was taken to be used as a staging area, with the city of Black Harbor as the port. Years were spent on reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. (The Far East Fleet,) the largest fleet in the history of Tamriel, was formed specifically for the campaign. The fleet would be able to transport four legions to Akavir along with Uriel V himself, with two additional legions to follow as reinforcements. The one thing they would lack is cavalry, but this would be made up for by a good number of battlemages, who could provide magical reconnaissance. Considering the information, they had gathered and the preparations they'd taken, Uriel and his legion commander agreed that the invasion would not meet strong opposition.

at the start everything went exactly as planned. The Tsaesci were taken by surprise, abandoning one of their coastal cities upon seeing the expeditionary force. The city was occupied by the invaders and renamed Septimia. Two legions remained in the city to begin fortifying it and to make upgrades to its port in order to accommodate the Far East Fleet. The emperor took the other two legions further inland. They then took control of the next city upriver, which had also been abandoned. This city was established as the emperor's headquarters due to its strategic location and was renamed Ionith. The expeditionary force stopped their advance here and decided to hold here rather than pressing onward. A road and outposts were built between the two cities, and envoys were dispatched to seek out the Tsaesci king or whoever ruled the land. None returned, meanwhile, rather than bringing in the reinforcements they had planned, the emperor decided to use the fleet to bring colonists. Since the entire local population had abandoned the area, there was no one left to work the fields and provide a stable source of food for the legions. The colonists arrived just in time to start working the fields for a spring harvest.

The fleet soon became ravaged by storms on their way back to Black Harbor. The storms continued through the entire winter, preventing the planned shipment of additional supplies. Winter was harsh for the two cities as well. The shortage of supplies and the addition of thousands of colonists put the legions of tight rations. They were soon after attacked by Tsaesci raiders, which put a stop to any scouting or foraging. All the outposts along the road were either captured or abandoned, cutting off all communication, between the two cities except by magical means, which was a heavy strain on the battlemages. The harsh winter turned into a hot and dry spring. the crop failed, the river dried up, and the storms at sea continued. The supply fleet at sea however sailed on through Akavir despite the storm, and limped into Septimia, crippled and severely reduced. But it was not enough, the emporer sent them back for more provisions, this time accompanied by a large portion of his battlemages to protect them from the storms. It was at this point that the imperial council urged Uriel V to abandon his campaign. In a fateful decision, the emperor refused.

The few battlemages that remained were prioritized to the immediate needs of the legion, and communication between Akavir and Tamriel became almost impossible. In the summer, the emperor learned that the Tsaesci were massing an army to the north. He left each of the cities with a small garrison and took the rest of his troops to launch a preemptive attack. They succeeded in routing the Tsaesci force and capturing their leader, however a Tsaesci counterattack forced them to fall back to Ionith. The simultaneous siege of both of the imperial-occupied cities then immediately began. Thanks to the battlemages, the fleet made returned safely back to Black Harbor. But the island of Esroniet was assaulted by the worst storms they had seen yet, and so the fleet was unable to bring reinforcements to Akavir. The next winter arrived, and the council lost all contact with the emperor, and urged the fleet to press on to Akavir despite the storms. Miraculously they arrived safely, but what they found was a disaster. Just two days prior, the emperor led the legions at Ionith out of the city by night and made for Septima He planned to board the fleet and withdraw immediately upon their arrival. They broke though the Tsaesci lines, however they were surrounded by overwhelming forces. The emperor led a heroic last stand with the 10th Legion. Later that night, two survivors of the Tenth made it to Septimia, and reported that emperor Uriel Septim the V was dead. What little left of the colony and the expeditionary force was evacuated. The imperial invasion of Akavir was a complete failure.It was also the last time Akavir and Tamriel ever had contact with each other.


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