thank you all for answers. But I must emphasize on how you
change your
preferences over the time.
By this questionnaire I am trying to make idea on how people percieve beauty and it's importance over the time. I know it is very hard to remember how you tough when you were 17, than 22, 25 and now and maybe even harder is to be honest

but if you are interested in answering me, please, give it a try.
I give an example:
I am 26 now.
When I was 17 I had almost zero interest in personality, I was
solely attracted to look. I liked tall blondes with sharp-shaped face and preferably serious personality.
Look/personality ratio was 90/10 (emphasis almost solely on genes, I didn't care if she does sports or smokes... etc.)
In 22 I valued much more intelligence. Intelligent and hardworking, serious woman was very attractive for me but by that time
I was even more picky in physical appearance. I did a lot of sports and
I required good health and good genes. Fit and slim (sexy or athletic) shape with blond hair. Manager-type or scientist-type of woman was very very appealing.
Look/personality ratio was 80/20 (much emphasis on health and genes as well)
In 25 I am firmly convinced that good woman and good quality of heath habits are ox and cart. I would not be interested in woman who doesn't care of her heath in long term relationship.
Genes are now not that important as good health came make it up for it. I am no longer interested in young woman (less than 22) and her maturity - intelligence, wisdom and family background is much more interested than it was before.
Look/personality/family background ratio was 60/20/20 (now more emphasis on physical health than sole genes)
overall my beauty preferences slightly decrease in favor of personality but sexual attributes (shape of butt, breasts, overall d*ck-hard factor) is becoming much more important than how she look in fur coat or what is general perception of beauty. Generally I would assume my physical preferences increase in absolute term, because having a good shape and good health is a matter of many years of hard work. So well increases my need for right personality.
something like that.