Incels - A Symptom of Sick Social System

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You guys just want permission to be mean, if you think a meal means you own someone then 🙈 just get an escort and stop making excuses for men who treat women badly 😇
I didn't say that, but the way you filter for men means more guys who think like that and fewer who might be more genuine.
You guys just want permission to be mean, if you think a meal means you own someone then 🙈 just get an escort and stop making excuses for men who treat women badly 😇
OK... in this arena, I am an expert. A PhD.
Guys need to be polite and considerate to escorts as well.
Just because some guy pays a girl does not give him free reign to be an a**h0le.
In fact, he should be extremely appreciative that he is able to see her.
Also...many escorts/agencies are quite selective and have an extensive vetting process.
Lots of creeps out there. Some of them rather dangerous.
I heard about a very bad client from a girl I saw earlier today.
OK... in this arena, I am an expert. A PhD.
Guys need to be polite and considerate to escorts as well.
Just because some guy pays a girl does not give him free reign to be an a**h0le.
In fact, he should be extremely appreciative that he is able to see her.
Also...many escorts/agencies are quite selective and have an extensive vetting process.
Lots of creeps out there. Some of them rather dangerous.
I heard about a very bad client from a girl I saw earlier today.
In my mind its like cut all the pretence and offer the right price for what you want not a meal…
Sure...but we (including me), still need to be gentlemen about it. No reason to act any other way.
Yeah no i’d never advocate for anything else, I think men should respect women and women should respect them. I dont understand why its like oh she wont sleep with me now I am going to be a total jerk… seems so messed up
Men are weird, so you want me to go out with you, pay for my own meal, for what exactly? To be my friend? But then get mad if I “friendzone” you… lets face it I cant win. 😅 how am I supposed to win?
I agree with Ardour, if you have plenty of money then insist on paying for yourself and he can pay for his. A nice guy would be fine with that. If not then end it. You are not for sale. Then if after several dates he still seems to be nice enough without expectations then he can pay for you too. Or, hell just keep paying until there's nothing he can try to hold over you.

I've known guys that would purposely and obviously spend money on women to guilt them into having sex with them. Don't let guys use that tactic on you!
I agree with Ardour, if you have plenty of money then insist on paying for yourself and he can pay for his. A nice guy would be fine with that. If not then end it. You are not for sale. Then if after several dates he still seems to be nice enough without expectations then he can pay for you too. Or, hell just keep paying until there's nothing he can try to hold over you.

I've known guys that would purposely and obviously spend money on women to guilt them into having sex with them. Don't let guys use that tactic on you!
If he’s nice he’ll pay for my meal, and take me home all while keeping his hands to himself unless given permission to do otherwise 😇✨
If I take a girl out on a dinner date, it's usually because I want to know more about her. It's for me to talk to her more, not for me to try to get laid. I mean if it happens it happens, but I don't push the notion. I use it more like a vetting process. I'm not taking her to the highest price place and trying to make a big deal or impression out of it. Hell, Olive Garden works fine, or even a buffet. 🤷‍♂️

If as we're talking she decides that she's not interested, or if I decide I'm not as interested in her as I originally thought I was, well then at least I didn't spend too much on anything fancy, so I don't really get mad about it. 🤷‍♂️

The trick is to keep it casual. You don't really know the woman yet, but if you try to sell yourself to them as a resource, than really you're just setting yourself up. What I mean is, just because someone is attractive, does not necessarily imply that they're a good person, let alone a good match for you. That's a very dangerous assumption, which is why I don't do it.

I've got $50 in gift cards to a local sports bar and grille for that exact reason, actually.

Now could I spend more money to make a bigger impression to ensure that I get laid?
Yes, absolutely. But why do that? If she rejects your advance you wasted substantially more money, and if she does accept your advance than you're setting yourself up to be a resource for her before you've even really gotten to know her enough to find out if she could possibly even do something like that.
What some of you have referred to as "Incel" men is nothing of the sort. Many men were raised normally, but after the first or second divorce, they are D-O-N-E with the female advantages in divorce court, taking the home, the car, much of his money and the children away from the man.

Thusly, these men and I are not Incels (a man no woman will touch), but MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) They are done with marriage and most with dating women at all. I too am not kissing some woman's arse by paying for her dinner, just to have her never call back, nor will I call her but once. We have a name for such women, but it's too gross to post here, so I shall refrain.

Women and feminism have killed marriage and it is not coming back. That can be seen in the amount of wedding dress stores and jewelry stores shutting their doors forever. Marriage was once a sacred thing, but no longer. So men have forums to discuss women and relationships these days.

Please don't bother trying to find or ask for the MGTOW forum I visit, gentlemen, and ladies (women are banned there). as I'll never tell you anything. Just know that we all know that dating women is a bad joke these days. Some men do date from there, but it's only for sexual liaisons.

Women brought it on themselves, with all the anti-male laws enacted in the divorce courts. You always have to pay for your mistakes and many women will be just as alone, as men such as we.
What some of you have referred to as "Incel" men is nothing of the sort. Many men were raised normally, but after the first or second divorce, they are D-O-N-E with the female advantages in divorce court, taking the home, the car, much of his money and the children away from the man.

Thusly, these men and I are not Incels (a man no woman will touch), but MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) They are done with marriage and most with dating women at all. I too am not kissing some woman's arse by paying for her dinner, just to have her never call back, nor will I call her but once. We have a name for such women, but it's too gross to post here, so I shall refrain.

Women and feminism have killed marriage and it is not coming back. That can be seen in the amount of wedding dress stores and jewelry stores shutting their doors forever. Marriage was once a sacred thing, but no longer. So men have forums to discuss women and relationships these days.

Please don't bother trying to find or ask for the MGTOW forum I visit, gentlemen, and ladies (women are banned there). as I'll never tell you anything. Just know that we all know that dating women is a bad joke these days. Some men do date from there, but it's only for sexual liaisons.

Women brought it on themselves, with all the anti-male laws enacted in the divorce courts. You always have to pay for your mistakes and many women will be just as alone, as men such as we.
You know I agree with most of this, but sadly its men that are suffering not women (on the same scale). It’s men who have the highest suicide rate thats only climbing, its men who have forums to chat about women (showing they are obviously missing something) I would be hard pressed to find the reverse where as MGTOW and Incel forums are everywhere and even on here there seems to be way more men talking about dating than women.

The reason is men have a weakness and its always been women. I know men who would rather die than lose function of their … uhmm you know. Like its a fate worst than death. If I ever want attention I can just walk outside but a man lives a different existence sadly, and instead of remaining divided and conquered we should fight for the nuclear family, invest for change. Feminism (And I agree however) its the only thing that you wont get cancelled for calling out so its the loudest talking point but there are so many other factors.
You know I agree with most of this, but sadly its men that are suffering not women (on the same scale). It’s men who have the highest suicide rate thats only climbing, its men who have forums to chat about women (showing they are obviously missing something) I would be hard pressed to find the reverse where as MGTOW and Incel forums are everywhere and even on here there seems to be way more men talking about dating than women.

The reason is men have a weakness and its always been women. I know men who would rather die than lose function of their … uhmm you know. Like its a fate worst than death. If I ever want attention I can just walk outside but a man lives a different existence sadly, and instead of remaining divided and conquered we should fight for the nuclear family, invest for change. Feminism (And I agree however) its the only thing that you wont get cancelled for calling out so its the loudest talking point but there are so many other factors.

Women are better at indirection than men.
But if you're a man that learns to be equal to or better than a woman at indirection but also as a man you can still clunk another man over the head in a defensive situation, the only thing that happens is that everyone hates you.
That's the thing about the situation.
The truth is:
Men and women are both operating under the assumption of their own success while trying to have their cake and eat it too. And the reason why it doesn't work, is because both sides are too busy arguing amongst themselves in order to get the story straight. So you've not just got men vs. women, you've got:
Men vs. other men.
Women vs. other women.
Men vs. women.
Which is what we're actually looking at.
And nobody likes that, because it's the truth.
And this truth is why this modern internet-era sociology crap doesn't actually work out for anyone.
Men and women are both in a catch-22 of a lose-lose scenario because men keep other men down and women keep other women down.
Women are better at organizing and becoming agreeable for a common cause than men typically are, at least until enough men become equally tired of something and then organize as a result.
There is no winning. I'm just the guy who has the balls to say it.
Which is why I'm used to being dogpiled on from both sides.
I'm so used to it, that not only can I handle it, I just don't give a honeysuckle anymore.
There's two ways to live your life:
Practically, and impractically.
Practicality is not fun, but it's functional.
Impracticality is fun, but it's not functional.
Except the fact of the matter is that the human body decays over time, it just does, and if you're about fun now, you're going to be about seriousness when you're older because of that.
Men and women both do this crap.
That's why men and women are both in perpetual catch-22's of lose-lose.
It's a youth culture problem. It's been that way for as long as I can remember in human history.
And on the internet, you just have a Hell of a lot of people who are going to bullshit it in front of a camera and behind a screen because their feelings and/or bank account tell them to, and therein lies the problem with the internets involvement.

Bit of satire, but basically this is what my last will and testament is gonna look like:

I too am not kissing some woman's arse by paying for her dinner, just to have her never call back,
One date doesn't mean they are obligated to give you another. There are many cases of the man never calling either. Sometimes things just don't work out. That's why it's called dating. To see if there is something there. Sometimes there isn't.

Women and feminism have killed marriage and it is not coming back. That can be seen in the amount of wedding dress stores and jewelry stores shutting their doors forever. Marriage was once a sacred thing, but no longer.

And that has nothing to do with the amount of men who cheat or who abuse? Or having to spend 24/7 with each other during the pandemic. There are a million reasons for divorce, you can't seriously be saying that women are the most to blame....That's just asinine.

As for the stores closing, there are a million wedding dresses online, as there are jewelry. That's just how people shop these days. Most brick and mortar CLOTHING stores are closing, as well.
Not to mention the pandemic, which caused a lot of stores to close, especially for things like weddings because no one was getting married for like two years. Smaller businesses just can't sustain that lack of sales. San Fransisco is all over the news right now about stores closing down because no one is going in there because of drug addiction and prices being too high for literally everything.
Women are better at indirection than men.
But if you're a man that learns to be equal to or better than a woman at indirection but also as a man you can still clunk another man over the head in a defensive situation, the only thing that happens is that everyone hates you.
That's the thing about the situation.
The truth is:
Men and women are both operating under the assumption of their own success while trying to have their cake and eat it too. And the reason why it doesn't work, is because both sides are too busy arguing amongst themselves in order to get the story straight. So you've not just got men vs. women, you've got:
Men vs. other men.
Women vs. other women.
Men vs. women.
Which is what we're actually looking at.
And nobody likes that, because it's the truth.
And this truth is why this modern internet-era sociology crap doesn't actually work out for anyone.
Men and women are both in a catch-22 of a lose-lose scenario because men keep other men down and women keep other women down.
Women are better at organizing and becoming agreeable for a common cause than men typically are, at least until enough men become equally tired of something and then organize as a result.
There is no winning. I'm just the guy who has the balls to say it.
Which is why I'm used to being dogpiled on from both sides.
I'm so used to it, that not only can I handle it, I just don't give a honeysuckle anymore.
There's two ways to live your life:
Practically, and impractically.
Practicality is not fun, but it's functional.
Impracticality is fun, but it's not functional.
Except the fact of the matter is that the human body decays over time, it just does, and if you're about fun now, you're going to be about seriousness when you're older because of that.
Men and women both do this crap.
That's why men and women are both in perpetual catch-22's of lose-lose.
It's a youth culture problem. It's been that way for as long as I can remember in human history.
And on the internet, you just have a Hell of a lot of people who are going to bullshit it in front of a camera and behind a screen because their feelings and/or bank account tell them to, and therein lies the problem with the internets involvement.

Bit of satire, but basically this is what my last will and testament is gonna look like:

2008 called and it wants its meme back.
You know I agree with most of this, but sadly its men that are suffering not women (on the same scale). It’s men who have the highest suicide rate thats only climbing, its men who have forums to chat about women (showing they are obviously missing something) I would be hard pressed to find the reverse where as MGTOW and Incel forums are everywhere and even on here there seems to be way more men talking about dating than women.

The reason is men have a weakness and its always been women. I know men who would rather die than lose function of their … uhmm you know. Like its a fate worst than death. If I ever want attention I can just walk outside but a man lives a different existence sadly, and instead of remaining divided and conquered we should fight for the nuclear family, invest for change. Feminism (And I agree however) its the only thing that you wont get cancelled for calling out so its the loudest talking point but there are so many other factors.

CenotaphGirl: Thank you for your understanding we men. Being a woman you may not know that most men have an inborn nature to protect women, not harm them. We know that we are naturally stronger, physically, than most women are. I know that there are serial killers who target women only, like Ted Bundy did.

I know that some men treat women poorly and even beat or rape them and need to be in jail. But most; the vast majority of men, at least in the USA are not like that whatsoever. I think men who harm women are cowards, in fact, and should be given a good whipping or jail for harming women. I have never harmed a woman in my life, and I would be cowardly if I did so. Most men would and do think the same way. We simply walk away, not harm.

As for divorce court, most men are treated very unfairly as 70 percent of divorces are instigated by the wife these days, not the husband, for no valid reasons. Oftentimes they have been cheating on their husbands with another man, who the husband and his attorney are not aware of. A simple cellphone investigation would really be able to prove
this is true, as would a private investigation by a professional. Already you see the "White Knights here, defending women. I have not said that men do not cheat on their wives, as that would indeed give a woman grounds to divorce her husband, as well, I agree.

I have been on this earth long enough to know that love and affection between a man and a woman often do not last forever, but for a woman who no longer wants her husband anymore, it is completely wrong to allow her to steal any children of theirs and wipe his life assets out, often kicking him out of his own house, due to unjust divorce laws against men who did not cheat on his wife, nor harm his wife or children. Many men commit suicide.
OK... in this arena, I am an expert. A PhD.
Guys need to be polite and considerate to escorts as well.
Just because some guy pays a girl does not give him free reign to be an a**h0le.
In fact, he should be extremely appreciative that he is able to see her.
Also...many escorts/agencies are quite selective and have an extensive vetting process.
Lots of creeps out there. Some of them rather dangerous.
I heard about a very bad client from a girl I saw earlier today.

I agree. I don't frequent escorts, but I would treat her nicely, as I do all women and men. I am a gentleman, not some creep of anykind.
I agree. I don't frequent escorts, but I would treat her nicely, as I do all women and men. I am a gentleman, not some creep of anykind.
The REAL problem is that many/most girls in the escort business, as well as many/most females in general, are OBSESSED with "badboys", thugs, jerks, loudmouths, and yes sometimes even ultra-evil types like Ted Bundy or Charles Manson. The simply LOVE them, no matter how much they complain about them.
The REAL problem is that many/most girls in the escort business, as well as many/most females in general, are OBSESSED with "badboys", thugs, jerks, loudmouths, and yes sometimes even ultra-evil types like Ted Bundy or Charles Manson. The simply LOVE them, no matter how much they complain about them.
Sometimes they are the only “men” around that are attractive and are attracted 🥺

Like you don't particularly want to be with escorts but you said there's just no alternative … same with the bad boys and jerks to be honest. Excluding the men that just have 180 personality changes after they think you wont just leave them for their brother and feel nothing about it.

My mum always tells me a story about her sister. It was her birthday and 2 guys got her a card the good guy got a basic card and the bad boy stole a massive card that plays happy birthday when you open it, who do you think was her boyfriend after that? 😅
Sometimes they are the only “men” around that are attractive and are attracted 🥺

Like you don't particularly want to be with escorts but you said there's just no alternative … same with the bad boys and jerks to be honest. Excluding the men that just have 180 personality changes after they think you wont just leave them for their brother and feel nothing about it.

My mum always tells me a story about her sister. It was her birthday and 2 guys got her a card the good guy got a basic card and the bad boy stole a massive card that plays happy birthday when you open it, who do you think was her boyfriend after that? 😅
Prior to the "women's movement" and all the idiotic laws and societal changes it brought, the "bad boys" were relegated to the lower rungs of women - unattractive girls and barroom types. Upstanding good providers (us honest, intelligent, hardworking, guys) were the ones who were sought after - as women needed us for a good life for them and their children.

The scenario you describe was artificially created. With EEOC/AA/hiring quota laws, no fault divorce, public assistance, etc...females don't need good providers anymore. So they are free to give into their base instincts and chase the bad boys. Civilized society loses.

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