Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world or.....

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I think believing the world has arranged a single match for you is tantamount to religion. I'm not religious, and I see no reason to assume that a relationship will be easy if I just find the right person, or that a difficult reltaionship is anything other than the best I could find.
If there IS only one right person out there for me, then she has already come and gone from my life; another opportunity missed.

Here's to hoping it isn't true.
I believe there are many potential mates, i.e. possibilities, but only one or very few become realities. That's why I believe in Destiny, God, the uniqueness, beauty and tragedy of our lifes.
I also believe that loving without being loved is a far better destiny than waiting for the right person.
Anyway I must learn to love myself first of all.
Thanks to Stockholm's Syndrome everyone is right for you! With enough effort and proper brainwashing techniques.
I'd like to think theres one person for you.The one that really gets you.The one you can laugh with (at the same things),who you have plenty in common with and who just makes your life a generally better place to be.However, I also think that you can be "happy" with a number of different people-just different levels of happiness.All relationships take work but it would be nice to think that there is one person out there that can make life a happier place to be.
yes, there is a "right" person. but that wont matter honeysuckle if that person doesn't even notice you, not talking to you, has better people to talk to or choose only to be friends.

its all about the right circumstances...

imo from my experiences.
I think people with certain personalities, lifestyles and preferences work well together. It's all dynamic, and all depends on each person's actions on top of the 'chemistry'. So it stands to reason, in my mind, that there isn't 'one' perfect match; it's just a matter of being able to find and enjoy someone who is right for you.

But, it sure seems like a slim chance sometimes.

I'm talking to a girl online who lives only a couple hundred miles from me. On the surface she's just about every qualifier I've dreamed of: Friendly, intelligent, driven and motivated, and works in the public sector (she's working on becoming a cop, and is a volunteer firefighter). That last one's always kind of been a fantasy of mine, for whatever reason...perhaps it's based on my attraction to the field, a fetish of sorts, but truthfully it's easier for fire and EMS personnel to relate to their own. The truth is, over our dinners at work we discuss dismemberment, illness and car crashes. It's our field of interest and, I'm afraid, the source of a lot of the 'black humor' that comes with the territory. Try bringing that up with your Soccer Mom wife at the table and see what happens. I am much less likely to offend this girl while being myself than Sally who works at the bank.

At the same time though, I'm so afraid to even talk to her online, much less meet her, even though she says she'd like that due to a few conversations that have, by almost pure chance, navigated through the awkward silences to run to considerable length. I know I can't keep that up forever. I almost want to just preserve things as they are, to just know that I actually found someone who, in maybe another time or another life, I could've been happy with. I don't want to meet her, I don't want to ruin the little there is between us. I don't want to give her as many reasons to not like me as I know she'll have if we talk too much or if we were to have an actual date.

Because while she might seem perfect for me in my eyes, everything I've ever wished for in the dead of night, everything I've wanted to come home to after the long, rainy days of clearing brush and logging that i used to endure...I know what I'd be like for her. The truth is, I'm shy, ugly, and boring...and so terribly inexperienced in every aspect of dating and relationships compared to her or anyone else my age. I'm an introvert. It wouldn't take long for her to not like me...and then, there's nothing. Not even that hope I want to preserve, to freeze in time for my memories, that there -was- a girl who I could've maybe been happy with. Instead of that, all I would have is more regrets: a memory that I ruined my chances and will probably never get another.

Does that make any sense?

It's almost similar to a Taoist principle: The uncarved block. To carve a block of wood in to something is to remove it's potential to become something. You are ruining it by making it in to something. Better to have the block exist with all it's possibilities, its essence and beauty in-tact.

I believe that somewhere out there, there are similar girls -who may or may not be in my field of work and study- that I could get on well with. But I do not believe I am likely to meet them, or at least not the single ones, and I believe that within that select group that I am exposed to that an even smaller portion of them will actually like me.

As little as I've built with this girl, as minuscule as it is compared to even a couple on their second lunch date, I don't think I'll ever find even this much again. However the weave of time and the universe functions, I think this was a fluke. But it's a nice one, and I wish so badly that it could stay just like it is right now; potential that I can look back on fondly.

The odds are heavily against me that I will ever find fulfilled happiness in this aspect of my life.
Brian said:
It's almost similar to a Taoist principle: The uncarved block. To carve a block of wood in to something is to remove it's potential to become something. You are ruining it by making it in to something. Better to have the block exist with all it's possibilities, its essence and beauty in-tact.

Have you not carved out your self-image by saying that you are ugly and boreing? Have you not carved out your life by saying you could never find someone better than her? Try and let go of those thoughts and let your "block" that you were given exist with all it's possibilities, its essence and beauty in-tact. Who would you be and what would you do without those thoughts? Are they true? Can you be absolutley 100% sure that they are true? I don't think so :) You are not as bad as you think and more than you realize. Have some faith, grasshopper :)
mmmmm.....I'm stuidying on quantum physics.

I ma make a super model apprear in my life...
Wait...a super model dose exist in my life. She always been in my life
Her name is Nastaya...

The trick is for me to expereince her.
I ma focus real , real hard so I experince her in my bed NOW !!!!!
If i get it'll be Miss Right...right, right now.
I have images of Nastaya..being very, very right in bed wit me.
All i'll ever have is right here..right now.
Steel better have his credit card number ready. I have faith in him :)

Seriously though...
Its a trip man, I wanted a truck but didn't have enough money.
I just told myself I'm going to get that truck...and just let it go, never questioned it nor worried about it.
Yesterday I drove by the truck and the dude marked the price down $1000.
I purchased that truck today. I'm picking up that truck tommorow :)

I while back I was in an accident. I was hospitalized for over a month.
I had to be air lifted to a burned unit. It was horriable. I couldn't even moved. I was in constant pain.
The doctor informed me that i might need a skin graph. My chest and face has 1st and 2nd degree burns.
I remember crying..becuase I saw my face already. I didn't know if I was going look mamed for the rest of my life.
There wasn't anyhting else any one could do.
I pray and turn everything over to GOD. There wasn't any else i could do. I couldn't even moved.
I was being fed through a straw and IVs.

The next day...I got up and walked around..The nurse were all happy to see that i wanted to get up an
move around.
The next day the banaged were removed from my face..All the scab peeled away. My chest wasn't
completly healed but it healed enough for me to go home.
I walked out of the hospital without going under the knife or surgery the next morning.

There's no signs of my face ever being burnt...other than a small birth mark that's not there anymore.
Take it for what it is.

I remember the day I met Sherry...
I made simple prayer...I asked god to send a girl friend into my life...then I hopped in the pools:p
i didn't worry about was a done deal to me...someway, somehow.
Later on that day...a rainbow casted over the sky.
I met Sherry that night....Take it for what it is.
mmm..i fucken left out details..i forgot to ask for not a pyscho ***** of a girl friend....lmao

Havn't you heard...???
Becareful what you ask for...becuase you just might get it...
Holy mother of God Lonesome Crow, are you a pot-addict or something? Why are your posts always so odd?

Personally I think there are different potential mates, but I'm not sure. Does fate exist?
Only one right person ? Nope, thats not true.
For example, if you live in one country you will find someone there, but if you live in another you will find another person. Both possibilites are the best, but still they are two different people. So, everything depends on choices you made through life.
Fergus said:
Holy mother of God Lonesome Crow, are you a pot-addict or something? Why are your posts always so odd?

Personally I think there are different potential mates, but I'm not sure. Does fate exist?

I don't know...maybe I have a delayed Buzz becuase
the last time I smoke pot was almost 20 years ago...

Something ??...mmmm
I want to be all I can be in Anastaya. U ain't lived until you been in Ansataya.

dain it...Ferus , Quantum physics is all about being sure...sure...sure
of your fate.

In other words you create your own reality...

Ask Brian..If he thinks he's never go to find someone..thats how he'll
live his life/ reality and experience it. That's his faith and fate...becuase that's what he belives.

if you live your life of thinking there's someone out there for you.
There alway going to be a person out there for you. The problems is...that someone will alway be OUT
You'll live that state of being.

if you live your life wanting women..that's that state of being
you'll live...wanting women...chasing women.

If you live your life having women or a woman.
You live in that state of being complete already...experincing
fullfillment already...she'll simply be drawn to you or walk
into your life and manifest herself. Ask all the chicks that asked me out :p

If you walk around all days in a state of blizt.
People are going to be drawn to you..You 'll be more open and easy going.
People will wonder why the fresia you're so happy walking around like you're having an oragism all
They'll ask questions and want you're having. lmao

If you walk around all day thinking life sucks ass..
That's like being a chick

It's simple law of attractions. Law of nature. Law of the universe
Law of god.

It's dose what you want faith to do (negative or positive) She's
The chioce is yours to make. It's freewill. You have the power. You always have the power and faith.
What you do with it is you're doing. You are the creator of your life or experince.

Stockholm Syndrom is a condition of other people holding you mentally and emotionally hostage. (you got

IFUCKITUPMESELF Syndrom is a condition of one holding oneself mentally and emotionally hostage (you pawned yourself.lmao)

Would you rather WANT to be happy ?
Would you rather BE HAPPY ?

TO BE or NOT to's a simple riddle.
I don't necessarily think I'll -never- find someone. For all I know, I recently may have (I don't know her well enough yet to say). But I don't think I'd be able to keep them interested enough in me to make anything last more than a few days to a week.

Like knowing you're standing on top of the ultimate silver mine, except you forgot all your prospecting equipment at home, and you have no excavators, dump trucks, or explosives. And then you fall and break your leg so you can't go get them and you DIE. fresia.
i think that there are more than 1 person out there that suits you. but i do think also that of all of them, there is only 1 you are destined to meet and to really love
Naleena said:
Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world or that there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with?

NO :( I am made to be alone. And it sucks.
Bluey said:
Naleena said:
Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world or that there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with?

NO :( I am made to be alone. And it sucks.

Nah...Nobody is made to be alone. You just haven't met your right person. :)
No, i do not believe that

I believe that you will (if you can) have several relationshhips and than settle for the best candidate.

I also believe that it is harder for a group of people to find others to be with because of the setbacks they have.

But i do think it is poosible for everyone to find someone (even if it's maybe not "the one") because there are people out there that don't just look at shallow things and that do see something whorty underneath your problems.

P.S. I could be dreaming about that last bit though but i would like to believe that that's true!!
It's all fath you know. All fath. Just leave it to fath.

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