Has anyone ever gotten a roommate

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Well-known member
May 10, 2014
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I am thinking about doing it. I have a second bedroom and 2 bathrooms (though one is a powder room) I actually purchased this place so I would have the option in case of losing my job but, I am starting to think it might be a good thing to fight lonelyness.

I signed up for a matching service a few years ago but the problem was all the matches were so much younger than me. Almost no one my age was looking.

At work I have a co worker who wanted to live in the city and seriously, she just picked a girl and is moving in. That is crazy. She seems completely unconcerned that there might be an issue.

The only issue I have is that my cat might not react well to a a roommate and I might not either since i typically leave my TV on all night.
Maybe you could look for a mature student because, if for any reason you don't get along, he or she will be moving out when the academic year ends so you won't have them there for years on end. And if you decide that you no longer want a lodger, they will be gone by next summer. If there is a college by you, you could have a word with their student services and say that you would prefer a mature student.
If you turn the volume on your TV down then it shouldn't disturb a potential lodger.
Specify that you need someone who likes cats. Your cat might find it hard for a few days, but should soon get used to a new person, especially if they come with special cat treats for your cat to eat.
No. But when I was looking for a place of my own I seen a few adverts for this. But I wouldn't if I had the opportunity because I get irritated by some people too easily lol, plus I kinda like my own company from time to time.
I had one, she was one hell of a filthy creature. Apparently where she is from the sanitary habits are how I do I say... ABSENT.


trying not to vomit remembering...
At university and in the few years afterwards, I engaged in multiple shared living situations. Sometimes I was the new guy and sometimes I was one of the ones who were there first. Gosh! There were some awful mixups of dreadfully wrong people! And some very workable arrangements too.

Take the time to talk with a potential roommate/housemate....discuss your lifestyles, need for neatness or acceptable levels of clutter, cooking and kitchen usage, numbers of visitors, wakeup and lights out habits, substance use, political opinions......the list is endless.

Get a 'feel' for the person. And it might not be out of line to start with a "probationary" time period......agree that if you two can get along for the first three months or whatever, then the deal is on permanently. Or maybe put the arrangement on an annual basis: every year you can renew or, if it isn't working right for you, tell him/her the rental agreement is terminated at the end of the year's contract.
I have always lived with someone else. During the time it's been me doing the choosing cuz I own or rent the place, it's been ok. Not all of the chosen housemates were positive, but actually, the positive ones outweighed the negative ones. The good ones were always male, and always nerd types. The bad ones were also male, but not nerd types, and the "badness" was more in attitude rather than in lack of cleanliness. Not that I think one shouldn't have female housemates, but the nerds at that time and location always seemed to be male.

I actually found interviewing and choosing the housemates to be the worst, hardest part. Some really weird-ass people came for the ad, including one guy who stripped naked in the living room and declared he was a nudist! Then he ran away when there was a noise outside and I said it was someone else coming to look. Creep.

One thing, though, none of these housemates became friends, more like closer acquaintances. Though it was nice that there was someone else home sometimes.
I live with roommates they're friends from high school I've known them over a decade now. I suggest a person you trust friends/family it helps to know your roommates habits. Good and bad so you have an idea on what to expect once someone moves and pays rent you can't just throw them out because their habits annoy you. But then again cohabitation can strain a relationship. Roommates who know and care for one another will try harder to accommodate each other and make things work.
Yup I'm roommates with one of my best friend's from middle + high school. We've been roommates for 4 years now. Still good friends.

He's a clean freak so I don't have to worry about that too much. I'm the more cluttered one, but really, I'm reasonably tidy too.

We mostly stick to our rooms and clean up after ourselves in the kitchen and shared spaces.

Anytime a friend comes over they talk about how nice everything is so we must be doing something right.

We aren't passive aggressive about things so none of that stupid bullshit goes on either. If there is a problem we talk about it and work something out. I wish other people could be this way more often. I'd kill for a girlfriend that's like this.

For the cat thing just make sure before becoming roommates whether or not they care about the cat. For the TV thing, you might have to compromise on that one if it's loud or takes up a ton of electricity. It's kind of a waste. Or you could just have your TV in your room so it doesn't bother anyone.
So the service has sent me a whole bunch of matches but, they are all young. Under 20 and basically are looking for downtown in the city. I am looking for my age (or there about) and someone who would be doing it for similar reasons to me.

I have no family or friends who would be looking for such a thing.

I actually live on a train line that goes to a big university but so far... no one from there wants to live outside the city...
I had a roommate once in my condo about a decade ago. She was a coworker who had just broken up with her boyfriend and was looking for a place to live. It was an informal agreement although she only stayed for a few months. We both had similar personalities - quiet with no drama so it worked out ok.
When I was much younger, I had a roommate who was someone I had been friends with since age 4. She didn't respect my possessions or privacy so that didn't work out. (We're still friends some 24 years later though)

I would get a roommate again if I had to but unless you already know them, who you get as a roommate is a crapshoot. I think that services that match up roommates are primarily catering to people who are interested in a business relationship and saving on living costs rather than someone to keep them company.

I once saw a roommate ad on Craigslist that said "LOOKING FOR A KICKASS ROOMMATE". I thought that was funny. The ad was placed by someone who lives in a very hip area of town and I believe she mentioned she's in marketing. So it seemed clear what type of person they were looking for - a great ad in my opinion.

Just make sure you go into it with eyes wide open. Someone will be using your fridge, your bathroom and may need to follow HOA rules on parking, trash, etc.


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