Do You Talk To Yourself?

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Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
And respond?

I was once told that you know you are going crazy when you talk to yourself. Once you start you answer yourself you are insane, and when you start to have conversations with yourself you should look into having yourself committed.

Someone order me a straight jacket.

I do this all the time, but that might be because I am by myself most of the day. I only have myself to talk to, except for people who call or customers. Even when I go home I IM my brother or anyone else I want to talk to that are online, but that's text not spoken word. So does talking to myself really make me that crazy? No, I don't think so. I can function without medication, I can drive a car safely, and I have yet to start yelling at myself or getting into an argument. So I don't think I'm even borderline crazy yet. Notice I said YET. :D

That was all mostly for humour, but I am interested in knowing how many of you do talk to yourself.
I do all the time. I spend a lot of time alone and sometimes I need to hear a voice, even if it's my own. I don't think I'm insane. Just lonely. I tend to not talk to myself if I'm forum browsing, in Messenger chatting with friends though. And sometimes when I talk to myself, I pretend I'm having a conversation with someone about an issue I'm having with them. It helps to get the vocalizations because you can hear how you sound and rephrase accordingly before you talk to them 'live'.

I find talking to myself helpful sometimes. Other times, it's more helpful to just write a diary entry. It just depends on my mood really.

And I think all that stuff about insanity is rubbish even though it's usually meant as a joke. If that made a person insane, I think more people would be committed than there already are, even if no one wants to admit it. I think that started because people got jealous that some could hold a conversation better with themselves than they can with them. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. :p
I do, but it's an OCD thing. Remember Howard Hughes in the Aviator?

(I still do it, but it's subclinical.)
Oh, I mutter to myself all the time :D
Especially when I'm dealing with a difficult claim at work (like today). My co-workers within earshot know its bad when I start randomly dropping 4 letter words, which I don't normally do.
I think it's normal to talk to yourself sometimes.

who you callin crazy?!? no but seriously... i do talk to myself and occasionally answer. i would imagine that for people who spend a lot of time alone this would be something that naturally develops. we are social beings and though some of us may not want to be, im sure our minds compensate for it in one way or another. for some, i would imagine this means talking to ourselves.
Sometimes I even talk to the equipment in my shop...sometimes customers catch me...they laugh.
I talk to myself all the time. I once did it in computer class everybody was staring at me as I was seriously ingadged in conversation, I felt like an idiote, lol.
When ppl tell me only crazy ppl talk to themself I usually tell them I know.

Sometimes it's the only way for me to have an intelligent conversation. Usually hubby asks if I enjoy talking to myself when he catches me doing it, lol.

I talk to myself all the time. I once did it in computer class everybody was staring at me as I was seriously ingadged in conversation, I felt like an idiote, lol.
When ppl tell me only crazy ppl talk to themself I usually tell them I know.

Sometimes it's the only way for me to have an intelligent conversation. Usually hubby asks if I enjoy talking to myself when he catches me doing it, lol.
I don't care if ppl call me crazy, refer to my siggie
Yep, it's always funny when others hear you. Sometimes I'd get asked by people I was working with if I was talking to them or myself. I usually tell them if they were listening then I was talking to them too.

@OneDude if you are talking out loud and you are the only one listening YOU ARE having a conversation with yourself. ;) :D

@Mary I have never seen that movie.

ThatOneDude said:
If I'm trying to sort my thoughts sure, but I don't have conversations with myself or anything

It's the same with me. Sometimes it helps me organize my logical thinking. Sometimes it's an excited utterance!

Now, if you start talking to yourself in the third person then I think you have a problem. :D
Sci-Fi said:
Sometimes I even talk to the equipment in my shop...sometimes customers catch me...they laugh.

Send me the info on a good asylum.... I mutter and full on talk to myself all the time when I am working. I talk to my paintings, dogs, computer screen...anything...I sing out loud too...I don't know if that is crazy or just cruel to anyone listening..;)

I talk to myself all the time, I made a (bad) habit out of it since childhood.
Lawrens...Me too, I started with talking to dolls, teddybears and pets and once the toys got put away I was still talking to the pets...and myself...At least I always understand me when I do that...:D
Aside from posing rhetorical questions out loud, I guess not, really. I generally prefer an inner monologue. 'Silence is our motto!'

It would be somewhat nice, cool, whatever, to just go around in the real world, pick up two items and say out loud 'I can't use these two things together' or 'That doesn't work', with humorous flavour thrown into the mix, 'tho, heh. Just to bug the hell out of people.
LOL Nina you'd be fun to have in an office. Pets are awesome to talk to, they sit and listen to you, they don't judge you and they give you unconditional love.

Wishing Well...I dunno sometimes I think my equipment does talk back. There's been a few times I ask what was is wrong with it and then all of sudden something happens and I'm like, oh that's what's wrong. LOL So in a way its like it is trying to communicate with me...creepy...
lol @ Bread...That would be sort of fun! I usually only talk to myself when no one else is around but hey....Sometimes I'm around folks that I'd rather talk to myself then them...

Sci-Fi...If you ever saw my office skills you'd take that comment back faster than Batman can beat a bad guy. I am a technology nightmare! Pets are good listeners...right up until you say something that convinces them they need to jump up and wash your face with their tongue...:D Maybe they're just trying to shut me up...O-O

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