Would you rather..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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plant a tree-- i cant climb trees!!!

would you rather have a billion US dollars but have no limbs or have limbs but not a nickel on your name?
ive taken it off tho :'( (well, except one from my avatar)


would you rather get kissed by marilyn manson or puff daddy? :D
Strangled, then at least i won't get soggy.

Would you rather die from too much food or too little.
too little, because i'd probably die from a heart attack if i ate too much.

would you rather be super fast or super sexy?
super fast, because being extremely sexy might not be good in some cases

would you rather work hard all day and become exhausted, then come home to a loving wife/husband
not have to work hardly at all and be relaxed and energetic but have a cat or dog for company?
The company would be more important to me.

Would you rather win the lottery or would you rather find a better job?
Win the lottery. [Edit: I would have the money needed to get a new car, my own home, pay off my expenses, return to college and thus get a better career.]

Would you rather escort a group of civilians to a known safe location from a ruthless invading force saving them but leaving your close comrades behind to face the enemy without you and live with the guilt if they failed - or would you rather stay with your comrades and fight off the enemy with honor and a high chance for victory while leaving the people to flee for themselves, defenseless, unorganised, and likely to meet certain death?
Since the comrades have "a high chance for victory" and the civilians are "likely to meet certain death" if unescorted then it would seem that the responsible thing to do would be to escort the civilians even if it means missing out on the glory of playing Rambo.

Would you rather eat pizza or salad?
Wombats, less conspicuous

Would you rather be with someone who was rich or gorgeous?

I'll take rich.

Would you rather have rain or snow?

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