The truth game.

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Have you ever had sex outdoors? (with a partner!);)

No. Actually I haven't. Maybe that should be my goal for 2009;)

What did you dream about last night?
blueindia2681 said:

Have you ever had sex outdoors? (with a partner!);)

No. Actually I haven't. Maybe that should be my goal for 2009;)

What did you dream about last night?

Having sex in the outdoors.:p (with a partner) LOL

Do you make New Years Resolutions?
No i'm not planning it at the moment.

Same question.
Off and on I do. But then I remember what it's like to fail at that as well as everything else. So I guess some people could say that in that case, failure was a good thing for me.

Would you consider yourself a "tv junkie"?
nah not really, I dont watch much tv anymore, nothings ever on lol

do you consider yourself a bookworm?
Not any more. My reading has really dropped off. Cant focus enough to get through a sentence anymore.

Do you have a favorite month of the year?
december weather, may and june activites I guess you could say, the holidays are a bit draining but overall december.

same question
january, Because all the christmas crap is out the way and its the furthest away from christmas that we can be. Plus My birthday is in january and I normally enjoy my birthdays :)

same question
Arbor Day, i find it among the least stressful.

Same question
Don't have one okay then I'll just have to pick one I guess, I'll pick 2: Easter and Queens holiday.

Do you come into chat? If so why and if not why?
No. Can't spell, can't type, can't think of anything to say, i'm to darn slow and what LonelyDragon said also.

If you were a vegetable what kind would you want to be?
only once on a high school Spanish test, take that geography of south America!

Have you ever fallen in love?

Ever listen to a recording of yourself and been horrified with the way you sound?

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