Do you get on with your neighbours?

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21st Century Boy
Jul 26, 2016
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Last night at 11.30pm ish a neighbour knocks on my door and asks me to stop playing my guitar as it's keeping him awake. I was strumming Stones songs on an acoustic and, thinking about it, probably was playing way too loud. I apologised and put my guitar away.

Except for my girl across the street I don't really have anything to do with my neighbours, the occasional nod or " morning " is about it, he was obviously very frightened of me. I have no idea why and admire the courage it must have taken him to knock on my door.

So my concerns are why was he so scared of me? and I only really play in the late evenings and am paranoid he'll call the cops on me. He has a history of disputes with various people on our street, calling the council to report people for various petty things like leaving their bins on the street the night before collection. He called the fire brigade on one poor man who was foolish enough to fire up his BBQ one weekend.

Do you get on with your neighbours?, if not how do you deal with them?.
Last night at 11.30pm ish a neighbour knocks on my door and asks me to stop playing my guitar as it's keeping him awake. I was strumming Stones songs on an acoustic and, thinking about it, probably was playing way too loud. I apologised and put my guitar away.

Except for my girl across the street I don't really have anything to do with my neighbours, the occasional nod or " morning " is about it, he was obviously very frightened of me. I have no idea why and admire the courage it must have taken him to knock on my door.

So my concerns are why was he so scared of me? and I only really play in the late evenings and am paranoid he'll call the cops on me. He has a history of disputes with various people on our street, calling the council to report people for various petty things like leaving their bins on the street the night before collection. He called the fire brigade on one poor man who was foolish enough to fire up his BBQ one weekend.

Do you get on with your neighbours?, if not how do you deal with them?.
You know im afraid of spiders, no idea why, I think people can be like that, just afraid of others and not sure why, im sure its nothing that you have done. I think it was nice of you to stop playing I would have been sad though…if you was serenading me and midway we had this unwelcomed knock at the door 🥺

All my neighbours are married so the husbands love me, the wives hate me same old same old 🙃
I have no idea who my closest neighbors are. lol I know the other two enough that if I stop at their house, they know who I am but that's it. None of them are all that close to my house, though. The joys of country living.
I've been thinking about moving to the country for a while, might just get off my arse and do it now
So my concerns are why was he so scared of me? and I only really play in the late evenings and am paranoid he'll call the cops on me.
well, i remember you mentioned you lived in a house owned by an artist who was an occultist so maybeeee he thinks you play to summon demons
Do you get on with your neighbours?, if not how do you deal with them?.
one of them not really. I just prefer not to talk and avoid them because the one on my left tend to be quite gossipy. The lady tried to start an argument over some stray cats i was feeding. Apparently the cat pooped in her yard, but there was no sand or grass or anything there that would be a nice place for a cat to poop. I doubt she was telling the truth. My partner just told her "Cats don't poop where they eat." "Will give a stern warning to the guilty cat."
Most of them yes except one neighbor.This neighbor is a total Karen aka entitled person.She will get on me for the noise I make at.Last was working on my demolition derby car,put a race muffler on and she said I could get arrested for putting that muffler on.Ended up calling the cops on her,would not leave.Cop came and she slapped him in the face after telling her side of the story which was a lie.Said I hit her and did not.Cop believed me and she was taken to jail
I don't typically interact with them, and I try not to be conflicting, but when conflict arises I can usually handle my own.

I've only ever had a couple of noise complaints.
The simple solution is just to look up legal noise curfew and comply.
If you're obeying the law, they can't throw the book at you.

I did have neighbors once who threw a bloc party at a godawful hour after I'd had a grueling week at work. I walked outside with my snake wrapped up around me since they woke me up and I had to clean her tank anyway, and they gave me a joint, a beer, apologized, and cleared out in about 10 minutes.

Pros of having a bigass pet snake: It tends to scare people off.
It scared the police out of searching through a room in my apartment once.

My old roommate was a social worker, one of her former clients called in a bogus call because the man was mentally challenged and when he'd get annoyed that she wouldn't call him back, he would call in bogus calls about living with me. I guess because he thought we were together, but I was never into her, we were just platonic friends and it was strictly a "you need a room? Cool. I need a roommate" type of a relationship.

So she explained the situation to the police who really gritted their teeth and pokerfaced because even though she knew who made the call they legally can't disclose that information. But they had to follow up for their reasons to do a pass through the apartment.
So I opened my room door, and they saw that and were like: "Nope! We don't need to check this room. We're the police, not Animal Control..."

And in my head I thought to myself:
"Oh good. Now I know how to get away with hiding my weed and pipe."
I have pretty decent neighbours. Two that bring out their quads and clear the sidewalks after a snowfall. I am confident I could knock on any door if I needed help with something. And even the party houses are owned by middle age parents of elementary kids, so they don't do any damage.

If I had a neighbour who was playing guitar, I would quite enjoy listening and probably offer to make coffee for them at night.
Kind of you to stop playing.

I'm assuming your acoustic guitar was plugged into an amplifier. If not, then are you living with a wall between neighbour and you?

If no amp or wall I am stumped for ideas.
Nah it wasn't plugged in, these are old Victorian houses and the adjoining walls are very thin. I'm guessing he's just not a Stones fan.
Nah it wasn't plugged in, these are old Victorian houses and the adjoining walls are very thin. I'm guessing he's just not a Stones fan.
Well, to not annoy that neighbour is to possibly:
- play when they are not at their home
- go to an area they can't hear, say a park.

Others will give more ideas.

Overall, you have to balance your enjoyment against others' wants. Weirdos wander in all areas.

I'd love a guitar-playing neighbour. I would be jamming with you with my Ibanez Les Paul copy I bought in the '70s. And with my small amplifier.
I'll just say I only like one neighbor. It's a family that moved in an elderly woman to help her. They are all nice people and quite. All the other neighbors are complete aholes and I have a war going on with several of them. One I have just about gotten trained. I've even figured out how I can train his dog to obey me too. All but two of the neighbors hate and complain about each other too. Ha! ha! But, it turns out I'm the old crazy psycho. Some of them fear me since I got into a physical fight with one of the ahole neigbor's workers. If someone does something beyond acceptable I give it back to them ten fold. I also have a quality DJ amp that puts out 400 real watts of power into big ass DJ speakers complete with a DJ system. I'm also setting up a high gain condenser mic to record their noise so I can amplify it and play it back at them including their bark dogs. I've also been working on firework, machine gun, missle launches, and other noises that I've amped up. Ha! ha! If I had a button to destroy all my neighbors I would sit on it. Ha! ha!
So today same neighbour knocks and tells me I need to take my fairy lights down as we're in a conservation area, which I'm well aware of, and they are not in keeping with the character of the street. I checked with the local council before I put the lights up and they said it was fine, no worries. I told him this and he replied with " Well they should have checked with me " Wtf!!!??!

They've been up for over a year and I've had no negative comments until today, is this wee twat just trying to wind me up now? I came very close to losing my temper with him and if he knocks on my door again it'll not end well.

So today same neighbour knocks and tells me I need to take my fairy lights down as we're in a conservation area, which I'm well aware of, and they are not in keeping with the character of the street. I checked with the local council before I put the lights up and they said it was fine, no worries. I told him this and he replied with " Well they should have checked with me " Wtf!!!??!

They've been up for over a year and I've had no negative comments until today, is this wee twat just trying to wind me up now? I came very close to losing my temper with him and if he knocks on my door again it'll not end well.
Wow! I’d contact the local council and ask them if he’s part of the group - sounds like a nosy little prick who’s got nothing better to do than hassle the neighbours over things he deems wrong.

If he comes over again about removing the lights, I’d say “Sure! I can remove the lights right now. . . bend over, I know just where to stick them!” and slam the door in his face.
Okay, so this morning. One of my neighbors, a woman and drunk at the time, starts bashing in one of my rear entrance gates with a sledge hammer. I go over to see what's going on and she calls me all kinds of names, makes all kinds of threats, and threatens to kill me while pushing and waiving the sledge hammer at me. I kept my distance. I went back inside got my phone and took a bunch of pictures of her, the sledge hammer, and the damage she caused. Then I called the police.

They arrested her for destruction of property. She was back home and getting sympathy from another neighbor two hours later. Fantastic government involvement! Apparently assault with a deadly weapon while being drunk in public doesn't matter. I needed to film her actually hitting me and record the sound of the blows with the sledge hammer upon my body.

I said I wanted to press charges for the damage and the assault and I would testify in court. What about public intoxication? Nope! Even the officer said she reaked of alcohol. But, that's okay. So, we'll see if they actually decide to prosecute her or not. I'm betting, not. Gee I wonder why there are so many violent crimes that get escalated. They never get nipped in the bud. So, things get ramped up.

Yes, our democracy works great doesn't it? Hows that inflation working out for everybody?
Okay, so this morning. One of my neighbors, a woman and drunk at the time, starts bashing in one of my rear entrance gates with a sledge hammer. I go over to see what's going on and she calls me all kinds of names, makes all kinds of threats, and threatens to kill me while pushing and waiving the sledge hammer at me. I kept my distance. I went back inside got my phone and took a bunch of pictures of her, the sledge hammer, and the damage she caused. Then I called the police.

They arrested her for destruction of property. She was back home and getting sympathy from another neighbor two hours later. Fantastic government involvement! Apparently assault with a deadly weapon while being drunk in public doesn't matter. I needed to film her actually hitting me and record the sound of the blows with the sledge hammer upon my body.

I said I wanted to press charges for the damage and the assault and I would testify in court. What about public intoxication? Nope! Even the officer said she reaked of alcohol. But, that's okay. So, we'll see if they actually decide to prosecute her or not. I'm betting, not. Gee I wonder why there are so many violent crimes that get escalated. They never get nipped in the bud. So, things get ramped up.

Yes, our democracy works great doesn't it? Hows that inflation working out for everybody?
I cant believe how far this is all going… she sounds batshit crazy
So today same neighbour knocks and tells me I need to take my fairy lights down as we're in a conservation area, which I'm well aware of, and they are not in keeping with the character of the street. I checked with the local council before I put the lights up and they said it was fine, no worries. I told him this and he replied with " Well they should have checked with me " Wtf!!!??!

They've been up for over a year and I've had no negative comments until today, is this wee twat just trying to wind me up now? I came very close to losing my temper with him and if he knocks on my door again it'll not end well.

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Cool house. Cool lights.
I cant believe how far this is all going… she sounds batshit crazy
Sorry, unusually long for me:

It's just getting started too. When I was working in my backyard this afternoon she started saying more threats over the wall and saying I can't prove anything. No court is going to convict her. She has friends and I'm just a losser. Blaaa. Blaaa. Blaaa. It all may very well be true though.

She was obviously drunk again or still. I don't know which. Her husband is a wimpy beta. But he is tall and that's what got him a family. However, she is an extremely alpha woman. She really needs an alpha man to keep her in her place. Her husband isn't doing that. So, she's been sleeping with another noisy neighbor gun in hopes to fill the void. IMO, her husband wants to ignore that and is actually friends with the guy. Crazy, I know.

Neither of the guys seem to give a honeysuckle about her servious drinking problem. Instead her, and the cops, and her job all seem to just handle her with kid gloves. "She's fragile, don't punish her. She'll straighten out on her own." So, she has gotten worse. Now she is also super entitled and thinks she can do anything she wants to do without any repercution. Made she can. But, I'm going to put that to the test.

She needs to get ripped out of her drunken stuper and straightened out. Unfortunately, nobody including the government is manning up to help her out. This is hurting her and everybody around her. I actually kind of liked her before.

That's were I come in. I am standing up to her and showing her how wrong she is. Unfortunately there is a very real possibility that, in her drunking, drugged out, state that she may very well higher a hit man to kill me. Her and her husband have a honeysuckle ton of disposable income.

Hence, I need to file more paperwork, pay for a process server, etc, etc, etc. Just to basically document it all incase she does that. They'll know who to look for, maybe. If she continues to ignore the judges orders after three times AND I document it and get it all on camera, then she'll be arrested again and slapped on the wrist.

When in fact what she needs is to be sent to a manditory rehab center, cleaned up, held accountable for her actions, and then set her free again. However, I really don't think that's going to happen. I will ask to speak to a judge and make that request though, because that would be a win, win, win situation. So, we'll see what happens.

Now I understand why the other neighbors allowed her to behave and terrorize the neighborhood, which caused others to say F it and do whatever the hell they wanted to do. I have been slowly getting others back in line. But, she is going to be a real problem. I should be getting paid for fixing up this **** neighborhood. Instead I'm getting viewed as the crazy ass old loner dude that most are scared of. F U to them too!
So today same neighbour knocks and tells me I need to take my fairy lights down as we're in a conservation area, which I'm well aware of, and they are not in keeping with the character of the street. I checked with the local council before I put the lights up and they said it was fine, no worries. I told him this and he replied with " Well they should have checked with me " Wtf!!!??!

They've been up for over a year and I've had no negative comments until today, is this wee twat just trying to wind me up now? I came very close to losing my temper with him and if he knocks on my door again it'll not end well.

View attachment 4655
I LOVE your lights !

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