Suppressing the Libido worth trying?

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Well known loser
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
New Zealand
So what about it, for 30+ virgin guys, have you ever considered pharmaceuticals or natural equivalents to reduce or completely suppress the sex drive? It has to have occurred to most of us.

What if any are the options (I would rather not surf the net about this)

Our sexual interest serves absolutely no purpose at this stage. It's a source of anxiety, unfulfilled desire, heartache, attachment, and since we are repulsive there's no reason for it.

On one hand there could be physical side-effects - suppress testosterone for long enough who knows what will happen. Plus if it gets around people might think you're some fiendish pervert who couldn't control himself.

On the other...freedom from anxiety and warped behaviour around women you would otherwise be attracted to would be a big plus. Platonic relationships with women can develop without desire driving it. You would be content being you, no longer willing to change or accept being treated badly for the prospect of physical intimacy. If something more than friendship should develop, which let's be honest is far more likely to be genuine when sex is taken out of the equation, you can go off the meds.
..kind of embarrassing... this is a gross topic nobody wants to discuss? .. I wouldn't have thought so considering what else gets posted.

Men haven't thought about what it would be like to live without any sex drive, how you might behave, whether you'd be happy or not? I sure have.
I enjoy masturbating. In fact, it's one of the best times of my day. Very relaxing and makes me happy.

I imagine sex would be a million times better, but since I can't get that, I don't want to give up the happiness of fantasizing. I think part of having a creative mind is the ability to fantasize.
I think is like the death of a part of yourself. I wouldn't do it. But then I'm not in your situation.

Are you sure you can take it away and then go back just like that? Why wouldn't you search the internet about this?
My view of it is....

If you managed to turn off your sex drive, and then, the very next day, you met a girl who wanted to fresia you silly...

Wouldn't you feel silly?

Life changes. 40 year old virgins lose their virginity on their 41st birthday. Nothing is constant.
Felix said:
I think is like the death of a part of yourself. I wouldn't do it. But then I'm not in your situation.

It's a part of myself I wouldn't mind losing at the moment. All it does is draw attention to something I'll never experience.

Felix said:
Why wouldn't you search the internet about this?

Googling the terms would bring up a lot of dodgy results, and I'm on a work computer.
I did some investigation on it, and it has serious side effects. If you go for chemical castration. But there are certain other side effects from other drugs that would work... but they could kill you, if you didn't need to take them.

I agree with you about thinking it would make it easier, and why is it needed. It makes me feel like crap I can't even control my own body, it's got a mind of it's own !! And it's a cruel ******* !!
100mg of Prozac a day will remove your sex drive - along with most of your other desires. Take it from one who knows, going through life a smiling automaton is not a good thing. The only other option I can think of is castration, but aside from the obvious physical um, "unpleasantries", there's no going back and you'll need a lifetime of hormone replacement therapy.

My suggestion: embrace who you are and explore your sexuality.
I'm a 43 year old female and I find the antidepressant medication that I'm on, Luvox, really helps with suppressing my sex drive, which I really do need because it makes me feel inferior. Although this was a coincidental side effect. I can't imagine what a doctor would say if you told them you wanted something to suppress your sex drive, it's probably not a very healthy thing to do and a bit sad, but at least you know there are people in your situation around.
Why would you need chemical castration?

The issue with chemical castration is that it is hella expensive. Even seasoned sex offenders can't afford it. This is part of the problem of why there are so many perverts on the street.

If you aren't a pervert, why do you need castration? Just accept that you may have sex someday, and that you aren't a total hopeless case.
It isn't permanent it's a drug, and it just reduces libido

Chemical castration is the administration of medication designed to reduce libido and sexual activity. Unlike surgical castration, where the testicles or ovaries are removed through an incision in the body, chemical castration does not actually castrate the person, nor is it a form of sterilization.

And is reversible once treatment stops. Monks sometimes start with it to begin a life of chastity too.
It's not just for sex offenders.
No, that wasn't the point. The point is that it costs thousands of dollars for one treatment, let alone having repeated treatments.

Google it. I did once, because I was curious.

The point being that even pedophiles who want chemical castration can't afford it. Someone who has normal sexual desires doesn't need it. They just need to have sex (I know this is a ridiculous statement, but it's ridiculous to say that adults who are virgins need the same treatment as pedophiles and rapists.)
rdor said:
So what about it, for 30+ virgin guys, have you ever considered pharmaceuticals or natural equivalents to reduce or completely suppress the sex drive? It has to have occurred to most of us.

I hate those commercials where there is a drug and they always say one of the negative side effects is that it will cut down on sex drive. I always scream at the tv, "what's wrong with cutting down on a sex drive when sex doesn't exist?"
Blackdot, I honestly don't know why you aren't getting dates? You are stereotypically good looking, have a good job, are financially stable, etc.
Women are better than us at understanding emotions. Form the second you approach them, they sense your vibe, so if you're guy who doesn't have his honeysuckle together it's hard to get something sexual outta them.
Felix said:
Women are better than us at understanding emotions. Form the second you approach them, they sense your vibe, so if you're guy who doesn't have his honeysuckle together it's hard to get something sexual outta them.

I'm better than most women at sensing things and reading people's minds.
rdor said:
So what about it, for 30+ virgin guys, have you ever considered pharmaceuticals or natural equivalents to reduce or completely suppress the sex drive? It has to have occurred to most of us.

What if any are the options (I would rather not surf the net about this)

Our sexual interest serves absolutely no purpose at this stage. It's a source of anxiety, unfulfilled desire, heartache, attachment, and since we are repulsive there's no reason for it.

On one hand there could be physical side-effects - suppress testosterone for long enough who knows what will happen. Plus if it gets around people might think you're some fiendish pervert who couldn't control himself.

On the other...freedom from anxiety and warped behaviour around women you would otherwise be attracted to would be a big plus. Platonic relationships with women can develop without desire driving it. You would be content being you, no longer willing to change or accept being treated badly for the prospect of physical intimacy. If something more than friendship should develop, which let's be honest is far more likely to be genuine when sex is taken out of the equation, you can go off the meds.

From experience I have found that a lot of antidepressants will greatly reduce your sex drive. Effexor is one that I can think of off the top of my head.

But you can't just go off that cold turkey, the withdrawal is pretty severe.

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