Why do men only like women that are...

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No, it IS a need. Do you NEED the computer or the internet? Would you die without it? No. You could survive without it, but you'd probably go nuts and do something drastic in order to fill your time or reach out to someone.

It's not a perfect example, but you get the point. Sex isn't a LIFE-THREATENING need, but it IS a need for a man's sanity and general health in terms of stress and psychological well-being...as well as secondary physical effects that come about because of sexual activity: enorphines, hormones, etc.

It's like Blue Balls. When a guy is sexually excited and ready to go, and then is just completely shut down or rejected by a chick, it can be LITERALLY PHYSICALLY PAINFUL in the testicles and gut.

Again: Sex is a need for men. :p:D

Badjedidude said:
No, it IS a need. Do you NEED the computer or the internet? Would you die without it? No. You could survive without it, but you'd probably go nuts and do something drastic in order to fill your time or reach out to someone.

It's not a perfect example, but you get the point. Sex isn't a LIFE-THREATENING need, but it IS a need for a man's sanity and general health in terms of stress and psychological well-being...as well as secondary physical effects that come about because of sexual activity: enorphines, hormones, etc.

It's like Blue Balls. When a guy is sexually excited and ready to go, and then is just completely shut down or rejected by a chick, it can be LITERALLY PHYSICALLY PAINFUL in the testicles and gut.

Again: Sex is a need for men. :p:D


I don't need my computer. I'd live without it. I'd still breathe.

and thats what i mean...a LIFE THREATENING NEED. lol xD Sex is not a life-threatening need. :p
SophiaGrace said:
I don't need my computer. I'd live without it. I'd still breathe.

But you would maybe go crazy and kill someone or yourself in an internet rage....and a guy would do the same.

Lol seriously...You have no idea how strangely crazy and uptight a guy can get when he hasn't had sex in a while. Crazy enough to do something insane or even life-threatening. :D

I think that sex is a Tier 1 need. :D Hey, why not? Haha no prob with that, IMHO.

Badjedidude said:
SophiaGrace said:
I don't need my computer. I'd live without it. I'd still breathe.

But you would maybe go crazy and kill someone or yourself in an internet rage....and a guy would do the same.


AHhhh! Internet rage! GRR! :p
This is always going to be an argument that will never be solved.

It is silly to assume that 'all' men go for 'one' type of woman, really. Seen as there are many different types of men and many different types of women.

Yes if a girl seems a bit more...sexual then she might get a few guys (or seem to get more guys) because she is openly honest about her wants and desires. That isn't a bad thing, surely? And neither should it be the other way around.

Nice girls do get guys too, the thing is are some of the nice girls confident about even trying to get a guy? Maybe that is the problem, not anything to do with sex.

Sex is sex, it is something both men and women do need. It seems silly to think otherwise, unless of course you are asexual. I am a woman and I enjoy sex and masturbation, I'd go insane without either, same as I agree a man would. It doesn't make me loose to admit that.

Infact I am quite frigid around guys, I am open about the fact I don't have sex with guys (well more of a situation of I can't have sex with them) yet I still get guys asking me for dates. So surely they can't just be after me for sex? And I can't be coming across as loose surely, if I'm openly frigid?

I think people need to lay off sticking labels or people into a box. People are people and sex is sex. Just deal with each one/time/person differently.
If humans were a species content to confine themselves to "needs," then we would still be hunter-gatherers back in Africa :p Is it not part of the basic human condition to desire? And to derive motivation from the urge to satiate that desire? I mean, we didn't need to go to the moon, Beethoven didn't need to write sonatas, Shakespeare didn't need to write plays... Aww, whatever... sex good :p hehe
kelbo said:
I am a woman and I enjoy sex and masturbation, I'd go insane without either, same as I agree a man would. It doesn't make me loose to admit that.

Haha well said.

Same to you, mintymint. :p Good words.

Just_Some_Dude said:
Wow! that picture makes me feel like i don't know what i did, but i need to say, yes ma'am, i am sorry! :p

That picture has a tendency to do that.

SophiaGrace said:
Badjedidude said:
no no no no....guys dont NEED sex...they want it. WANT.

Geez...I don't understand why guys get wants/needs mixed up.

No kidding. My eyes almost rolled out of my head.

No one is going to DIE without sex. Truly.

Oh and here's a shocker: Women can like sex too.

A lot.

Just_Some_Dude said:
SophiaGrace said:
Ok, let me pose you guys a question.

Are you going to die if you don't have sex? Like, literally, die?

Food, water, shelter <= without two of these you'd most definately die and if you didn't have shelter it'd be damned hard to live.

YES. I would die. heart attack, stress, cancer, something would get me. Can't say it would kill me outright, but it certainly would contribute to an early passing! Of course, that is why God invented masturbation! (will i be struck by lightning now?)

Really, as long as you can masturbate, you are sating (to an extent) the desire for an orgasm.
Guys I hate to tell you this but I just made this thread because I wanted to create the converse of what so many guys have created. Inevitably a few select members from this site come and try to 'bring the light of day' to the posts because there are so many sweeping generalizations.

I've learned that I suck at making sweeping generalizations. I do. And I'm honestly not half serious about half the things I've said on here. I just created the thread to try and turn the tables on the guys.

Though there are two things which I was serious about:

1) that men ARE hard to read about their intentions when they date you (whether or not they just want sex.)

& 2) that Sex is a want, not a need.

When it comes to nice girls & abusive men. The following is my TRUE Belief: Women with poor self esteem let themselves be fooled into these relationships. They give these guys repeated chances, they don't take the warning signs seriously...and honestly....I pity these women.

I will say this, Men, for me, ARE hard to read. They are, plain and simple. As they say, women are from venus, men are from mars. We'll forever not fully understand the opposite sex...or maybe...I am wrong. I hope I am truely wrong. I hope that someday I will understand that men are indeed just human, and not some strange exotic species from far-off africa.
SophiaGrace said:
When it comes to nice girls & abusive men. The following is my TRUE Belief: Women with poor self esteem let themselves be fooled into these relationships. They give these guys repeated chances, they don't take the warning signs seriously...and honestly....I pity these women.

Oh I have seen this too. Sometimes some women's self-esteem is so low that they don't think that they deserve any better than to be treated badly.

It's awful.
cheaptrickfan said:
Oh and here's a shocker: Women can like sex too.

A lot.

Haha I never said that women don't like or want sex. :p

I'm not trying to make any sweeping generalizations, everyone. :p

It's just my opinion, based on personal observation and experience, that for some reason sex is a huge part of a man's drive in life...and that many men would go pretty far to get sex because they are so driven by it...including taking advantage of nice girls who fall for the tactics that those douchebags usually use.

What bugs me is that sometimes the moves or actions that ********* guys use are SOOOOOO obvious to me....it makes me wonder why some woman can't see it. I guess nice girls are flattered by the sort of things these guys do, but to me it just seems so bleedingly cheesy and smarmy and obvious. *shrug* Like cheesy one-liners and such. Come on...how can that honeysuckle actually WORK?

What I'm saying is that usually it's not hard for me to determine a guy's motives when he hits on a girl. Maybe it's in the minutae, but for some reason (and I think other guys might be with me on this) I can generally tell if a guy is fishing for sex or being sincere. Like I've said before, it seems obvious to me...but...*shrug* heh I dunno.

Badjedidude said:
cheaptrickfan said:
Oh and here's a shocker: Women can like sex too.

A lot.

I'm not trying to make any sweeping generalizations, everyone. :p


lol, what he is really saying is "please don't hurt me!"
Badjedidude said:
What I'm saying is that usually it's not hard for me to determine a guy's motives when he hits on a girl. Maybe it's in the minutae, but for some reason (and I think other guys might be with me on this) I can generally tell if a guy is fishing for sex or being sincere. Like I've said before, it seems obvious to me...but...*shrug* heh I dunno.

Likewise, I can spot a gold-digger or other opportunistic whore a mile away. lol

Men and women seem to speak different languages. we need a universal translator.
SophiaGrace said:
lol, what he is really saying is "please don't hurt me!"

Just trying to calm you menstrual women down.

XD HAHAHAHA OK, ok...just a joke. Lol

NOW I am saying "please don't hurt me." :p

Badjedidude said:
cheaptrickfan said:
Oh and here's a shocker: Women can like sex too.

A lot.

Haha I never said that women don't like or want sex. :p

I'm not trying to make any sweeping generalizations, everyone. :p

It's just my opinion, based on personal observation and experience, that for some reason sex is a huge part of a man's drive in life...and that many men would go pretty far to get sex because they are so driven by it...including taking advantage of nice girls who fall for the tactics that those douchebags usually use.

What bugs me is that sometimes the moves or actions that ********* guys use are SOOOOOO obvious to me....it makes me wonder why some woman can't see it. I guess nice girls are flattered by the sort of things these guys do, but to me it just seems so bleedingly cheesy and smarmy and obvious. *shrug* Like cheesy one-liners and such. Come on...how can that honeysuckle actually WORK?

What I'm saying is that usually it's not hard for me to determine a guy's motives when he hits on a girl. Maybe it's in the minutae, but for some reason (and I think other guys might be with me on this) I can generally tell if a guy is fishing for sex or being sincere. Like I've said before, it seems obvious to me...but...*shrug* heh I dunno.


Ok steve, tell us ...enlighten us...if you will, on how to spot a guy's intentions regarding this?

I'm quite interested :)
SophiaGrace said:
lol, what he is really saying is "please don't hurt me!"

lol I don't hurt anyone. I'm a lover, not a fighter. :p

Badjedidude said:
Just trying to calm you menstrual women down.

XD HAHAHAHA OK, ok...just a joke. Lol

NOW I am saying "please don't hurt me." :p


...but I will put a hurtin ' on you for THAT!!

haha XD sorry, cheaptrickfan...lubs ya. :p

SophiaGrace said:
Ok steve, tell us ...enlighten us...if you will, on how to spot a guy's intentions regarding this?

It's not anything really quantifiable...it's hard to explain. But it's the way a guy holds himself when talking to a girl...whether he looks directly at her or not, how aggressive he is, etc. Usually if a guy is sincere he won't touch a woman's hand when talking to her unless it's about something very serious. A guy who's looking for sex will be more likely to touch or grasp a woman's hand (or knees if they're sitting). A guy looking for sex will aim lower when going for a hug...like hands on the swell right at the top of the buttocks, whereas a more genuine guy would be careful to keep his hands respectfully a bit higher. There's more, but like I said, it's hard to put words to all of it. Guys give out a sort of vibe when they're interacting with women...and I think guys can read each other's vibes.

Just little clues like that. I think women pick up on those clues, but maybe they don't consciously notice them as much...it's more of a body communication thing, I guess. The only reason I notice it is because I'm a guy....so to me all other guys are competition. :p And biologically I'm driven to keep an eye on the behavior of the competition.

well you've basically given me body language....

What about what the guy SAYS? Is that anything to go by? What about actions that aren't body language/physical contact?
SophiaGrace said:
It sucks. Guys have it so much easier, all they have to do is go to a strip club or buy an escourt. Women get stigmatized if they are loose and then called frigid if we dont put out.

Funny to see when a guy makes a thread about these 'sweeping generalizations' even if he mean it as an honest question to be replied, he gets flamed and even funnier to see how when women say this and they are actually making a point. To put my two cents to it, most guys doesn't give a crap about these so called generalizations. The word is "most".
SophiaGrace said:
What about what the guy SAYS? Is that anything to go by? What about actions that aren't body language/physical contact?

I don't believe in trusting only what a person says. Words are too cheap. It's just who I am to focus more on body language. It's really too difficult to gauge something like that on verbal language anyway, because everyone is different and might say different things to work toward the same goal. One genuine guy could say something completely different from what another genuine guy would say, but they would both still be genuine.

Heh srry I can't be more clear on that.

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