does good looks really matter in making friends and finding love

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HOLY MOTHER ******* honeysuckle

I'm about the ONLY one that is still being relatively patient with you and I'm the one you ******* ignore???? REALLY???

Honey, you got issues. You don't want help, you want to nurse your pity party. That said, good luck, have fun, what the fresia ever....
HannahJocelyn said:
First off, no matter WHAT you shouldn't ever be physically OR verbally abused. I have been in a very abusive relationship that lasted 1yr and the abuse lasted 2. If you're still being abused, PLEASE get help from someone, anyone! NO ONE deserves that! Second, looks....only help for the first 2 seconds when they see u and they possibly give off a signal that they want to talk. But not always. I am pretty attractive apparently to the general public, i'll be honest here. But that does not mean that finding love is any easier or harder. If you have good looks but dont have a personality or a good one, then it's going to be a lot tougher. Personally, i'm very socially awkward, so i don't usually get very far. I'm still looking for even one guy that i truly even like, let alone love. And i understand it's hard to meet people when the opportunities are lacking. I don't get invited to parties or go out or anything. Also, when it comes to looks, everyone has such varying perception of what "pretty" or "ugly" is that you can't judge yourself from just one or two peoples opinions about you. You also MUST remember that your judgement stands higher than anyone elses, so as long as you believe you're beautiful, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

yes that is very true ir hard to meet nice people guys in particular like the Argentina guy i took him for nice guy but h wasn't he was cruel to me when i was only trying to be nice he became very viviou and verbal abusive i was speechless calling me names being very degrading and demoralizing towards me .very hateful manner. for some thing i didn't deserve at all. it seem he only really in to having relationship with anorexia model with good looks it seem no interested real women like us .no interested at all he called his own sister fat nice prince charming isn't he
I would say no it doesn't in the long term. For the initial stage yes, it attracts people. I think you need looks and personality to make things work especially for dating, I would say it's weighted more so for personality, you have to be interesting and be interested in people to make friends and find love.

I get told I'm pretty, nice and intelligent all the time. Yet I struggle to form long lasting friendship and relationships. And I would think personality play a big role - I am rather different to most people personality-wise.
hellomiko said:
I would say no it doesn't in the long term. For the initial stage yes, it attracts people. I think you need looks and personality to make things work especially for dating, I would say it's weighted more so for personality, you have to be interesting and be interested in people to make friends and find love.

I get told I'm pretty, nice and intelligent all the time. Yet I struggle to form long lasting friendship and relationships. And I would think personality play a big role - I am rather different to most people personality-wise.

do you i can't even get my foot in the door no body wants me. to me long term is 3 weeks that would miracle .true i find id it very hard to find some all i meet are shallow and vain empty head men who wants supermodels who can't hold conversation about thing all they want is arm candy and personality not required i know he described the girl he wanted he never mentioned about personality or intelligence nothing like that just physical.i try to hold conversation with model it was like getting blood from stone
@unlucky in life, well those guys you spoken to who only want supermodels are shallow, you don't want guys like that.

@Yeah, well I just have a different personality. I am a lot more reserved and introverted. I don't follow trends well. I'm crap at making jokes, and I tend to be more serious. It's hard for me to find someone to get along with as most people are the opposite of that.
hellomiko said:
@unlucky in life, well those guys you spoken to who only want supermodels are shallow, you don't want guys like that.

@Yeah, well I just have a different personality. I am a lot more reserved and introverted. I don't follow trends well. I'm crap at making jokes, and I tend to be more serious. It's hard for me to find someone to get along with as most people are the opposite of that.

well those guys you spoken to who only want supermodels are shallow, you don't want guys like that-true but they only type i meet

You're ugly, you're fat, you have low-self esteem, nobody wants you, men are jerks and apparently you feel that there's nothing you can do about it!

If this is what you want to believe...then go and accept the situation!
No one else can change your mind!

No use complaining something that apparently is set in stone and cannot be changed. :)

I can say this - after trying to talk to you - I already know that I don't like you and you have a miserable attitude that pushes people away.

Hopefully you either one day finally "wake up" and get help...that or you can accept misery and that you're alone forever...and you have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF. :)

(hello) Steve.

This actually reminds me of a real-life situation that I read in the paper.

This gentleman loved his him; she was his world and was the most beautiful thing he ever set eyes on. He loved her personality and her quirks. He was considering marrying her and starting a family.

The problem is that the girlfriend would constantly put herself down...say that she is ugly, horrible and focus only on her flaws.

After trying for so long to help her realize how beautiful she was...he one day started believing what she said about herself and ended the relationship then.

Our friend "unlucky in life" here should consider a career in sales.
Unlucky...even if someone likes you for who you are; you're going to point out all the bad things about you and soon after - they'll start to see things your way.

If you say that you are ugly, fat, miserable, stupid etc...and other people say the's not their fault!

They're just agreeing with you.

yeah thnks yee have great help it still won't solve my problem of him hating me and blocking
why ha hates me nor does care he said hate me forever i won't live that along
it was childish remark to make
If he blocks you, and if he hates you, that's not your problem. He doesn't need a reason why.
unlucky in life said:
yeah thnks yee have great help it still won't solve my problem of him hating me and blocking
why ha hates me nor does care he said hate me forever i won't live that along
it was childish remark to make

Sorry, but so is at least half of what you say.
You didn't understand it when I said he might not care enough to hate you. Hate is a very strong emotion. I don't hate you. I don't LIKE you, but I also do not HATE you. If you kept trying to add me on a social network, I'd keep rejecting you. If you tried lying about who you were in order to trick me into adding you, I'd continue to reject you. I'd possibly insult you. I wouldn't hate you, though. You wouldn't be important enough to me that I would waste that kind of energy, hating you. I very much doubt all of these people hate you. They probably don't like you, but they also probably don't hate you.
Quite a sandstorm yes?

Do something about your problems unlucky in life. Period.

Carry on!
Ur hurt...and all your perpection of life
is being colure through your hurt.

Unsolved hurt and anger.

U whish for closure to resolve ur
hurt and anger through him becuase
you believe humans are inheritly good not evil.

First and foremore you need healing.
Healing from within.

You yourself is the best
person and have the power to heal yourself more than anyone.

By default you have created alot of your
own pains.. True the pains you have within you were cuased by others.
You still have the power to heal yourself
and rid of you pains.

Everyone have different threshhole
of pains....When you reach that piont
you will simple chose to get well or
stop cuasing yourself pains.

Hes not in ur is you thats
contnuing your pains and suffering.
Not easy to see....
As I said...your perception is coloure
by your pain.

U create you own heaven or own hell.
Its a self fullfiling prophecy.

Lie is not without pains..
True theres a lot of mean people
in this...
Sufferning is optional.

Sufferning is reliving the same pains
over and over and over and over again.
yeah thanks for that

nerdygirl said:
You didn't understand it when I said he might not care enough to hate you. Hate is a very strong emotion. I don't hate you. I don't LIKE you, but I also do not HATE you. If you kept trying to add me on a social network, I'd keep rejecting you. If you tried lying about who you were in order to trick me into adding you, I'd continue to reject you. I'd possibly insult you. I wouldn't hate you, though. You wouldn't be important enough to me that I would waste that kind of energy, hating you. I very much doubt all of these people hate you. They probably don't like you, but they also probably don't hate you.

well he told me he hated if you read what he said personal and hateful you are missing the big picture focus on the words

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