The Social Skills Communal Thread

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
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Post little everyday things that some of may not have been aware of or didn't learn growing up. (Or just post any social skills, including dating tips.) I'll go first.

Urinal ettiquette for men.

If there are 4 urinals, 2 men may occupy them at a time. There should be an empty urinal in between each man no matter how many urinals there are unless there are privacy walls in between them in which case all urinals may be occupied at once. If the urinals are fully occupied, or you're in danger of breaking a space rule by occupying one, use a stall, or wait on one to become available.
I disagree with the above. It basically states that only 50% of urinals world wide are usable. You just gotta make sure to stare forwards and not be lookin' around at other guys junk. Unless your into that and don't mind takin' the risk of pissing off a homophobe.

So yeah, fear not your declared spacer urinals, nobody really gives a **** anyway.

Hmm something i know or learned. Apparently it's rude to have your elbows on the table when dining, so watch them elbows. Also, it's rude to stand in a door way.
I'd never use a urinal unless I'm sure I'll be the only guy in the bathroom for the duration... I stick to stalls, and even then I physically can't go if someone walks into the stall next to me.
Further to the urinal thing.

Thou shalt not talk to anybody whilst doing ones business, unless one knows them Even then, one shalt only talk if the two people are doing the same thing. Under no circumstances is one allowed to slap the other person on the back whilst standing at the urinal, unless you are prepared to be the recipient of foul language.
Whirligig said:
Further to the urinal thing.

Thou shalt not talk to anybody whilst doing ones business, unless one knows them Even then, one shalt only talk if the two people are doing the same thing. Under no circumstances is one allowed to slap the other person on the back whilst standing at the urinal, unless you are prepared to be the recipient of foul language.


Always let the lady order first when out to eat- no matter what relation they may have to you.
yesm said:
I disagree with the above. It basically states that only 50% of urinals world wide are usable. You just gotta make sure to stare forwards and not be lookin' around at other guys junk. Unless your into that and don't mind takin' the risk of pissing off a homophobe.

Homophobes deserve to be pissed off. Get right up in the urinal next to them and pretend to peer over the side. Be sure to smile a lot. Ask them how their day is going, etc. If you're brave you can say something like:

"So, circumcision eh? How's that workin out for ya?"


In keeping with the theme, I'd suggest always remembering to tip at a restaurant. You'd think that's obvious but a lot of people still refuse to do it. Many servers make dick per hour and rely on gratuity in order to survive.
Lol hey, let's not turn this into that. I was referencing a man-law comercial. Also, it's not about being a homophobe, it's about respect for privacy.
Don't use a urinal if you are that self conscious, no one cares. And when I'm drunk I cant help but ask how the guy next to me is doing :p

On topic now...

When you get that awkward silence in a conversation, do not say things like "so...." as you make the other person feel compelled to say something, making it more awkward.
Haha, I love the urinal stuff. Classic!

Privacy is a shifting concept, though. Once you've used a communal latrine out in the woods with about 20 other guys (numbers 1 AND/OR 2), you really don't mind using a urinal right next to another dude. *shrug*

What makes me laugh is when I see a row of urinals with a tiny three inch wide divider between the urinals. What good is that? If you're gonna put in a divider, make it stick out far enough to actually serve a purpose!

AND my contribution to the thread: Apparently we're supposed to sneeze into the crook of our arms now (instead of, say, into a hankie or kleenex). Just sounds messy to me, but those're the rules.

Hey I broke urinal rules last night :p

And I refuse to sneeze into my arm. :S coughing I can understand.
Badjedidude said:
AND my contribution to the thread: Apparently we're supposed to sneeze into the crook of our arms now (instead of, say, into a hankie or kleenex). Just sounds messy to me, but those're the rules.

I think the idea is to keep any contagion away from your hands which of course are going to be touching door knobs and other surfaces where it can spread.
OK, right about now, we need Minus to produce one of his famous smiley-for-all-occasions smiley faces. :p
OK, Minus, where is the smily blowing its nose?? :p lol

For those that prefer not to blow.

Porman said:
When you get that awkward silence in a conversation, do not say things like "so...." as you make the other person feel compelled to say something, making it more awkward.
Oh absolutely. If only more people went by this...

I've been told it is considered bad manners to put your elbows on the table while dining. Unsure of the exact why, but that's how it is.
Instead of crossing your arms, stick your hands in your pockets with your elbows bent. Or just hook your thumbs in. Or if you're sitting and it's a casual environment, fold your hands behind your head and lean back relaxed.

There are two kinds of smiles besides a genuine, involuntary one.

The fake, 'poor quality' smile is formed with just the mouth muscles.

A good, 'genuine looking' smile is formed with a slight eye squint. If you need to smile at something, do this. Practice it in the mirror.
LOL I think that "practicing" a "genuine" smile makes it not very genuine anymore! :p


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