How do I stop hating myself?

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Feb 8, 2013
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Please be advised that this will be long. Ill try to make it interesting.
Anyway. To be honest, I don`t know how to answer that question. I despise my physical appearance, and have been that way my entire life. Ive also been bullied quite a lot because it, and have often been forced into a position were I had to rely on my wits. Sometimes ive even my fists. Not that i`m condoning violence. Far from it. But my experience has taught me that some people in life are beyond reason, and will never leave you alone, unless they have no choice. Not that this is relevant to this thread, i`m sure you guys are lovely, but this is also a good example as to how self loathing can effect a person`s life and mentality. For example, id like to believe that if I wasn't born ugly, I probably wouldn't be here. Not to mention that the ladies are quite particular, when it comes basic attraction. Or, at least that`s how it usually goes for me. Ive heard so many versions of "lets be friends!" and "I love you like a brother", that once ive even considered recording such an encounter, and mixing it into a proper groove. Possibly uploading it into Youtube, and offering it as a free download for the enjoyment of my fellow disgruntled brothers (and yes I know that I have an odd sense of humor).

Seriously though, putting all sarcastic things aside, the way that I look has always been something I find that I can never get over. And the older you get, the harder it is to deal with it. Ugliness and insecurity effects everything. When With your friends (not that I have any lol), you always wonder what their saying about you when your not around. When your at work, someone attractive will always be favored (like seeing a hot dumb blond get promoted instead of you, when you know its not because of her skill). And being ugly also effects your private life. For example, every ugly person knows that if they end up with someone incredibly hot, their gonna have a great time in bed, but a very difficult time in life. Have you ever ended up with someone that was "outta your league?" I have. And it was terrifying. Broke up with her myself. And while I know that this is the part where the ladies in the house are suppose to say how stupid (or unfair) that is, and they would be right, but that`s how it works when your insecurity penetrates every aspect of your life. It blinds you. When I look in the mirror I literally want to smash my head against it, in hopes that maybe someday my reflection will change. Because what some people don`t realize is that when your ugly, people give you this "look". And you grow up with that "look". Some are of course less obvious than others, but if everything we end up doing is a result of our own perception, than its easy to understand how one thing may have lead to another. Ugliness included.

_ TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT: (for the lazy people in the da house)_ guess what i`m trying to say is... how does a person stop hating themselves, when everyone around them tells them that their ugly? how can a person get over that? and if by any chance someone here feels as if they can relate to this, that is also good. In fact, being as I am not an optimist, that would be better than any cliche a "pretty person" would "throw" at me. Thank you for your time!
Hey mate, the best piece of advice I can give you is one of the hardest to apply, because it means letting go of the ego. The key to self actualized living is to not care what other people think. Ever. There's a saying:

I'm not what I do.
I'm not what I own.
I'm not what others think about me.

And it's true, mate. That is just our ego. Our minds. And the mind is "the devil's lawyer."

Now I know its easier said than done to let go of the ego, and come from spirit and higher consciousness. But its the way. Even if you were super good looking, or rich, or famous, or a nobel prize winning scientist, the fact remains that people are going to think whatever they want to think about you. So let them. Don't give their thoughts free rent in your mind. That honeysuckle will drive you insane. Just love yourself, and realize that its your self confidence that is what will attract people to you, not your looks.

Hope that helps.:)
ThisSideOfTheRainbow said:
Hey mate, the best piece of advice I can give you is one of the hardest to apply, because it means letting go of the ego. The key to self actualized living is to not care what other people think. Ever. There's a saying:

I'm not what I do.
I'm not what I own.
I'm not what others think about me.

And it's true, mate. That is just our ego. Our minds. And the mind is "the devil's lawyer."

Now I know its easier said than done to let go of the ego, and come from spirit and higher consciousness. But its the way. Even if you were super good looking, or rich, or famous, or a nobel prize winning scientist, the fact remains that people are going to think whatever they want to think about you. So let them. Don't give their thoughts free rent in your mind. That honeysuckle will drive you insane. Just love yourself, and realize that its your self confidence that is what will attract people to you, not your looks.

Hope that helps.:)

Yes I can see the logic behind what your saying. However, I must correct you about something. Its not so much that I care about what people think of me, but more, that I am greatly bothered by how their actions effect me as a result of that opinion. This is more of a practical problem, rather than an overly emotional one. I may not love myself, but I do in fact serve my own interests. I may look like honeysuckle because of my genes (and medical condition), which is a very realistic problem where I live, being as I live in a very superficial environment. Being below "average", being ugly, is a very unfortunate thing here. And even if I lived somewhere else, the way you look, first impression, will sadly always be a factor people consider.

However, that being said, I never said that I have a problem with my personality. I am what I am, and I will never be anything else, other than what I am capable of being. You know people like to say: "never judge a book by its cover", and that`s very true. However, people use that line when they themselves feel as if they can "afford" it. But when it comes down to it, no one really wants be told that their the type of person that you gotta get to know on a personal level, in order to appreciate them. People can be very polite and politically correct, but when it comes down to it, people are not really so forgiving when it comes to physical appearance. And I dunno about you, but being as I do in fact look like honeysuckle, that pisses me off. Having to live like this.. getting subjugated to indignities and verbal abuse, even in my working place... I think that anyone would get enraged by that.

I know that your right about me needing to be more confident, and try loving myself. But thats a very hard thing to accomplish by my own. I have no friends, no family id care to mention, no one to tell me that "everything will be okay, if you just believe in it!". In fact, last time anyone has given me any sympathy, was at a funeral. I live in a solitary existence with little exposure to the world - its a little hard to love yourself when all you really have, is yourself.

I don`t think that anyone can help. I will most likely die alone, and hate myself for the rest of my existence.
But I appreciate your kindness :) at least I know that there are good people out there. If we lived in the same country, we might have been good friends! :)
I know this, mate. Anyone who wants to judge you or value you by your appearance isn't worth having as a friend in the first place, or even wasting your time concerning yourself over. You shouldn't be annoyed or enraged by these people. If anything, you should pity them for being so low on the spiritual scale that they will most likely go their entire lives judging others by superficial means. And quite frankly, that's just ridiculous.

Good luck mate :)
ThisSideOfTheRainbow said:
I know this, mate. Anyone who wants to judge you or value you by your appearance isn't worth having as a friend in the first place, or even wasting your time concerning yourself over. You shouldn't be annoyed or enraged by these people. If anything, you should pity them for being so low on the spiritual scale that they will most likely go their entire lives judging others by superficial means. And quite frankly, that's just ridiculous.

Good luck mate :)

Oh I do pity them. I`m just sorry that they were born with something to give them an edge in life.
Ive often wondered what it would be like, if they were forced to rely on their personality. Could be funny.

Anyway. I appreciate the love :)

rdor said:
So you have actually been in a relationship.

Excuse me? yes I have. And I take it that you haven't?
Listen, before you continue with that line of thought, please bare in mind that being nice to people that come at me with an attitude, is not my strongest quality.
If this is a misunderstatement than I will apologize for being overly defensive. But if you came here hoping that you will make me feel bad for having a few relationships in my life, than you will be very disappointed.
I may be many things, but being naive is not one of them. Nor is being stupid. I don`t take trolls seriously, and I have no problem telling people to piss off. Not to mention that I will block those who are too dense to leave on their own.
Do we have an understanding?
Kai said:
Excuse me? yes I have. And I take it that you haven't?
Listen, before you continue with that line of thought, please bare in mind that being nice to people that come at me with an attitude, is not my strongest quality.
If this is a misunderstatement than I will apologize for being overly defensive. But if you came here hoping that you will make me feel bad for having a few relationships in my life, than you will be very disappointed.
I may be many things, but being naive is not one of them. Nor is being stupid. I don`t take trolls seriously, and I have no problem telling people to piss off. Not to mention that I will block those who are too dense to leave on their own.
Do we have an understanding?

I apologise for mixing in within this argument, but i think the way you percieved his reply is not the way he intended it to be. I understand how you feel and understand your frustration as a result. However judging from other posts that rdor made, this offensive way is not the way he intended his comment to be.

Once again i know this is none of my business, i just want to clear this up i suppose.
Rosebolt said:
Kai said:
Excuse me? yes I have. And I take it that you haven't?
Listen, before you continue with that line of thought, please bare in mind that being nice to people that come at me with an attitude, is not my strongest quality.
If this is a misunderstatement than I will apologize for being overly defensive. But if you came here hoping that you will make me feel bad for having a few relationships in my life, than you will be very disappointed.
I may be many things, but being naive is not one of them. Nor is being stupid. I don`t take trolls seriously, and I have no problem telling people to piss off. Not to mention that I will block those who are too dense to leave on their own.
Do we have an understanding?

I apologise for mixing in within this argument, but i think the way you percieved his reply is not the way he intended it to be. I understand how you feel and understand your frustration as a result. However judging from other posts that rdor made, this offensive way is not the way he intended his comment to be.

Once again i know this is none of my business, i just want to clear this up i suppose.

Oh I don`t mind it, my friend. Maybe. Who knows. As I said before, anything is possible. If this is a misunderstatement than I will apologize. In fact, I am hoping that I will stand corrected. But... than again.. if that was really the case, than shouldn't he be the one to explain this? and if this was really innocent, aren't there better, more clear and intelligent ways to make a statement? that is... assuming his intentions were good. Which is something I don`t believe yet. Also. How he conducts his business with other people in the forum is between him, and them. And it has nothing to do with me. What. Do I seem like a pushover or something? I wouldn't care even if he were a sodding saint - if he won`t address me with respect, than he shouldn't except any in return. Its as simple as that. Which is why at this point all we have to do is wait and see. If this is a misunderstanding ill apologize. But not before that.

Though there is one thing I must correct you on. I know that YOU mean well, but.. please do not assume to understand me or what i`m going through. What I wrote here is but a small portion of they things that bother me. Its barely even the tip of the iceberg. I`m not sure how to explain this in English.. but the best translation I can come up with is to tell you that (if that wasn't already obvious from the thread) I can become very hostile when i`m provoked, and will not take honeysuckle from anyone. Especially not on the internet. I haven't blocked him yet because I wonder what he has to say. If I was wrong about him, I will do my part. But I won`t wait up on him. All and all, we are just strangers. And if he likes to play a hero behind the screen that`s fine with me. He just shouldn't except to be taken seriously. Well... not by me, anyway. Though I must admit that its cool that he has nice people like yourself trying to help him out. Kudos for that, my friend! I believe you are a good person :) you also play quite a few instruments, which is something I can relate too.
I didn't want to distract you any further by replying and getting into an argument. But since you clearly took offence I ask that you ignore my comment.
Most people here deal with other's opinions/banter easily enough without taking things personally. I'm used to that kind of thing.
While it may not be the same as you, I know what it's like to hate myself, especially my appearance. Whether it's justified or not; pretty people are allowed to feel like honeysuckle too. Unfortunately I don't have any good advice on how a person can stop hating themselves, without the whole "learning to love yourself" routine. The only thing that has helped me is a natural sickening of the sound of my own complaining. I managed to bore a lot of it out of me over time. I never really thought therapy helped me in the way that it should have (giving me healthy coping mechanisms/advice etc) but instead I just found it all so ridiculous telling my honeysuckle to another stupid human. Whatever works, I guess.

What can I say? Being "ugly" is a weird one. I don't even know what you look like so can't comment on you personally but honestly, in general I do think most people's personality is represented by their looks, to a certain extent (some much more than others) but it's important to remember that although we all see the same things, not all of us see the same things. By this I mean some people with wonky noses hate their own wonkey noses but others may see it as a perfect imperfection, or character. Some people find ugly people a lot more interesting than the vapid whores (both male and female) you see on magazines and other media. If you are a beautiful person, someone will "see" it, both emotionally/mentally and in some cases physically too. As condescending or insulting as it may sound, I would never label a beautiful soul as physically ugly, I just wouldn't think it or see it... though perhaps would choose a different word, such as "unfortunate", unfortunate for our stupid society. Truth is, you may never learn to stop hating the way you look, but you can certainly learn to accept it. What other choice do you have?
rdor said:
I didn't want to distract you any further by replying and getting into an argument. But since you clearly took offence I ask that you ignore my comment.
Most people here deal with other's opinions/banter easily enough without taking things personally. I'm used to that kind of thing.

"took offense"? lol. hardly. It appears as if you have misunderstood me, my friend. Why would I take offense, when you clearly did not say anything offensive? that would be ridicules. Its not that. Its just your attitude that bothered me - thinking that you can compare between us, as if one has it better. To me that`s very unimaginative, and it is a very un-intelligent approach. However, being as you appear to be too blinded by your own hatred and jealousy of others to even apologize, than id rather block you. People like you are not even worth my time, and its not wonder your "used to this". Though I remember reading somewhere that you are mildly retarded, so that may explain this.
Anyway. That`s not my problem. Please take your issues elsewhere. Goodbye. Good luck developing a personality.

painter said:
While it may not be the same as you, I know what it's like to hate myself, especially my appearance. Whether it's justified or not; pretty people are allowed to feel like honeysuckle too. Unfortunately I don't have any good advice on how a person can stop hating themselves, without the whole "learning to love yourself" routine. The only thing that has helped me is a natural sickening of the sound of my own complaining. I managed to bore a lot of it out of me over time. I never really thought therapy helped me in the way that it should have (giving me healthy coping mechanisms/advice etc) but instead I just found it all so ridiculous telling my honeysuckle to another stupid human. Whatever works, I guess.

What can I say? Being "ugly" is a weird one. I don't even know what you look like so can't comment on you personally but honestly, in general I do think most people's personality is represented by their looks, to a certain extent (some much more than others) but it's important to remember that although we all see the same things, not all of us see the same things. By this I mean some people with wonky noses hate their own wonkey noses but others may see it as a perfect imperfection, or character. Some people find ugly people a lot more interesting than the vapid whores (both male and female) you see on magazines and other media. If you are a beautiful person, someone will "see" it, both emotionally/mentally and in some cases physically too. As condescending or insulting as it may sound, I would never label a beautiful soul as physically ugly, I just wouldn't think it or see it... though perhaps would choose a different word, such as "unfortunate", unfortunate for our stupid society. Truth is, you may never learn to stop hating the way you look, but you can certainly learn to accept it. What other choice do you have?

My friend, if you are not like me, you will not understand me. However.... what you have said here:
"Truth is, you may never learn to stop hating the way you look, but you can certainly learn to accept it. What other choice do you have?"

To me THAT is the most compelling argument your have made. And I agree with that entirely. THAT I can relate too :) Also, some people here may have misunderstood me, but I have in fact accepted the way I look. I don`t like it, but I know that fighting over the ideal is pointless. Hating the world because its a shallow place, is even more pointless. I may look like honeysuckle, but there are in fact things I like about myself. I am more than happy with my personality (wouldn't wanna be anyone else, in that), I am very intelligent, i`m multi-talented, i`m loyal to those who are loyal to me, and I have good sense of humor. And, despite what it may appear at first glance, I am infact confidant in my abilities as a person. The one thing I hate, is my own looks, and how people bother me because of it. Because it effects me directly - because people get in my face, and I have lost jobs over the way I look. But... as far as ideologies go... everything else (people`s negative opinions, hatred, bigotry etc) is meaningless to me. The only issues that really bother me,are practical ones.

So... to make things more clear, I mostly came here to vent, not to start arguments over the injustice of society and how the mass media have brainwashed people into accepting their ideal of beauty. I`m not a sheep, dude. Ive seen many therapists in my life, none of which have ever even began getting close to convince me that someone other than myself, can actually answer such questions for me. Oh thieve tried, but I have always found it as being ridicules, as it is unnatural. A shrink is not your friend. And in the best case, he`s only after your money. Worse case is of course him being a megalomaniac which only got into the business to hear himself "educate" who he believes are "lesser" people than him, his close friends, and his family. You know what i`m talking about, right? ive seen plenty of those. But that`s a different topic altogether. In short, I am what I am, and cannot be anyone else. True, I may not be proud of all aspects in my life. But when it comes to making judgment calls, id rather listen to my own instincts, rather than a complete stranger`s opinion. And, yes, I know that this is not so politically correct. Especially in this age where people have gotten used to hearing everyone out online. But I personally say fresia that. People listen too much, you know? (and their used to it). Ive never liked the internet, and I think that all those people brainwashing themselves and copying each other, documenting every thing they do (not matter how disgusting or stupid it is), "hearing out" everyone just because everyone else is there, is a stupid, stupid trend which should be whipped out the face of the earth. This overly confidant and impolite Youtube / Facebook / blogging generation in my opinion is an addictive cancer for most people. And, like most of adaptations of the mass media (I say "adaptation" because the internet originated in the military industrial complex), its not going away anytime soon. So I say fresia it all, you know? be yourself. And if you look like honeysuckle, use everything you can to your advantage. That`s my attitude, and I feel sorry for anyone that thinks otherwise. And I will never listen to, or take someone seriously, unless they have at least been able to accomplished that in themselves. If someone wants to give me advice and wants me to actually listen to them, they better be pretty ******* convincing (not to mention, intelligent), and have something to back it up. Or, they should at least be respectful and polite. Otherwise I will ignore them. Possibly mock them, if they come at me with an attitude (even though this is still me being nice. The comments above included, in case anyone was wondering). So yeah I got issues and an attitude. But to me that will always be better than being a sheep, you know?
Kai said:
being as you appear to be too blinded by your own hatred

Kai said:
People like you are not even worth my time...

I remember reading somewhere that you are mildly retarded so that may explain this

“my friend” it’s your issues that are the problem.

You see I did express regret by asking you to ignore my casual comment, since it obviously wasn't going to add anything to this discussion. What I'm "used to" is people being able to put their perspective across plainly without false indignation and insults from others.

Nothing said to you really justifies these sort of reactions. Not this, nor the generally arrogant one immediately above (to painter's radio.)

People who openly demand respect are usually less inclined to give it.
rdor said:
Kai said:
being as you appear to be too blinded by your own hatred

Kai said:
People like you are not even worth my time...

I remember reading somewhere that you are mildly retarded so that may explain this

“my friend” it’s you who has issues.

Oh cool you quoted me to try and make a statement! talk about unexpected, right?! wait. Can I do that too? i`m just kidding of course. Well my good man, i`m very happy to see that you know how to read, and I appreciate your efforts, kind sir, for reminding me what ive already told you! So... if by "issues" you are referring to me NOT caring about what some random stranger says about me, than yes. Ive got issues. A Proper nutter, I am :cool: for real though... lets just say that id pick my sarcasm over your lack of personality, any day. Trolls. Oh whatever would you do if you didn't have the internet, huh? but its okay. For you its all about saying what you came for, so I wouldn't except you to understand the difference between sarcasm, and hate.
And yes i`m sure that you have an opinion or a funny little observation that you would care to mention right now, but I wouldn't wanna know it. Its just... this whole thing is just too stupid for me. Sorry XD.

So here we are. Ive temporarily unblocked you.
This is the point where I am going to tell you that this time we shared together has been fun. A pleasure, really. Like going to the dentist.
But I would like to kindly ask you please remove yourself from this thread, and refrain from addressing me ever again? that would be SO great and I will promise to return the favor, and ignore you for the rest of my stay here!
thanks a bunch! :) take care now...

First. I noticed that you just edited your reply. Possibly in an attempt to come off better, or more politically correct.
However. If your intentions were good from the start, if you really gave a honeysuckle and considered being tasteful, this little chat wouldn't be taking place.
Which is why I don`t believe that you are really expressing regret. I think that your just trying to wizzle outta this just for the sake of keeping your "online rep".
Not that you will admit to that, heaven forbids you break outta character, but to me its obvious. And to me that`s quite sad. Because this.. what your doing.. whatever it is, its not honesty. And its most certainly NOT regret.
So before you get the wrong impression, please note that I don`t give a honeysuckle about what your used too here. Its none of my business, anyhow.
Second. I`m done baby talking with you. Right now you should either keep your two bid observations to yourself, or leave.
From here on, you will find here nothing but insults. I don`t care what you think. I know what you really think about me (ive seen your kind before), but be sure that my thoughts about you are by far more entertaining.
Third. You should also note that the other people who replied here were nice, and were received well. While as you were acting like a jealous / condescending little snot, and were the only one who I "attacked".
Why is that, I wonder.. do they have some magical immunity of some sort, or was is because they were decent? gee, I wonder..
Think about it. Its quite miraculous, isn't it? how come I didn't lash out at everyone else? after all, they didn't all agree with me, right?
So, please, don`t talk to me about respect, okay? you wouldn't know real respect even if it bit you in the ass.
Now... if you will... i`m done playing nice with you - please go away and bother someone else. I will not ask this again.
Kai, you're a troubled kid, and anyone who's read this thread silently agrees with that. Nobody in the real world will take this attitude from you and frankly the world doesn't revolve around you. You managed to make an ******* of yourself in a record short time. Congratulations.

As for the thread topic. Try stop making other people look down on you and your self-image will improve. In the end, we always compare ourselves to how other people see us. Or we end up hating ourselves, or conversely, the world.
perfanoff said:
Kai, you're a troubled kid, and anyone who's read this thread silently agrees with that. Nobody in the real world will take this attitude from you and frankly the world doesn't revolve around you. You managed to make an ******* of yourself in a record short time. Congratulations.

As for the thread topic. Try stop making other people look down on you and your self-image will improve. In the end, we always compare ourselves to how other people see us. Or we end up hating ourselves, or conversely, the world.

What? who the hell are you, kid? lol. God. Ive just ended my business with one, and now I gotta deal with a battalion of angry silent readers?
honestly. Fine. Whatever. I`m bored enough right now.
So.. being as you have appointed yourself as a "spokesman", ill address what little relevant issues you have raised.
Also, I never said I would be nice to people who try to give me honeysuckle.
In fact, if you read my thread, I remember quite distinctively pointing out that I am more than capable of lashing out at trolls (in real life as well).
Never said I was the poster child for political correctness. But sure. Lets make this more organized.

I`m not impressed, and this is not real life. As I mentioned here before, If this was real life, I wouldn't have bothered at all. That`s just how it is (and I think that neither would you, btw). Also. Speaking of which, if this was real life, people like you (supposedly good Samaritans) would do the same thing that you always do - stare at the show, and keep on walking once its done. Acting noble on the internet is easy, my friend, but ive seen it all before. No one here is a saint. No you, not him, and no me. And yeah I do in fact look down on people which have given me a reason to do so. Why? you think your beyond this behavior? are you really that much of a hypocrite? lol

About my attitude. He`s the only one who I lashed out at. I have not forced him to come here. He did that on his own. However, even though I think it was amusing, at least he didn't claim to speak for anyone other than himself. We both may be ass holes, but at least until now no one has claimed such nobility. Which is something I cannot say about you, i`m afraid. You come at me with an invisible linch mob, hoping that more people will take you up on this. At least he had the balls and sense to speak for himself, without dragging others into it. So, please, don`t talk to me about nobility, okay? at least he has brought himself as an example. What did you bring? everyone else`s opinions? your friends? lol please. You don`t really care about this, anymore than I do. Don`t worry, you don`t have to admit it. When someone gives me honeysuckle - they get honeysuckle - that`s just how it is. I`m not going to apologize for defending myself.

About my post. You should read it again. Maybe than you will notice that i`m not forcing (or "making") anyone to do anything. The day I will feel as if I need to take advice from someone like you, that would be the day I hang myself. Be sure of it. What. You think this is a game? you think you can "educate me", kid? please. Save your opinions for the masses. Next thing I know you'll get me banned, right? or have some Mod come in and give a witty one liner, and then close the thread? I believe that may be the end result.

Look. I never said I was the nicest guy in the world. Wouldn't wanna be, either.
So if you got beef, than don`t talk to me or reply in my threads. You see, unlike in real life, here you can afford to talk as if you know me. Here you have a chance to sit down, drink a coffee, and contemplate alone (or with others) on how your going to make me come out as a monster. And if given enough time, being as how everyone can just waltz in and contribute, it may seem like that worked. But... just so you know... if this was real life, I wouldn't even spit at your direction. I don`t deal with sheep. You can act as "noble" as you want, but even whatshisname gets more respect from me, than you. In fact, if he knew more about my condition, he might have understood that i`m probably one of the few people here who would actually treat him as an equal (in real life, I mean). This "argument" is something he started, so he got the less sympathetically sides of me. But if he would choose a different path, we could have been good drinking buddies. Believe it or not. Not that your can really be the judge of me, but when someone gives me honeysuckle - that`s what they will get in return. No questions asked. I`m just defending myself. That`s all. Don`t believe me? too bad. Besides. If someone really gave a honeysuckle about all of this, they would PM me or something, right? so.. please... save your opinions to someone that cares, kid. I didn't come here to be likeable, I came here to vent. Oh. And don`t tell me what to do, either. If this is the best you can come up with, than you are in no position to "teach" me anything.
And if I end up getting banned because of this nonsense, than so be it. Its just a forum. So, instead of trying to "win" this argument (which is something you cannot do), I suggest you go back to your friends and leave this be. I`m sure you will have plenty of fun talking honeysuckle about me. Take care now, bye bye than!
The fact that you "lashed out" at ANYONE here is unacceptable. You are taking people's "opinions" to heart and it seems to be causing you to be very upleasant to others. Look before you leap and dont ASSUME that every opinion offered or advice that's given is meant as an insult. I think you should calm down and refrain from posting for a but, lest you have your posting privileges suspended for a short time.
Thank you in advance.
EveWasFramed said:
The fact that you "lashed out" at ANYONE here is unacceptable. You are taking people's "opinions" to heart and it seems to be causing you to be very upleasant to others. Look before you leap and dont ASSUME that every opinion offered or advice that's given is meant as an insult. I think you should calm down and refrain from posting for a but, lest you have your posting privileges suspended for a short time.
Thank you in advance.

Oh an admin. Great. unfair censorship. Just what I needed XD
Fine. Eve,was it? sure thing, boss. Ill pretend like this is a democracy, and refrain from posting for a while. I may not agree with you entirely here because from what your saying i`m suppose to act like a robot lol... but sure. Even though i`m not afraid of being banned form here, I do in fact believe you to be doing a service to me as well, so ill oblige your request. You've been here longer, so I trust you know better than me how things work around here. You can close this thread if you want, and we can all be on our marry way.
Kai said:
EveWasFramed said:
The fact that you "lashed out" at ANYONE here is unacceptable. You are taking people's "opinions" to heart and it seems to be causing you to be very upleasant to others. Look before you leap and dont ASSUME that every opinion offered or advice that's given is meant as an insult. I think you should calm down and refrain from posting for a but, lest you have your posting privileges suspended for a short time.
Thank you in advance.

Oh an admin. Great. unfair censorship. Just what I needed XD
Fine. Eve,was it? sure thing, boss. Ill pretend like this is a democracy, and refrain from posting for a while. I may not agree with you entirely here because from what your saying i`m suppose to act like a robot lol... but sure. Even though i`m not afraid of being banned form here, I do in fact believe you to be doing a service to me as well, so ill oblige your request. You can close this thread if you want, and we can all be on our marry way.

Well...since you're so determined to continue to flaunt that crappy attitude, I'll just make sure you can't post for a bit. For you own good, of course.
Also, sounds like you're familiar with being banned from forums. You should ask yourself why. *rolls eyes*
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