can people find love when there unattractive looking and weight problem and lazy eye

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And also, I don't have a man.

I am a single lady, looking for love, just like yourself.
i am fed up looking for love and getting knocked back every single time in my entire life
may be i am not worth it after all.but they all find love but not me .
good looks are huge deal .i am ugly looking and old like you man from Spain said old
unlucky in life said:
i am fed up looking for love and getting knocked back every single time in my entire life
may be i am not worth it after all.but they all find love but not me .
good looks are huge deal .i am ugly looking and old like you man from Spain said old

I have communicated the same message to you again. Any further repetition would be pointless. If you have no intent to listen, I have spent enough time. This inflexibility, mind you, may be a large part of your downfall - more than any quibbling of your appearance.

Have a good life, and I hope that you find a therapist who will be able to communicate successfully with you.
unlucky in life said:
i want to find love like normal person but i can't i am ugly looking

unlucky in life said:
please guys i need some advice here.

Every post you've made has been met with nothing but advice. You refuse to listen. If you want to be stubborn, fine, but don't complain about it. I think there's a deeper issue that this forum is not qualified to help solve.

missymessy said:
unlucky in life said:
please guys i need some advice here.

arrrrrrg you've had nothing but advice!

starting to think this is a wind up to be honest.

I'm starting to think the same, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.
My problem is that im a very thin guy although im actually pretty dexterous... unlike some thin frail guys.
Oh and I have a long nose, sticky out ears and really long fingers (oh well I guess it is sometimes handy for guitar).


unlucky in life said:
how does that help me in my problem

There are plenty of other people out there who think the same thing when it comes to looks. Some of the things you said that others have said about you shows that they are ******** and would probably say that to anyone who they personally thought was unattractive. I would not be surprised if you are good looking but just have low self esteem. Why would these guys say something so offensive to you? That makes no sense to me unless there is another reason why they are saying it which is not to do with looks...
I think u need to get away from whoever these people who are saying these awful things to you. Like ShyButHi stated, they're ********. Obviously these guys are a bunch of shallow douchebags who want put others down to make themselves feel better. I don't think you need approval or attention of people like that.
Ghost Boy said:
I think u need to get away from whoever these people who are saying these awful things to you. Like ShyButHi stated, they're ********. Obviously these guys are a bunch of shallow douchebags who want put others down to make themselves feel better. I don't think you need approval or attention of people like that.

thanks being nice there all they type of guys u meet is only my mother i habit of lkiing guys aren't nice and treat me matter what i do its not right .they still hate spanish lad who hates me for no reason
Your problem is that you are superficial and shallow! You are NO different then those men you are constantly complaining about. Why do you keep seeking out these good looking men? Because you are being shallow and superficial, and only finding worth in someone by their looks. Thats EXACTLY what you keep complaining about these men doing, when you are doing the exact same thing!

As long as you continue to put a persons worth soley on their looks you will ALWAYS be unhappy and alone.

You say you are fat, so work hard and lose the weight! You say you are ugly, so put a little effort into looking nice! No one is going to care about you if YOU dont care about you. YOu say whats the point? Then so will everone else. You need to stop looking to others to find your self worth! You will NEVER find your self worth in someone else, ever!

I really really really think you have some real serious mental issues that you REALLY need to seek therapy for. I keep saying I wont return to your threads, because you just say the same things over and over and refuse to listen to anyones advice. What exactly are you looking for someone to say to you?
Septicemia said everything that needs to be said.

Read over her post 10 times.

She is not trying to belittle or bully you! Although it is quite blunt - understand that it is the truth!


septicemia said:
Your problem is that you are superficial and shallow! You are NO different then those men you are constantly complaining about. Why do you keep seeking out these good looking men? Because you are being shallow and superficial, and only finding worth in someone by their looks. Thats EXACTLY what you keep complaining about these men doing, when you are doing the exact same thing!

As long as you continue to put a persons worth soley on their looks you will ALWAYS be unhappy and alone.

You say you are fat, so work hard and lose the weight! You say you are ugly, so put a little effort into looking nice! No one is going to care about you if YOU dont care about you. You say whats the point? Then so will everyone else. You need to stop looking to others to find your self worth! You will NEVER find your self worth in someone else, ever!

I really really really think you have some real serious mental issues that you REALLY need to seek therapy for. I keep saying I wont return to your threads, because you just say the same things over and over and refuse to listen to anyones advice. What exactly are you looking for someone to say to you?

but guy do like very slim and good looking face i have neither.its not me its the problems its the males wanting impossible
I can empathize with you. Being not good looking (taking your words for it) is definitely a huge disadvantage, especially for girls. However there are things you can do, as others suggested, to turn yourself in the best person you can be. Even if you still can not get a guy, at least you know you have done everything you can.

I have seen a lot of overweight, not-so-good-looking males and females with husbands/wives/boyfriends/girlfriends/children on the street all the time, so all is not lost. Yes, it's going to be so much harder but you need to have a good go first! Life is not created fair, unfortunately.
one lady did make a point we are all shallow in some i am also guilty of it i don't mean it it breed in to us.
yes i am at huge disadvantage with being female because need to be good looking to find love t make guy interested in me
but i,d love be and always wanted to be high quality beauty with good structure face and
slim with high cheeks bones with beautiful eyes,nice lips but i am ugly looking double chin.chubby cheeks no define face with thin lips and
almond eyes which are slanted eyes,with black hair and very plain fat face i am ugly no model i am not slim looking.

= ugly looking by irish standards
Have you thought about losing weight? Getting a new wardrobe, and if you have to money maybe fixing your eye? Just do the first thing and you will feel lightyears better about yourself. Go to a gym and get some help from a personal trainer. In order for this to be successful you have to make a commitment to it. Once you do, and you see the pounds melting away, that will build your confidence to maybe take the next step. You have to build your self confidence, you can't demand that it comes out.
The boy I like at the moment isn't slim. He hasn't got high cheekbones or a six-pack.

But he's got the most beautiful eyes. They change and sparkle when he's excited and his smile just turns my insides to goo.

He's not a model. He's covered in piercings and he recently had to have his hand strapped up cos he punched a wall.

but to me, he's beautiful.

I accept I'm not a model and I wouldn't expect any more from anyone else.

Everyone wants to be loved, in spite of their flaws.

If someone only wants a person to be slim and beautiful, screw them!

If your weight is affecting your health, then lose some, ask your doctor to help.

But you have got to love yourself. Because, it doesn't matter if you're fat, thin, grey haired, blue skinned WHATEVER, a smile is still one of the sexiest things in the entire world.
if i was beautiful like model men would like me when they find out i am unattractive and heavy they gone forever
they don't care about personality they just not interested so i lie to get them interested .

when they find out i am not beautiful and slim and tall like model they not interested in particuly at my age.
i feel like fat ugly like and almost sad and pathetic which i am.i put photo of gorgeous model to make friends.
i feel awful for it. because i am lying to them they like good looks of her the model who is beautiful and slim and tall that what i want to be and my personality. they have no interested in fat and ugly looking lump like me i have no class and no style and no beauty worth while for any one to care about me.i can't fake high quality beauty i just DON'T have it
if i put photo of me up no body would even bother to get know me .so i lie i have to i have no choice
unlucky in life said:
yes i am at huge disadvantage with being female because need to be good looking to find love t make guy interested in me

This is actually completely untrue.

However, if the only sort of man you want to have after you looks like a Calvin Klein underwear model, you might have a point, but as (I think it was) Septicemia pointed out, you are being just as shallow and hypocritical as all the pretty boys who won't look at you twice for being fat-n-ugly.

So, if you must have a drop-dead gorgeous model boy for a boyfriend, then you might have to: lose weight, invest in a wardrobe that flatters your assets, learn how to paint on an acceptable face etc. Start reading Vogue and Cosmo for pointers (no joke).

However, I am here to tell you that one does NOT have to be slim and gorgeous to have a man, even a fairly "hot" by Society's standards man.

I've had a couple of kids, and pregnancy has left my body a bit worse for wear, I could definitely stand to lose some weight, but still I manage to date. The guys I've dated have told me that they prefer a woman with some meat on her bones, and they all have professed a dislike for women that look like painted whores. Lucky me. :D

Here's a secret: How you feel about yourself can make you more or less attractive to a startling degree. There are days when I wake up with that "I feel pretty" feeling, and I can look in the mirror and see a pretty person in there. Then there are other days when all I can see are hideously deforming flaws and I feel ugly to my core, but I can snap myself out of it by reminding myself that I am not just a collection of flaws.

Here's another thing: I always thought that it was truly ironic that I could have such long dry spells where no one was interested in me, but then as soon as I'd started dating someone, BAM, all of a sudden, several other men were interested. I can only conclude that it's all about attitude and self-esteem. If someone gives you reason to think that they like you, find you attractive etc, and you internalize it, it actually can make you GLOW. It's crazy.

Believe in yourself first.

If you can't do that, then go through the mechanics of making a change. Eventually, you may come to believe it.

Good luck. :)
unlucky in life said:
i have no class and no style and no beauty worth while for any one to care about me.i can't fake high quality beauty i just DON'T have it
if i put photo of me up no body would even bother to get know me .so i lie i have to i have no choice could work on your appearance and your self-esteem so you won't have to lie.

One of the great loves of my life was Irish, and she was far from perfect in appearance. She was a bit larger than some, didn't have the best legs, and was taller than I would have liked.

Yet to me, none of those really mattered at all. All I saw were the aspects of her that I loved: her ambition and kindheartness, her intelligence and insight, those bright green/brown eyes and her natural red hair. I loved her ease with horses, her warmth and comfort in being 'country'(admittedly, she was part of the elite, and comfortable with her wealth), and her sometimes prickly temperament.

Beauty is more than skin deep.

most guys i like who rejected all have girlfriends. i have no one at all. yet i don.t get treated right they get rewarde for being nasty
i end up forever alone ugly fat ducking and single forever i cry when i hear the guy i like is going out with some out with all trying
i still end up single rejcted

i am truly ugly duckling fat ugly short and unsophisticated looking with chubby legs wide stomach .

the guys who were rotten to me score i don't i don't see how that fair.

the last guy i chatted he said what type of girl he said tall. slim body and petty face i suppose slim thin legs
not once fat on her.i can't compete with as much as i,d like to i can't i was not made that way :(

and i have no chance of ever finding boyfriend no chance at all none

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