never had boyfriend and never got my 1st kiss & men hate me

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Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
Minus said:
why are you obsessed with some guy that you apparently never even knew?

but he add lot females he doesn't know and has never seen they pick him at random he doesn't blocked them

that doesn't answer the question

What the hell is so special about this guy that makes him deserve so much of your time when he has made it CLEAR that he doesn't want anything to do with you

but why .what did i do ?
it doesn't make any difference. You probably did nothing. That is still no reason to get all obsessed over a complete stranger.
unlucky in life said:
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
Minus said:
why are you obsessed with some guy that you apparently never even knew?

but he add lot females he doesn't know and has never seen they pick him at random he doesn't blocked them

that doesn't answer the question

What the hell is so special about this guy that makes him deserve so much of your time when he has made it CLEAR that he doesn't want anything to do with you

but why .what did i do ?

Why does it matter so much? You didn't do anything (except stalk him a bit) He doesn't like you. You will never know why, so that makes it seriously pointless to go on and on about it. Not everyone has to like everyone else. It's a fact of life. Nothing can change that, so move on to people that may like you for who you are.
If u attending recovery meetings....
People discuss these type of problems....
A lot of people term it as the fucken
commiteee going in there freaken head. Its like borderline OCD.
Some people do have vioces in their head or commitee running all
the time....telling them to do stupid honeysuckle or unhealthy behaviors or obsess over what someone said to them..complete stranger or family members...
Its not uncommon to me.
Thats why people attend support groups..they suffer from the same
thing....Theyll understand..her..becuase they sort of go through the samething and not as judgemental or dont get as fustrated.

Its kind of the samething on this board.
It takes one to know one.
It has theraputic value..

This is all reocvery stuff...
so how is guy who doesn't really know me and never seen me before. only chatted to me for 4 months hate me so much
i can hate some one i never meet met or seen but it seems he can by some strange reason.
but to hate me for no reason seems unfair i never really got to know me.
i guess if a guy is not interested i guess he not to bother all the guys i know are exact same as him
none couldn't care less about me i might as well face it there i am not worth knowing and waste of time
i look like train wreck too. i belong in scrap yard or rubbish bin.
like they all said waste of time and energy

they all the same opion of me exact same opion of me =waste of effort they all have found some one i am bargain bin
with 100% off still i am not picked up a rag
unlucky in life said:
so how is guy who doesn't really know me and never seen me before. only chatted to me for 4 months hate me so much
i can hate some one i never meet met or seen but it seems he can by some strange reason.
but to hate me for no reason seems unfair i never really got to know me.
i guess if a guy is not interested i guess he not to bother all the guys i know are exact same as him
none couldn't less about me i might face it there i am not worth knowing and waste of time
i look like train wreck too. i belong in scrap yard or rubbish bin.
like they all said waste of time and energy

they all the same opion of me exact same opion of me =waste of effort they all have found some one i am bargain bin
with 100% off still i am not picked up a rag

No offense, but you seem to have the same opinion of yourself.
Unluckie....You didnt do anything wrong.

What you did was...ran with what he said and it became a beliefs system.

Its kind of like auto suggestions. sort of under hypnotic.

Bascailly you let him rent space in your

In the first chapter....This is what he explains .
The power of imaginations alway wins..
Thats why some people seem to lack willpower
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
so how is guy who doesn't really know me and never seen me before. only chatted to me for 4 months hate me so much
i can hate some one i never meet met or seen but it seems he can by some strange reason.
but to hate me for no reason seems unfair i never really got to know me.
i guess if a guy is not interested i guess he not to bother all the guys i know are exact same as him
none couldn't less about me i might face it there i am not worth knowing and waste of time
i look like train wreck too. i belong in scrap yard or rubbish bin.
like they all said waste of time and energy

they all the same opion of me exact same opion of me =waste of effort they all have found some one i am bargain bin
with 100% off still i am not picked up a rag

No offense, but you seem to have the same opinion of yourself.

and you point being?
You shouldn't be letting the assumed attitudes of strangers determine your own self image. You may end up thinking everyone hates you.
unlucky in life said:
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
so how is guy who doesn't really know me and never seen me before. only chatted to me for 4 months hate me so much
i can hate some one i never meet met or seen but it seems he can by some strange reason.
but to hate me for no reason seems unfair i never really got to know me.
i guess if a guy is not interested i guess he not to bother all the guys i know are exact same as him
none couldn't less about me i might face it there i am not worth knowing and waste of time
i look like train wreck too. i belong in scrap yard or rubbish bin.
like they all said waste of time and energy

they all the same opion of me exact same opion of me =waste of effort they all have found some one i am bargain bin
with 100% off still i am not picked up a rag

No offense, but you seem to have the same opinion of yourself.

and you point being?

My point is, why do you expect anyone to have a different opinion about you, then you have for yourself?

Look, people here are TRYING to help you, yet you seem to want to continue on your miserable pity party that isn't going to help you one little bit. So why continue that way? Why not try to change your life, change the way you think of yourself, take the advice we have given you and run with it.
You are doubtfully as "ugly" as you say you are... no one ever is. Hell, I don't think I'm pretty, but other people have seriously different opinions about that. It's all in how you look at life, especially your own.

If you were emotionally vunerable...
when a perosn said that you..
.You were very receptive to it....wheather it was true or not.
If it was still simply ran with it.
so I have lots of females friends on my FB friend list too and I don't add you. Are you going to get upset over that too?
but in comrpason to women in European i haven't got a chance if you look at the women euroavision you see what i mean
so take the time have a look and just seen for your self. look at the detail of there faces and bone structure and how thin there are
women in Europe are much better at the apperacne then i am there miles ahead but irish girls have seance humour some of those girls in Europe don;t
unlucky in life said:
but in comrpason to women in European i haven't got a chance if you look at the women euroavision you see what i mean
so take the time have a look and just seen for your self. look at the detail of there faces and bone structure and how thin there are
women in Europe are much better at the apperacne then i am there miles ahead but irish girls have seance humour some of those girls in Europe don;t

Stop comparing yourself to other people. It's not going to help you. YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE!!!! If you don't like who you are, change it. But don't do it for a guy, do it for yourself
but that standard beauty that men want if you look at the video you will see. the european girls are stunning most men expect that level and nothing below that will do .

that what irish men have come expect higher level of beauty but that is not the point to men .there have all the say in every thing
100 posts later, we will still be talking about the same thing.

@ Callie : I admire your patience......
unlucky in life said:
but that standard beauty that men want if you look at the video you will see. the european girls are stunning most men expect that level and nothing below that will do .

that what irish men have come expect higher level of beauty but that is not the point to men .there have all the say in every thing

When exactly did you become the expert on guys? Would you like to see the heavy woman my husband left my SKINNY ASS for? You don't know men. EVERY person has a different level of standard that they want. They do NOT all want skinny supermodels.
Why can't you seem to understand this?

allanh said:
100 posts later, we will still be talking about the same thing.

@ Callie : I admire your patience......

I don't know why I still have patience. I'm not exactly known for my patience. lol
You can alway try this....
Some people get hynotize to stop smoking. It works for them.

You might try getting someone to
hynotize you to thinking your beatiful and can get any man you want....
It couldnt hurt...
Maybe after you get hypnotce...Youll do want beautiful woman do automatically without conflicts or thinking about it too much.

In so many ways Ive kind of hypnotize myself...Some people call it...
BELIEVING IN a positive way. Fill my mind wiht positve thougts of myself..then bacsically its graceful to take positive actions
unlucky in life said:
but that standard beauty that men want if you look at the video you will see. the european girls are stunning most men expect that level and nothing below that will do .

that what irish men have come expect higher level of beauty but that is not the point to men .there have all the say in every thing

Yes, so we all know that there is a certain media standard of beauty.

Yes, there happens to be one man(the Argentine) who can consistently find girls like that.

No, he is not all men.

No, not all men follow that 'standard of beauty.' I'm pretty vain and I prefer short girls, not tall ones which are 'modellike'.

You are pretty to some guys. As you are now.

Before you reply, read what I put in bold three times.

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