The Date....

  • Thread starter WildernessWildChild
  • Start date
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So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

-a non-smoker who smokes- trying to figure that one out????
-an avid outdoor enthusiast- who's huffing and puffing walking up her staircase????
-single- but just wrote her boyfriend a 'Dear John' letter???? She asked if I wanted to read, simply wow! And most of her guy friends allegedly want to f... her.
-no drama- but her 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old is in the process of moving home....
-three kids- all different fathers. And the oldest boy in jail....
-and I got asked if I was interested in spending the night during the 3rd excruciating hour.
-I'm thinking about calling Jerry Springer.

fresia do I know how to pick them. The 'friend' that set us up may possibly get hospitalized tomorrow....I seriously think I'm traumatized by this one.

Single looks better n' better.
I'm sorry you had such a bad date :(

But at least you're seeing the humour in it which is great.

Maybe the next one would be a keeper eh? Maybe she'll realize how awesome you are :D
Ah well, you went, you tried, you know. :)

If you'd said 'no' you would probably have wondered what would have happened.
Hey now....lying on the beach and tanning is considered avid outdoor enthusiasm :p
She sounds like a keeper to me, I think you should call her up for a second date. :) *runs*
TheRealCallie said:
Hey now....lying on the beach and tanning is considered avid outdoor enthusiasm :p
She sounds like a keeper to me, I think you should call her up for a second date. :) *runs*

Yer gettin' it- better keep running chuckles!!!!!

WildernessWildChild said:
So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

-a non-smoker who smokes- trying to figure that one out????
-an avid outdoor enthusiast- who's huffing and puffing walking up her staircase????
-single- but just wrote her boyfriend a 'Dear John' letter???? She asked if I wanted to read, simply wow! And most of her guy friends allegedly want to f... her.
-no drama- but her 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old is in the process of moving home....
-three kids- all different fathers. And the oldest boy in jail....
-and I got asked if I was interested in spending the night during the 3rd excruciating hour.
-I'm thinking about calling Jerry Springer.

fresia do I know how to pick them. The 'friend' that set us up may possibly get hospitalized tomorrow....I seriously think I'm traumatized by this one.

Single looks better n' better.

Your friend.. getting hospitalized, what? a mental ward?

And I didn't know that a 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old moving home or a son in jail are considered Drama... and 3 kids with different fathers..? I'm going to say that you'll never find anyone since virgins over 18 don't exist anymore.

Sucks that your blind date was horrible.. but I think you're emphasizing the wrong things.
Regumika said:
I didn't know that a 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old moving home or a son in jail are considered Drama... and 3 kids with different fathers..? I'm going to say that you'll never find anyone since virgins over 18 don't exist anymore.

Sucks that your blind date was horrible.. but I think you're emphasizing the wrong things.

I was going to comment on the same thing. I understand if you said it was a lousy date, but it sounds like you're looking at a few of these things in the wrong light.

I was 29 with a 2 year old when I broke up with my kid's dad and moved in with my mom. I helped her with all sorts of things- I'd manage her business so she could take time off, did the yard work, filed her taxes, drove her around since her vision wasn't as good anymore, etc.

Meeting a 20 year old with three kids by three different fathers should send up a few red flags. A woman old enough to have grandchildren having three kids by different men... that's just life- even if one's in jail.
WildernessWildChild said:
So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

-a non-smoker who smokes- trying to figure that one out????
-an avid outdoor enthusiast- who's huffing and puffing walking up her staircase????
-single- but just wrote her boyfriend a 'Dear John' letter???? She asked if I wanted to read, simply wow! And most of her guy friends allegedly want to f... her.
-no drama- but her 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old is in the process of moving home....
-three kids- all different fathers. And the oldest boy in jail....
-and I got asked if I was interested in spending the night during the 3rd excruciating hour.
-I'm thinking about calling Jerry Springer.

fresia do I know how to pick them. The 'friend' that set us up may possibly get hospitalized tomorrow....I seriously think I'm traumatized by this one.

Single looks better n' better.

I'm most impressed you actually stuck around for 3 hours. :p
WildernessWildChild said:
So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

-a non-smoker who smokes- trying to figure that one out????
-an avid outdoor enthusiast- who's huffing and puffing walking up her staircase????
-single- but just wrote her boyfriend a 'Dear John' letter???? She asked if I wanted to read, simply wow! And most of her guy friends allegedly want to f... her.
-no drama- but her 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old is in the process of moving home....
-three kids- all different fathers. And the oldest boy in jail....
-and I got asked if I was interested in spending the night during the 3rd excruciating hour.
-I'm thinking about calling Jerry Springer.

fresia do I know how to pick them. The 'friend' that set us up may possibly get hospitalized tomorrow....I seriously think I'm traumatized by this one.

Single looks better n' better.

the few times I have been on a date, the women have all talked about ex boyfriends etc.

Just forget about it, put it down to a very bad experience !
Surely the next one will be better !
WildernessWildChild said:
So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

-a non-smoker who smokes- trying to figure that one out????
-an avid outdoor enthusiast- who's huffing and puffing walking up her staircase????
-single- but just wrote her boyfriend a 'Dear John' letter???? She asked if I wanted to read, simply wow! And most of her guy friends allegedly want to f... her.
-no drama- but her 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old is in the process of moving home....
-three kids- all different fathers. And the oldest boy in jail....
-and I got asked if I was interested in spending the night during the 3rd excruciating hour.
-I'm thinking about calling Jerry Springer.

fresia do I know how to pick them. The 'friend' that set us up may possibly get hospitalized tomorrow....I seriously think I'm traumatized by this one.

Single looks better n' better.

Hospital would be too good. She sounds gross.
Regumika said:
WildernessWildChild said:
So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

-a non-smoker who smokes- trying to figure that one out????
-an avid outdoor enthusiast- who's huffing and puffing walking up her staircase????
-single- but just wrote her boyfriend a 'Dear John' letter???? She asked if I wanted to read, simply wow! And most of her guy friends allegedly want to f... her.
-no drama- but her 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old is in the process of moving home....
-three kids- all different fathers. And the oldest boy in jail....
-and I got asked if I was interested in spending the night during the 3rd excruciating hour.
-I'm thinking about calling Jerry Springer.

fresia do I know how to pick them. The 'friend' that set us up may possibly get hospitalized tomorrow....I seriously think I'm traumatized by this one.

Single looks better n' better.

Your friend.. getting hospitalized, what? a mental ward?

And I didn't know that a 20 year old daughter with a 4 month old moving home or a son in jail are considered Drama... and 3 kids with different fathers..? I'm going to say that you'll never find anyone since virgins over 18 don't exist anymore.

Sucks that your blind date was horrible.. but I think you're emphasizing the wrong things.

Hospitalized as in possibly get hit with a blunt object such as my dropping the nut on the bridge of the nose or several right hooks to the cranium....

The 20 year old daughter isn't 100% sure who the father is- apparently there's been kicking down of front doors, fights at the house, lots of tension in general- yeah, I'd think that qualifies as drama....

As far as the son in jail, a junkie who's deals to support his habit. Also has a lot of B&E charges against him ans steals from family and friends and his mother (as in my 'date') refuses to accept phone calls or visits from him- pretty sure that's playing into drama as well....

I know it comes across as being judgmental of her life but when contemplating how mine and hers could possibly intermesh it was pretty disconcerting....forgot to mention the mountain of empty beer cases and liquor bottles I spotted on the rear deck, looks like there's a whole lotta partying going on there....

Keep in mind I learned all this in THREE hours- I can't imagine what I would've learned in four, five, six....get the picture Reg?

Soooooo, am I still emphasizing the wrong things?????
WildernessWildChild said:
So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

Was your friend pranking you, or do you think he seriously thought that she'd be your type of woman?
Case said:
WildernessWildChild said:
So a friend tells me he knows of a lady that I'd be interested in.

Ummmmm, yeah, not quite what I was expecting.....

Was your friend pranking you, or do you think he seriously thought that she'd be your type of woman?

'Friend' better have a valid explanation....if it's a prank it's open season on him, if it was a serious suggestion he's gonna get a mental health referral....
Well you get points for at least trying! Maybe your friend just split up with her and he's trying to pawn her off on someone else? With friends like that, who needs enemies!
I have to say I agree with the drama characterization, though. In my world, that's high drama and grounds for high-tailing it out of there. Maybe it's because I don't mind being alone but I'm much better off single than dealing with that type of sh@t.

Oops.. I read this thread only after I wished you luck on this date on another thread. Bit too late. :\

But sorry it didn't go so well. :S
LadyDaria said:
How am I still single? :) ::::: facepalm::::

Might it have anything to do with having standards instead of jumping on whoever pays you attention for their own nefarious reasons? I'd much rather remain single than fill my life with that kind of insanity....

SofiasMami said:
Well you get points for at least trying! Maybe your friend just split up with her and he's trying to pawn her off on someone else? With friends like that, who needs enemies!
I have to say I agree with the drama characterization, though. In my world, that's high drama and grounds for high-tailing it out of there. Maybe it's because I don't mind being alone but I'm much better off single than dealing with that type of sh@t.


Agreed Teresa- I've got no interest in dealing with that kind of negativity on a daily basis, it's so draining. I couldn't imagine dragging Kid into a world of of instability and uncertainty on a daily basis either. I honestly feel like I was warped into a sleazy version of the Trailer Park Boys for a few hours....

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