The truth game.

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I regret that I didnt hang out with one of my friends when he really just needed someone to talk to I let him down :(

What was the funniest moment that youve had that you can recall ?
when we talked about hoes in our botany class yesterday


what is your favorite kind of cookie
evanescencefan91 said:
when we talked about hoes in our botany class yesterday


what is your favorite kind of cookie
Macadamian nut

whats your favorite animal?
Dolphins. Because they are so intelligent. They can kill a shark, and they have been known to help drowning humans get to shore.

Your fav food?
my eyes I love being able to see XD obviously

What do you want to do before you die?
Hijacc said:
my eyes I love being able to see XD obviously

What do you want to do before you die?

ok... this one deserves a duh... Is my english that bad? I mean: You think you have nice eyes? You think after paint your nails with a baby pink color and put a nice diamond ring, your hands look nice? You look at them and say: gee!!! beautiful hands!!! Or what? lol i need to back to school and learn a bit more of your language =/
Tell people who i love that i love them and say sorry for those i think i need to.
Keep it or soon we will have no more questions. and almost all of us didnt answer all questions so... we are knowing better just a few.
What I want to do NOW, before I die: Get married, learning to play piano, get my dream job (whatever that is?), learn a new language, travel some more, get cats, ummm... probably tons of more stuff that I can't think of right now ^^

But if I, say, was told that I only have a month left to live from now... That's harder. First I'd probably go on as usual. I mean, what can you do? Then maybe take care of the financial issues. I'd really like to say goodbye to everyone I know, but that must be so hard. I would like to thank them for everything. I never speak much of my emotions, and I never really tell other people what I feel about them, but that would be a good time to do so. The people I have around me means so much to me, even though they don't know it. I'd like them to know.

It's a good question. Keep it going
We need someone else to play, we already answered. lol i can think on things i would do, for sure. But its not fair... one answer per person lol
tell my family i love them, thank my friends for putting up with me for so long. Track down Amy Lee and Johnny Depp to confess my undying love for them. Skydive, lay awake alone on a beach/mountain/ dessert/ rooftop/boat in the middle of the Ocean, to watch the sunset, stars and sunrise, and cry


(continue question)
hmmm, I would want to tell everyone I know what I really think about them, I would visit places Ive always dreamed of going, I would spend my last minutes/days with the ones closest to me, having fun as if I wasnt going to die...I can get very emotional and depressed, but if I knew I was about to die I would be like F**K THAT! LETS PARTY!!!!!

continue question
Before I die, I want to be smart.
I try to come across as smart and somewhat sophisticated, but the best I can pull of is a Gatsby-esque facade. So before I die, I want to feel like I actually am an intelligent creature and not just a pre-programmed robot built to make everyone else feel better about themselves and give them someone to hate. Basically.

What's a concept or emotion you wish you understood better?
Love, Fear, want,....pretty much everything besides regret, depression, hate, and paranoia

continue quesion
Humm none! I dont like TV shows...

QUESTION: If you were a dessert, which one you would be? lol

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