Confusion about lonliness

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I realize that I am disliked on this site and I blame my self because I get annoyed by people who confuse lonliness with other issues such as boredom, depression, or just being dissatisfied with their life.
[font=Roboto-Light, HelveticaNeue-Light, HelveticaNeue, sans-serif-light, Arial, sans-serif]lone·li·ness[/font]
[font=Roboto-Regular, HelveticaNeue, Arial, sans-serif]ˈlōnlēnəs/

  1. [font=Roboto-Light, HelveticaNeue-Light, HelveticaNeue, sans-serif-light, Arial, sans-serif]1.
    [size=small]sadness because one has no friends or company.
    "feelings of depression and loneliness"

  2. [font=Roboto-Light, HelveticaNeue-Light, HelveticaNeue, sans-serif-light, Arial, sans-serif]2.
    [size=small](of a place) the quality of being unfrequented and remote; isolation.
    "the loneliness of the farm"
Sounds kind of passive aggressive... And what makes you think these people aren't lonely or depressed? And why does it matter as long as they aren't antagonistic?
This is a PUBLIC forum. ANYONE can join, no matter whether they are lonely or depressed or have a big ass family with lots of hoe downs. So you being judgmental about who can post what and who everyone has to be and what everyone can do is not necessary. It's good you blame yourself, because it IS you that pushed you to the outside. If you recall, there was a time you loved this site and the chat room. When did that change? When you started attacking people.

You CAN be lonely if you have family or friends. Just because you have those people does NOT mean you are connected to them. Some might even say that having a honeysuckle ton of people and still being lonely is WORSE than having no one. I can guarantee you that I was the loneliest I have EVER been when I was married. I have a big ass family too, but guess what....just because you have family doesn't mean you are close, doesn't mean they don't push you away or even want you. So stop with the **** judgments, you don't know anything about the other people here or what they have been through.

But again, PUBLIC FORUM. Anyone can post or join
Callie , you typically attack most people for any thing. You intimidate people , tell them off for posting too much. You tell them,off off for almost anything. I'm simply pointing out a fact...but if you like take it up with Webster's dictionary
Lol, think you know everything about me, do you?
Also, no, it's not a FACT, it's your OPINION.

But again. PUBLIC FORUM. Anyone can post whatever they want and can join for whatever reason.

But okay, fine. Let's play this your way. You didn't get that definition from Webster, it came from

HERE is what Webster has to say.

Definition of lonely
lonelier; loneliest
1 a : being without company : lone

too many lonely nights at home

b : cut off from others : solitary

the train stopped frequently at lonely little stations —Robert Hichens

2 : not frequented by human beings : desolate

a lonely spot in the woods

3 : sad from being alone : lonesome

He was feeling lonely without his wife and children.

4 : producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation

it's a lonely thing to be a champion —G. B. Shaw

— loneliness play \ˈlōn-lē-nəs\ noun
Callie, I never loved this site. I was hopeful that actual lonely people wanted to engage each other. I didn't enjoy the chat room one bit, particularly when you intimated a very shy insecure person asking if he wanted to see you in erotic lingerie.
Oh and here's what Wiki has to say about it.....

Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation. Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connection or communication with other beings, both in the present and extending into the future. As such, loneliness can be felt even when surrounded by other people. The causes of loneliness are varied and include social, mental, emotional and physical factors.

Research has shown that loneliness is prevalent throughout society, including people in marriages, relationships, families, veterans, and those with successful careers.[1] It has been a long explored theme in the literature of human beings since classical antiquity. Loneliness has also been described as social pain—a psychological mechanism meant to motivate an individual to seek social connections.[2] Loneliness is often defined in terms of one's connectedness to others, or more specifically as "the unpleasant experience that occurs when a person's network of social relations is deficient in some important way".
I respect any one's reason for being unhappy with their life. Just don't call it lonliness if it's not
TheRealCallie said:
Oh and here's what Wiki has to say about it.....

Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation. Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connection or communication with other beings, both in the present and extending into the future. As such, loneliness can be felt even when surrounded by other people. The causes of loneliness are varied and include social, mental, emotional and physical factors.

Research has shown that loneliness is prevalent throughout society, including people in marriages, relationships, families, veterans, and those with successful careers.[1] It has been a long explored theme in the literature of human beings since classical antiquity. Loneliness has also been described as social pain—a psychological mechanism meant to motivate an individual to seek social connections.[2] Loneliness is often defined in terms of one's connectedness to others, or more specifically as "the unpleasant experience that occurs when a person's network of social relations is deficient in some important way".
You're not disliked on this site.

Your arrogant and abrasive comments to members are. Don't be surprised then when people answer in kin. You had better get a grasp of basic decency, empathy and politeness. I can't speak for the chat room, I don't go there, but this isn't the first time I've seen those abrasive, misplaced comments to people, just the first time it was directed AT ME. I don't play at judging others and I expect the same basic courtesy.
So... This doesn't happen to have anything to do with your definitions of loneliness. It's just a way to provoke and attack, exactly what you're accusing Callie of, except you're hiding it behind this passive aggressive bullshit.
Richard_39 said:
You're not disliked on this site.

Your arrogant and abrasive comments to members are. Don't be surprised then when people answer in kin. You had better get a grasp of basic decency, empathy and politeness. I can't speak for the chat room, I don't go there, but this isn't the first time I've seen those abrasive, misplaced comments to people, just the first time it was directed AT ME. I don't play at judging others and I expect the same basic courtesy.
Richard, my comment to you was in hopes of making you smile. Not to upset you.

I guess I look at this the same as PSTD. a therapist tried to tell me I had PSTD due to what I consider normal life responsibilities... I would in no way compare my self to some one who actually has PSTD.
So who wants to see the elusive "SEXY LINGERIE"?  lol 
Actually, if I'm not mistaken, I have posted it on the forum before.  It's daring, isn't it?  So daring.   :rolleyes:
Seahorse said:
Richard_39 said:
You're not disliked on this site.

Your arrogant and abrasive comments to members are. Don't be surprised then when people answer in kin. You had better get a grasp of basic decency, empathy and politeness. I can't speak for the chat room, I don't go there, but this isn't the first time I've seen those abrasive, misplaced comments to people, just the first time it was directed AT ME. I don't play at judging others and I expect the same basic courtesy.
Richard, my comment to you was in hopes of making you smile. Not to upset you.

I guess I look at this the same as PSTD. a therapist tried to tell me I had PSTD due to what I consider normal life responsibilities... I would in no way compare my self to some one who actually has PSTD.

But, if that was the case, I apologize.
It doesn't really change my stance. I've seen you be very abrasive for no reason. I've seen some things you've wrote to others that were very innapropriate, to me. So I'll remain wary until such time as I see you're not just here to waste everyone's time.
Callie, the person you intimitated with your sexuality and dominant personality no longer participates in this site
Seahorse said:
Callie, the person you intimitated with your sexuality and dominant personality no longer participates in this site

Pretty sure you are referring to Kee, right?  If you don't know the whole story, maybe you shouldn't talk about honeysuckle.  Kee has NO problem with me and we PM'd almost every day.  So yeah, stop trying to victimize people.

Richard_39 said:
.......was that a joke?

I think I'm supposed to be the joke here.  lol  :club:
I wouldn't disclose any one who chose not to be on this site due to humiliation

Richard, I in no way have an issue with you. You are kind to people on here. I think you just misunderstood a joke about finding employment

This site should be called "the real Callie site" she is in charge . she will boss sad lonely people around until no one is left besides her followers. Nice trashy pic of your cheap lingere
Seahorse said:
I wouldn't disclose any one who chose not to be on this site due to humiliation

Richard, I in no way have an issue with you. You are kind to people on here. I think you just misunderstood a joke about finding employment

This site should be called "the real Callie site" she is in charge . she will boss sad lonely people around until no one is left besides her followers. Nice trashy pic of your cheap lingere

I wasn't laughing.
But perhaps. Case closed and let's not mention it again.

Callie is strongly opiniated but I've never seen her attack someone's choices or character. I'm sure many disagree with her opinions but don't remember anyone being flipped off by her.

I suggest you not do the same. It's one of the guidelines of this site and something we're not allowed to do, go after someone personally.
"Harassment, trolling, flaming, name calling, stalking, insolent behavriour, sniping veiled remarks, abuse, and insulting member are not permitted; this includes PM’s, see here. " if you need a reminder.
I suggest you forget about Callie and whatever beef you seem to have.
You need to cool it.
The intent of your thread was clear from the start.
If you want off the site so much just leave.
No one is running you off.
No one is attacking you.
You are provoking.
If you feel people on this site don't like you I can see why. This is the second thread I've noticed where you focused attacks on Callie.
Grow up.

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