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I like you, LoneKiller, but I have to agree with Shipster. If you didn't want people to post their thoughts, why create this thread at all?

Surely you would have realized that this could either be A.) A demonic possession, which a lot of people don't believe in, or B.) a complete schizo episode or something else mentally ill, which a lot of medical professionals DO believe in, and has been scientifically proven.

I generally don't believe in something unless I've had experience with it or it's been scientifically proven in some way. The only difference is God, who I believe in, simply because I feel him when I walk into Church. However, I wasn't around this girl, so I can't say if I would feel evil.

But going by evil in some people, I have felt evil, and it's not always in the most likely places, and not in people who speak like they're possessed. But Hitler was evil, for example.
@Shipster Alright.

I don't think that the courts give religion enough weight in the cases brought to it. It's much easier for people to hide behind science and the law than to have some guts and stand up for their religious beliefs in the face of skeptics who read 2 chapters of the bible and close it when they come across a passage that makes them have to think twice about things or get scared.

You weren't offering an opinion, you were attacking religion. The quotation marks you used on either side of the word religion shows that your attitude towards it. Before you attack a priests or anyone's beliefs, do a little research on religion and read the bible.

You aren't an expert on religion or the judicial system. Neither am I. So let's both just drop it alright. What qualifies you or I to think that we are both right here? Nothing. That's why I didn't want to continue this argument. I made a mistake posting the thread alright. I admit it. Take me out hang me why don't you.
LoneKiller said:
@Shipster Alright.

I don't think that the courts give religion enough weight in the cases brought to it. It's much easier for people to hide behind science and the law than to have some guts and stand up for their religious beliefs in the face of skeptics who read 2 chapters of the bible and close it when they come across a passage that makes them have to think twice about things or get scared.

You weren't offering an opinion, you were attacking religion. The quotation marks you used on either side of the word religion shows that your attitude towards it. Before you attack a priests or anyone's beliefs, do a little research on religion and read the bible.

You aren't an expert on religion or the judicial system. Neither am I. So let's both just drop it alright. What qualifies you or I to think that we are both right here? Nothing. That's why I didn't want to continue this argument. I made a mistake posting the thread alright. I admit it. Take me out hang me why don't you.

I believe we're being a touch extreme here. You seem to just be falling on your own sword to get out of something that you seem to have started.

Maybe my opinion on the matter is I don't believe that the religious answer here was correct, but I don't believe I was attacking it. I use the quotes around religion because it was an abstract concept in my thought. And you have no idea what my background in religion and reading the bible is, so in turn aren't you unjustly attacking me?

And I'm not up for a witness in court. I'm posting on an Internet forum. I didn't know we have to have credentials in the subject matter.
Hide behind science and the law? (I had to type this five times because I got so angry at this.)

Science is something that has been proven. Aka, it's real. It's factual. It's not some fairytale that people make up to scare people.

The way this video is presented, is that it is like a horror movie. Which is all well and good, until you realize how unlikely it is that something like this happened. Take Stephen King's Carrie, for instance. Is it likely that a girl will have the power to levitate objects? All well in fantasy, but I've never heard of a case that is actually like that. And Vampires don't exist, except in fantasies. Monsters aren't real.

You lost my respect at hiding behind science, Jason, because religion doesn't give you an excuse to ignore your biology, or things that are actually REAL.
You said that science is less reliable than religion. One of which can be proven, the other which can't.

Even as a Christian myself, as a logical person who believes in science, this infuriated me, because it is a perfect example of the religious ignoring basic biology. As someone who battles for human rights because the religious right make this argument (religion is more important than science and the law), forgive me, I just saw red again.

I know you didn't want to make this a political issue, but you made it for me when you said that part. I don't care if you believe in exorcisms, or the Easter Bunny, or whatever. Just don't argue that science is invalid, or that law can't be based on science, and that religion is more important than science.

I was worried that this thread might start an argument, but posted it
anyway. I tried to weasel my way out but you guys called me on it. I must admit that that I hold religion in a higher regard than science. In my heart my heart of hearts I believe that she was possessed, but that doesn't mean I should have discounted science here. I want to apologize for being biased and close minded here. I'm sorry I lost your respect Leaning. My apologies to all who posted here.
Just looks like a cheesy satanistic stereotype to me (none offense to LK :))
Hi everyone. Hope this thread finds you all well. Because of the nature of this video, saying that this guy was lucky sounds absurd. But that bear could have killed him in a matter of seconds if it saw fit to do so.

Wild animals don't belong in zoos people. Personally, I think that it's appalling the way we treat our animals for profit and entertainment. I don't blame the bear at all. I don't mean to sound cold about what this man went through, but when you are dealing with wild animals, you must accept the risk of an attack.

He's lucky to be alive. Those cute beasts are mighty. And I agree, we need to learn to treat animals with respect.
Felix said:
He's lucky to be alive. Those cute beasts are mighty. And I agree, we need to learn to treat animals with respect.
Hi Felix.:)

Here's a little bonus entertainment for everyone:

Just for the record. I'm a member of Yahoo Answers. But I didn't ask this stupid question. My name is Jade. I can't believe some of the answers! Some seem actually, serious!
There's only one way to endure a bear :p

The guy was an idiot for jumping into the habitat. I can't feel sorry for the idiot at all. The bear probably saw him as a threat.
LoneKiller said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I'm not watching this.
It's not gruesome Muse. I couldn't post it here if the vid was gory.

That was.. kinda gruesome :\ made my insides get into knots watching that. :S
I watched the video.

What kind of idiot jumps into a cage with a wild animal? Oh, he's so cute, let's play with, I'm sorry, but wild animals are wild! You can't expect them to act like domesticated animals.

That cage was up there for a reason.
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