why men only interested young bikini models not real women

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IgnoredOne said:
unlucky in life said:
well that doesn't help in me any way and its not advice it just you shallow on women lke the other guy who in to lollipop barbie dolls
and not real women who are size 14 + and short

I was answering your question, which is "why?" and not "how do I have a guy?" which is not in the Opening Post.

Well, men can have preferences and it doesn't have to mean that we are shallow. I've explained this before and you became angry. I'm going to try again from my POV, and I can only hope this helps.

Appearance has direct and immediate influence on how we perceive people. Humans are visual creatures, and men may be more visual than women; there's no doubt that someone being attractive to us causes us to respond better to them. It may not be "fair", but it is real.

That said, there are billions of things that a person may do to improve or influence his/her appearance. Furthermore, it does not mean that all people gravitate toward the same type of appearance. There are men who prefer heavier women over lighter ones, for example.

Furthermore, personality has a vast component to attractiveness and is usually actually more significant than appearance in the long run. While appearance is more immediate and faster in how it affects us, personality has a larger role in deciding if we really enjoy spending time with someone. And if it is going to be a meaningful relationship, this is of great importance.

I am pretty well read and I am quite a bit of rambler, for example, so I like girls who can appreciate what I've read and studied, and who can respond intelligently to my comments; the rambling lecturer part is where I enjoy women who really just listen well. And that matters in ways far more, really, that just how pretty the girl is - showing how personality ultimately exceeds appearance.

I have and do pass up women who have great appearances for women with personalities that I enjoy. But yes, ultimately, I will probably gravitate for the girl with the best combination of appearance and personality for me, which isn't really that surprising. I like girlishness in girls, I like girls who enjoy anime, and I like girls who have appreciation for fashion. The particular preferences are different for every man.

For yourself, if you're looking to draw general attention from men, you do need to have something of a decent appearance and/or personality. Honestly, with you, your personality is abysmal by my accounting; even if you were extremely pretty, I would myself avoid you. You're just not pleasant to be around at all, or so it feels.

The standards aren't impossible at all - there are plenty of men in the world. You, however, need to be happier with yourself and just generally more at peace with yourself, and then you can work on improving yourself for you. And then, I'm sure, there will be guys who also come to appreciate your personality and appearance.

Maybe the "hot girls" will get more attention, but do you really need everyone to want you, or just one special someone?

Finally, the notion of pretty girls are not 'real women' is a mixture of bewildering and absurd. I've been with a number of attractive, slim(ish - not fond of anexorics) girls including one model(not bikini, though, just fashion). Far as I can tell, she was a real woman and not a shemale :p

PS: Height is one of the weirder things for a girl to complain about. Statistically, women don't have any issues with being short; research has shown that if anything, its tall girls that have any difficulty dating(women at 6'3"+, etc). The American pop singer Taylor Swift, who is commonly considered as one of the most beautiful girls in the industry, puts in quite a bit of effort in her videos to /conceal/ her 5'11" and try to make herself appear less statuesque. Its hard to be the little schoolgirl she often acts as when she's that tall.

well in ireland what we call real women are size 14 + are real women .
not some air brushed girl who hasn't eaten month who has every one doing every thing for her .keep looking at mirror all day to see if her make up is perfect and her hair is place .real women don't care much for mirrors
or checking to see if there hair intact
may be it american thing to model type i don't know may be i am mixing culture with america and ireland .
in ireland we have gorgeous women are not models but presenders look great but men should be bit more opend minded besides the models .
like irish woman size 14 still beaitiful

may be i am mixing american girls with irish girls.we have different ideas of beauty not as extereme as american .
i realise we differnt from the american we not so commerical i suppose
we more homely then aamerican girls .

well you don't have avaoid i live in ireland you in the USA .
unlucky in life said:
well in ireland what we call real women are size 14 + are real women .
not some air brushed girl who hasn't eaten month who has every one doing every thing for her .keep looking at mirror all day to see if her make up is perfect and her hair is place .real women don't care much for mirrors
or checking to see if there hair intact
may be it american thing to model type i don't know may be i am mixing culture with america and ireland .
in ireland we have gorgeous women are not models but presenders look great but men should be bit more opend minded besides the models .
like irish woman size 14 still beaitiful

may be i am mixing american girls with irish girls.we have different ideas of beauty not as extereme as american .
i realise we differnt from the american we not so commerical i suppose
we more homely then aamerican girls .

well you don't have avaoid i live in ireland you in the USA .

There are ******* plus size models in America too.
And I find what you just said offensive.
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
well in ireland what we call real women are size 14 + are real women .
not some air brushed girl who hasn't eaten month who has every one doing every thing for her .keep looking at mirror all day to see if her make up is perfect and her hair is place .real women don't care much for mirrors
or checking to see if there hair intact
may be it american thing to model type i don't know may be i am mixing culture with america and ireland .
in ireland we have gorgeous women are not models but presenders look great but men should be bit more opend minded besides the models .
like irish woman size 14 still beaitiful

may be i am mixing american girls with irish girls.we have different ideas of beauty not as extereme as american .
i realise we differnt from the american we not so commerical i suppose
we more homely then aamerican girls .

well you don't have avaoid i live in ireland you in the USA .

There are ******* plus size models in America too.
And I find what you just said offensive.

she not model she is presender . we just have differnt ideas of ideas of beauty .we not as commerical either we don't have those magazine yee produce in amerca in ireland we don't pen houses in ireland we don't playboy house n ireland.
come to ireland you wil see for you self

men still go after like top shelf the athetic women in there 20s tall skinny blonde etc .
You seem to be repeating a lot the sizes and weight, makes me think that you have a self-esteem issue concerning your weight. I don't know anything about woman's sizes, so I don't know if your size is considered bigger than normal; but anyway, if your overweight, lose the extra weight! That's as simple as it goes.
unlucky in life said:
she not model she is presender . we just have differnt ideas of ideas of beauty .we not as commerical either we don't have those magazine yee produce in amerca in ireland we don't pen houses in ireland we don't playboy house n ireland.
come to ireland you wil see for you self

men still go after like top shelf the athetic women in there 20s tall skinny blonde etc .

Fact of the matter is that you don't know anything about them, you don't know what they go through, you don't know what they are like in real life. Just because someone is famous and in a porn magazine doesn't make them NOT PEOPLE, doesn't mean they don't struggle, doesn't mean they are happy.
You can't ******* know what men want, you are not a man and even if you were, you would only know what YOU YOURSELF wants. You can't ******* generalize that the entire male population wants only one type of woman. If that were ******* true, my ******* husband wouldn't be ******* a plus sized woman instead of me. You don't know honeysuckle, so stop ******* acting like you do. There have been a number of MEN here who have told you you were WRONG, yet you still carry on with your stupid ass ideas that you know better than them. WTF... seriously WTF
unlucky in life said:
well in ireland what we call real women are size 14 + are real women .

My girlfriend is 5'4", 110 lbs and French/Irish. She is, I believe, real.
IgnoredOne said:
unlucky in life said:
well in ireland what we call real women are size 14 + are real women .

My girlfriend is 5'4", 110 lbs and French/Irish. She is, I believe, real.

NO SHE ISN'T! She's a figment of your imagination. Get an education! :club:

Callie said:
NO SHE ISN'T! She's a figment of your imagination. Get an education! :club:


She spent like a hundred forty of my money on this furry cream sweater/jacket and is hunting for a pair of furry boots, plus she took nearly an entire day just to find a pair of sunglasses she approved of. Fashion-conscious girl, clearly she's not real ^_^
TheSolitaryMan said:
unlucky in life said:
weight less hard ok guys like sexy movement attractive looks how does that help me exactly
here the girl from the photo this guy like who 5ft8"
this is what i mean this what guys are looking for and i can't compete with that at all. no way in hell .that men like younger women too
i think you like al men do

i am not type of female to do that kind of stuff or dress that way men love those type of women
not plain jane unsexy jane like me

I don't find her that hot in the video, actually. It's so fake. Also, I bet they edited that FHM pic a lot.

Regardless, you think guys will only settle for a girl like that? Because that's rubbish.

By your logic, as a guy I will remain single forever unless I grow to 7 feet tall, develop huge biceps and abs and enlarge my downstairs organs to rhinocerine proportions. It's silly.

Guys don't expect their girlfriend to look like one of these fake supermodels, or anything like that. We all have different ideas of what we find attractive.

Some guys don't like tall girls, for example, whereas I love tall girls with long legs. Some guys don't like angular facial features, I do. And so on.

There are countless things a girl can do to make herself attractive and hot, regardless of her looks or insecurities.

The long and short of it: who gives a honeysuckle about these "perfect" models (who are usually made up, edited and totally fake) when real people exist? You don't have to be fake like these "celebs" to get a guy or girl.

You can improve your image yourself, work to be fit and healthy, be happy and look your best. That in itself is far more attractive than what any plastic-faced girl gyrating in some crappy pop vid can achieve.

Hell, can I kiss that celebrity "ideal"? No. Any girl who kisses these neglected lips of mine is going to be a million times more special to me than any concept society deems "perfect".

thanks for help it was nice of you the others were no help thanks

unlucky in life said:
thanks for help it was nice of you the others were no help thanks

I find that offensive as well, because "the others" didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, you were rude as fresia to them.
And before you start, yeah, I was ******* rude, but ya know what. I don't give a fresia, you say this honeysuckle and expect people to be NICE? No, doesn't work that way. You can't get what you want without work and you don't want to ******* work for it. All you do is make excuses and ***** and whine.
look all i can say in this topic that not all guys thinks with their dicks. There is smaller group of guys that cares about love, that wants to be loved. You can't say that only men do that. My girlfriend left me because of "hot guy". I wasn't good for her.She wanted a hot guy and i wasn't that one so she did left me. Everything i'm trying to said that girls are interested in hot muscular guys and also men are interested in bikin chicks.And girls and mens can be horrible in this kind of stuff
teo950 said:
look all i can say in this topic that not all guys thinks with their dicks. There is smaller group of guys that cares about love, that wants to be loved. You can't say that only men do that. My girlfriend left me because of "hot guy". I wasn't good for her.She wanted a hot guy and i wasn't that one so she did left me. Everything i'm trying to said that girls are interested in hot muscular guys and also men are interested in bikin chicks.And girls and mens can be horrible in this kind of stuff

the only guys are the one who think with lower part body or below belt there only kind are the shallow and guys think below the waist are the only kind i know or have ever known
You can sit there and hate on people who work hard to make themselves look nice all you want, but it wont do you any good. Anyone with a nice physique works REALLY hard to keep their bodies fit and nice, its not like they just wake up one day with fit, toned bodies. They eat healthy foods, they work out, dress nicely, ect. Its time consuming and hard work! You can sit there and hate all you want, but its just an ignorant thing to do.

YOU too could eat healthy, work out, lose weight, learn to dress nicer, but it seems like all you expect that it will just happen for you without having to dedicate your life to it, or that you think someone will come and wave a magic wand over you. Its not like that. If you ever actually put any effort into losing weight, it would happen. The fact that you say you try and it never works tells me you are not really putting any effort into it at all. In fact, if you put half the effort into bettering yourself, then you do into bitching and whining, you would be well on your way to looking and feeling better!

Here are some tips to losing weight. Dont eat so much, overweight people eat way too huge of servings, eat half of what you would normally eat per meal. Dont eat fattening foods! Eat veggies and meat, stay away from carbs and candy. Do cardiovascular workouts!
septicemia said:
You can sit there and hate on people who work hard to make themselves look nice all you want, but it wont do you any good. Anyone with a nice physique works REALLY hard to keep their bodies fit and nice, its not like they just wake up one day with fit, toned bodies. They eat healthy foods, they work out, dress nicely, ect. Its time consuming and hard work! You can sit there and hate all you want, but its just an ignorant thing to do.

YOU too could eat healthy, work out, lose weight, learn to dress nicer, but it seems like all you expect that it will just happen for you without having to dedicate your life to it, or that you think someone will come and wave a magic wand over you. Its not like that. If you ever actually put any effort into losing weight, it would happen. The fact that you say you try and it never works tells me you are not really putting any effort into it at all. In fact, if you put half the effort into bettering yourself, then you do into bitching and whining, you would be well on your way to looking and feeling better!

Here are some tips to losing weight. Dont eat so much, overweight people eat way too huge of servings, eat half of what you would normally eat per meal. Dont eat fattening foods! Eat veggies and meat, stay away from carbs and candy. Do cardiovascular workouts!

I concur. It takes a ton of hard work, the end result is more opportunities! Anyone can do it, all you need is time and dedication.

unlucky in life said:
teo950 said:
look all i can say in this topic that not all guys thinks with their dicks. There is smaller group of guys that cares about love, that wants to be loved. You can't say that only men do that. My girlfriend left me because of "hot guy". I wasn't good for her.She wanted a hot guy and i wasn't that one so she did left me. Everything i'm trying to said that girls are interested in hot muscular guys and also men are interested in bikin chicks.And girls and mens can be horrible in this kind of stuff

the only guys are the one who think with lower part body or below belt there only kind are the shallow and guys think below the waist are the only kind i know or have ever known

And tbh, every guy or girl thinks about "below the waist", so either you're wrong, or every single human being is shallow. The thing is, appearance differs from person to person!
teo950 said:
look all i can say in this topic that not all guys thinks with their dicks. There is smaller group of guys that cares about love, that wants to be loved. You can't say that only men do that. My girlfriend left me because of "hot guy". I wasn't good for her.She wanted a hot guy and i wasn't that one so she did left me. Everything i'm trying to said that girls are interested in hot muscular guys and also men are interested in bikin chicks.And girls and mens can be horrible in this kind of stuff

i am still agreeing with him .
some of you think very macho have you experience what its like to be women live woman life you could say walk in her high heels
unlucky in life said:
some of you think very macho have you experience what its like to be women live woman life you could say walk in her high heels

Do YOU have experience walking in a mans?
Now you're just being hypocritical
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
some of you think very macho have you experience what its like to be women live woman life you could say walk in her high heels

Do YOU have experience walking in a mans?
Now you're just being hypocritical

girl wait till get some thread up i am going to have some fun with them i'll be them like white on rice you wait and see
Why do we always have to walk in women's shoes when they always complain about how uncomfortable they are? Hell if I'm doing that. I don't look good in heels. Walk in my shoes, they are steel toed, then you can kick all the men who you go for the barbies in the nuts.
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