does good looks really matter in making friends and finding love

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unlucky in life said:
paulo said:
unlucky in life said:
why am i hated

because you dont listen to people.
or do you just not understand what people are writing ??
not hating you or making fun of you just really starting to wonder.

the Argentina guy hates me still it has been full year a full year

i gues there is my answere...
unlucky in life said:
any one else wants ago

You seem to be doing well enough taking a go at yourself, so what do you need us for?
You come on here claiming to be looking for advice and help, but when we give you exactly what you asked for you don't want it. EVERY thread you have has something to do with that guy from facebook and all you give are excuses or you ignore us when we try to help you.
If you don't really want help, why ask? And you don't want help or you would take the advice we've given you and stop making so many **** excuses
and we've told you a million times. If you REALLY want help, you will go back and read what we have said to you in ALL your threads.
And it's not so much why they "hate" you that's the problem... it's more of a why do YOU hate you.

Read what we have said to you, there are a lot of options there and a lot of good advice. And seriously, you need to let facebook guy go. He ain't worth your time.
unlucky in life said:
any one else wants ago

No one is taking a go at you. I've read every thread, every post, and you refuse to listen. I don't believe you even care. You just want to repeat yourself over and over again. And it's unfortunate that these lovely, caring people who took the time, energy and effort to respond to you, only get a slap in the face from you.

I can't control what they want to reply to, but I would suggest they stop wasting their time talking to a pile of bricks. You respond only to negative behavior, which would explain why you love the guys who want nothing to do with you.
which would explain why you love the guys who want nothing to do with you. what that suppose to mean i don't understand
If you can't comprehend simple sentences, there's nothing that can be done. I think you're purposely asking questions to irritate people and waste their time.
VanillaCreme said:
If you can't comprehend simple sentences, there's nothing that can be done. I think you're purposely asking questions to irritate people and waste their time.
no i can't so why don't you explain
unlucky in life said:
VanillaCreme said:
I'm not explaining something that was stated plain and clear.

fine : you love men i hate men i don't care

It seems like you don't want to do anything...but anyway, if you hate men - leave them alone and stop thinking about them! Almost every post I've seen from you is related to men; it's like they own you or you exist for a man.

Focus on gardening...or something else then...
i don't exist i am frustrated that i am hated by men and men hate me show it just like Argentina to them i waste of time and piece and trash they spit on and walk on walk away it has be done to me million times i deserve to be loved just because i am crap looking and messed up personlity i still don't deserve what have done to me haven't done to women just me

may be i am better off dead
IgnoredOne said:
I've heard that some women can find love with other women...

mr i am straight from traditional irish catholic family i live in Ireland where every body know every body business
unlucky in life said:
IgnoredOne said:
I've heard that some women can find love with other women...

mr i am straight from traditional irish catholic family i live in Ireland where every body know every body business

Gaeltacht isn't all of Ireland. Why don't you move to a big city like Dublin? Its nothing like the smaller places, and I work with people - almost daily - from there.

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