shallow men and young women

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unlucky in life said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
unlucky in life said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
The only thing I have over you is that I've been out on dates before.

I have never kissed a girl/woman. I have never had sex. I have never had a girlfriend or a relationship. And I'm 29, almost 30 years old.

Am I ugly? Several women don't seem to think so. Am I too shy and meek? Probably.

Your hatred of men comes across in every single post you make. Is it any wonder they don't want anything to do with you? I wouldn't want anything to do with you either, even if you looked like Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightley.

you don't know me what i have suffered i have been verbal abused and physical abused by guys .all i wanted to do is not treated badly and rejected no more can you understand

may be if girl was abuse to you and rotten see how would like it .you bloke you can't intimated by women like men have done to me


I was thrown into lockers, teased over my musical preference, told that no woman would ever date me, called ugly, called a geek, etc.

Oh, and plenty of women have been mean to me. One girl once told me that I looked like I was wearing lipstick. Another said that I would never get sex unless I paid for it.

I don't hate women. I have plenty of female friends. And, unlike you, it has never stopped me from forming friendships...maybe it has clouded my own judgment of my own attractiveness, and stopped me from asking out women, but it hasn't made me bitter toward them.

Get over yourself. I am bipolar, and went through hell when I was younger.
1 you a guy
2 you NOT look upon as sex object to used and abused and dumped
3 men don't feel much pain for women they move on the next one
4 if woman is not hot she not worth know knowing
5 you don't have to deal with players and liars
6 guys get away with getting old women can't
7 there reason its mans world becasue yee bloody owed and run it
8 men can beat up women women can't beat men up

so you get over self

None of those points are valid :p

Oh actually Muesli is a guy, so you got 1 right :)

How can you say that your looked upon as a sex object to be used, abused and dumped when you've never had intercourse?
unlucky in life said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
The only thing I have over you is that I've been out on dates before.

I have never kissed a girl/woman. I have never had sex. I have never had a girlfriend or a relationship. And I'm 29, almost 30 years old.

Am I ugly? Several women don't seem to think so. Am I too shy and meek? Probably.

Your hatred of men comes across in every single post you make. Is it any wonder they don't want anything to do with you? I wouldn't want anything to do with you either, even if you looked like Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightley.

you don't know me what i have suffered i have been verbal abused and physical abused by guys .all i wanted to do is not treated badly and rejected no more can you understand

may be if girl was abuse to you and rotten see how would like it .you bloke you can't intimated by women like men have done to me

Considering you have a million threads about the rejection you've received in the past, I think it's safe to assume we can guess.

You are rude and insensitive. You ask for advice, but when you get it, you sit there and ***** about it. You sit there and act like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and that YOUR problems are the only problems that matter.
How the hell do you know what AK5 has been through in his life? How do you know what any of us have been through? You don't, you can't sit there and assume that you have the worst life, because I can 100% assure you that you DO NOT! Many people here and elsewhere have it much worse than you do. Stop whining about honeysuckle that happened in the past and ******* DO something about it if you don't like it. It is NOT your looks, it's your ATTITUDE about everything and everyone. For all that you say you are worthless and whatever else you've said about yourself, you sure ******* do act pretty **** high and mighty when anyone says something to you.
If someone offers you sound advice, I would advise you to take it, regardless of age or gender or looks. NONE of that honeysuckle matter, logical advice is logical advice no matter who it comes from.

Seriously, get over yourself and do something about your problems if you don't like them. If you don't plan to do anything about them, why are you here? Just to ***** and whine? LISTEN AND HEAR WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING TO YOU!!!!!
unlucky in life said:
1 you a guy
2 you NOT look upon as sex object to used and abused and dumped
3 men don't feel much pain for women they move on the next one
4 if woman is not hot she not worth know knowing
5 you don't have to deal with players and liars
6 guys get away with getting old women can't
7 there reason its mans world becasue yee bloody owed and run it
8 men can beat up women women can't beat men up

so you get over self

1. who the fresia cares if someone has a penis or vagina? Feelings are feelings, people are people. EVERYONE gets hurt
2. Yes, men are OFTEN looked upon as sexual objects and used and abused.... for example, you view facebook guy as a sexual object
3. YOU DON'T ******* KNOW WHAT MEN FEEL!!!!!! EVERYONE feels pain when they hurt someone unless they are an insensitive jackass
4. Get the fresia over that, I know many people who are not "hot" and have way more ******* worth than I ever will.
5. how the fresia do you know what he has to deal with?
6. Bullshit, stereotype much?
7. It's NOT a man's world. The world is for those who go after what they want and stop making excuses.
8. WTF???? That's ******* bullshit. You don't even know what the fresia you're talking about there.

So all in all, your logic is nonsensical
I dare you, unlucky, to read other people's threads here on this site.
unlucky in life said:
1 you a guy
2 you NOT look upon as sex object to used and abused and dumped
3 men don't feel much pain for women they move on the next one
4 if woman is not hot she not worth know knowing
5 you don't have to deal with players and liars
6 guys get away with getting old women can't
7 there reason its mans world becasue yee bloody owed and run it
8 men can beat up women women can't beat men up

so you get over self


Lucky, if you continue to stereotype men this way, I will gag you on the forum so you can't post anymore today.
Really - keep those sweeping generalizations off the forum.
Callie beat me :(
Not just hers, but Callie is making very good points right here so listen to them.
unlucky in life said:
well one male psyclogist siad i was the problems not guys that were cruel and rejection i was the fault of it. ....

Was he telling you that you need to change your outlook and to stop blaming your problems on everyone else?

To stop using the excuse that you have had it so much worse than anyone else has ever had it and instead to do something?

I don't care if someone is male or female they have all had encounters with males that were cruel and they have all had encounter with rejection. The difference is that they kept going.

I really think you should stop viewing men this way and see them for the beautiful people that they are.
Alex, yes you is (hello) XD

AK, you're welcome :)
Pezza said:
Akismet banned me for trying to say "Yeah I'm Beautiful" :(

It's ok, I know you are, never mind what nasty Akismet tries to tell you (hug)
Oh yeah, btw, unlucky, seeing as you seem to have such issues with men, have you considered trying your luck with a woman?
Just saying -_-
condemnedsoul666 said:
Pezza said:
Akismet banned me for trying to say "Yeah I'm Beautiful" :(

It's ok, I know you are, never mind what nasty Akismet tries to tell you (hug)
Oh yeah, btw, unlucky, seeing as you seem to have such issues with men, have you considered trying your luck with a woman?
Just saying -_-

That's a great idea. It's much better unlucky ;D
That reminds me of that Buffy related pic someone has as their signature on here. "Reading leads to Witchcraft and Lesbianism."

Although READING what we have to say probably wouldn't turn unlucky into a lesbian. It would, however, make us less likely to blow up at her.
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